Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye 2010.

2010 have been a...long year.
Actually I'm not quite ready to leave the year yet...haha, oh well.

It had been a year of acceptance, patience, happiness and pain.
A very impactful and important year to remember for me.
I've definitely learnt alot from church, from cell, from school.
Really thankful and grateful for people in my life who've been there with me.
I guess I've grown much as well...growing to be a better leader, better friend, better daughter.
And also learnt to make decision for the best, learnt to think wisely, and learning to let go in life. Although some things are really very hard, but life still goes on...sigh.

I don't really expect much in the coming year, probably just for loved ones to be healthy and happy. Of course there will surely be more challenges ahead but i believe we get better as we learn so i'll look forward to the year ahead :)
Huat ah!

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