Hiii. Today feels like saturday huh.
I was very very efficient today!
I woke up early (although an hour later then my own target) and did many things!
But sadly or not, everything i did was related to school work, hurhur.
Reports, tutorials and project.
Used much of my brain so i had a very good nap in the afternoon! Hehe.
Had a hard time reading through URA guides though...so annoying.
I feel very used by the school sometimes, we do projects to "help" all those companies to think of better ideas to help improve Singapore's tourism.
This is indirectly like free labour loh, tsk.
Cell was cancelled today(again), sigh.
So i was just free at home but busy doing work.
While i out just now to buy some food, there was this salesperson(you know those people..ya),
so he was trying to talk to me.
So i just told him i need to go, then he asked me how old i am.
I told him i very young, 16 only and he believed! HAHA.
So that was how i manage to escape.
From plaza sing to vivo, now serangoon also have such people, wapiang.