Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Hello I'm bored.

What a boring day, when people are out there celebrating national day and expressing some love for the nation; or others out there enjoying their national day breaks and stuffs, I am doing boring activities at home like trying to catch up on a whole load of school work - at the moment trying to read up the entire fifty pages of notes over the last lesson yesterday :\ Yeah, I AM stressed. Besides, I have no idea on how am I going to start studying for exams that is less than two weeks because I haven't been knowing anything. Ha???

So thankful that this is actually my last year in poly and that school semester is ending. Goodness gracious, can't imagine how to go on when I've already lost the motivation in studying. Maybe I should have chosen diploma in business management back then, if I had known I was going into the business trade three years down the road. Oh well. Just hoping that my intern days would pass by quickly and then graduation, yay.

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