Monday, November 05, 2012

Life is unfair.


My week started in an extremely horrible manner - close to midnight yesterday, war happened in my house AGAIN. I hate to say it but yes, it's either cold war or hot war - period.

You know they say "do unto others what you want others to do unto you"? So likewise, if you don't respect me not understand me, how to be not the same as you?! And come on, I'm freaking 20, and in 1 years' time I am turning into an adult. So please kindly stop those ridiculously nonsensical thinking of yours.

Seriously. I can't wait to have a life of my own (truly of my own). Not that I want to be sadistic or heartless or unfillial but apparently I have lost the feeling of kinship and whatsoever that's related. Whatever you say, I'd rather be an orphan because it makes no difference.

So anyway, I'm buried in my zombieness because I had a very lack of sleep last night, accompanied by my usual dreams that made my sleep even less effective. Grr, and now I'm in the office trying not to dose off. Of course, people blog because they are bored or they are free or they just have nothing better to do but rant and complain and gossip about things in life. And here I am, hurhur.

Back to topic - yes life is unfair. SO unfair. Although I would always love to think that life's great and life's beautiful but sometimes you just feel that your life sucks because you are not happy about something you CAN'T change. Some people can live life positively because they have what they need to be contented with life. Oh well. I think this is a never ending topic. So never mind.

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