Monday, March 21, 2011

People take 5 months to finish studying a module, I'm here taking 5 days.

I'm pretty drained out of studying almost continuously, but no choice. Thinking back I really don't know what made me so unmotivated for accounts last sem. Although I still do not like it but at least now I am "forcing" myself to study for it. Ha, I guess sometimes in life we do need this kind of "involuntary pushes" to move us.

Revision lecture today and saw the others so sad and demoralized etc. (I think I'm abnormal, lol). Well, although I may seem fine and all but actually I do feel quite inferior sometimes lah, like hey, flunking a paper for the first time leh, who would feel like as if everything is ok right. Affects my ego sometimes 'cause I refuse to accept the fact that I'm so dumb in accounts, lol. Bu just like how I used to F9 in amath and physics, this is just another one of it. Hurhur.

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