Thursday, January 31, 2008
finally eventually. wahahaha.
lol whatever.
physics and chem test tmr.
hais, why does tests never seem to end.
and so much homeworks yet to complete.
i am so deprived of sleep this year. lol sigh.
what kind of life is this man. so dead.
no life de lor.
no life!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
all because of andre and junyi.
oh my you should have hear them argue over Life matters.
hahahaha i think they cannot talk la,
if not i will laugh until like dunno what.
seriously, i dont know whats so wrong with junyi's thoughts.
keep talking about his own destiny and philosophy.
maybe hes really determined to kill humans one day.
i want to eat ice cream :(
sigh, why didnt the ice cream man outside the school wait for me after my remedial.
i think im so gonna crave for ice cream now.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
oh well. i dont know why i dont see any buses!
lol like woah? seems pretty much like a nightmare.
hahaha... nothing interesting happened this day.
helped out for the investiture thingy.
afterall its my last year to contribute something to the school,
so why not just do something la. haha :)
so was videoing, and halfway got no batt. how dumb -.-
went to look for mr lim( cos hes the HOD of IT) hahaha!
mrs pang told me to look for him though.
then he was helping along with me to get stuffs and all.
he was trying not to laugh but too bad in the end he still smiled at what i said.
hahaha! so funny man.
starting from today everyday gotta stay back for remedial :(
hais. today's one was like so torturing.
writing one compo and letter...and the class is so noisy!
i was kinda irritated by the noise. so distracting. lol.
so eventually was rushing like mad cos no time already.
how sickening right. thats why sometimes silence is better.
oh yes! i nearly forgot. the dumbest thing we've ever did :
our combine science class did duck walk in mr lee's pe lesson,
cos we're late and we didnt ask him for permission to get into his class.
hello? it makes no sense?! aiya whatever.
someone just tell me whats wrong with people's minds nowadays.
Monday, January 28, 2008
for the sake of buying things, not cos i wanna go out for fun.
yeah, went to marina and suntec.
my mum actually wanted to buy me a new wallet.
wow? abnormal behaviour. lol.
but didnt lah, cos i didnt see any i like.
so went to buy some bottom and shoes.
dunno whats wrong with my mum also.
i talk to her really very funny. our conversations are so abstract.
oh well, nevermind.
she really does things her own way. man, dunno how my dad stands her.
lol. anyway i had pizza for dinner! yay :)
she promised me she would buy me ice cream for cny! woohoos.
i crave so much for ice creams! yeah yeah.
and suntec there, somewhere near the donut factory,
there is a new opened flower shop.
oh my they sell lovely flowers! the roses are so lovely man!
and theres one bunch with a cute bear inside. aww so nice.
why is everyone suddenly asking me have i eaten? lol.
yes yes i ate pizza :D
hahaha my goodness i sound like a maniac -.-
its super funny to see kangy got freaked out lah.
okay whatever, time to study for emath. hais.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the rain is always going against me.
i step out of the house it started to rain( with the sunshine so brightly)
so i was kinda drenched. when i reached the bus stop the rain stopped -.-
!!!! stupid rain.
so went to the second church at bukit gombak.
omg so far. i think its my third time going there.
oh yeah, theres no church tmr cos of today's one.
and somehow somewhat we played a game,
hoho and i landed up on stage O.o
keith was asking me for my name and what kind of fruit am i.
lol it was kinda embarassing, others who were up there said some fruit,
and i said i dont know. Lol, aiya my mind very blank lar, cannot think of anything.
so in the end he said "starfruit? okay? wow haha" lol yay starfruit. so special right. hahaha :D
and got a candy bar too. lol woah.
evan said i should be pineapple! cos outside like so thorny but inside is different.
lol hey, what was that supposed to mean. aiya but anyway i also dun like pineapples. ha.
so after the whole thing went home.
so dumb the whole journey was sooooooo long!
nearly two hours until i reached home. thats why i dun go there. its so far.
and we're all given chilli seeds to plant it. long term solo project you call it?
i think my mum would love to do it. lol.
just for the sake of taking :)
What Shereen Leung Means |
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
how much it mattered
(junyi you should look at this, cos you always say i always do homeworks).
to make someone happy, you have to be happy first.
but how to be happy when youre sad, because someone else is?
this is how important, you are to me.
i dont know what can i say.
i dont know what should i say.
for once im totally speechless.
i feel for you, so much so that no words can express.
cheer up alright.
i do feel how youre feeling.
its saddening, and it doesnt feel good.
cos im very concern about you.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
it could have been 7th.
i seriously couldnt stay alive during mdm yusma's lesson. sigh how sad.
and english lesson was horrible.
two periods, just went through two pathetic compre questions.
i dont know how the heck we did it, but yeah, mr koh amazingly did it.
if it was miss kodi, i bet she'll finished going through the paper.
his papers are so profound. terrible life right now as a sixteen student.
chinese was the best lah. all we did was do our own things. free and easy.
actually i realise eating lollipops really can lift your spirit. hahaha.
and another thing i found out :
lack of communication between people is maybe cos either one of the party isnt talking sense.
lol thanks kangy for accompanying me through.
im fine already, after the moodiness. and im not nuts! Lol.
i'll be looking forward to your speciality! :D
a distract, is easy enough to weaken.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
mdm faridah : shereen. whats so funny? do i look like a joke to you?
shereen : *oops*
mdm faridah : i really dont like it when people laugh when im talking.
shereen : *trying not to laugh anymore*
mdm faridah : did i say something so wrong or whats so funny?
shereen : i dunno.
crap why did i say i dont know! should have said no right. oh well.
ruby: mdm faridah this should be 2.18 divide by 0.73 right
mdm faridah : yes. whats wrong with you shereen! ( cos i wrote the wrong way)
oh great. whats wrong with me???!
and i got so depressed at home cos i dunno how to do amath tys :(
argh. my amath-blues are back.
sorry, but i've kept the words and thoughts inside me.
its so enclosed, until its hard to even unleash a part of it.
Monday, January 21, 2008
man, i feel so dumb.
thanks eric though. im fine now. haha.
we were smsing each other during the night just now,
and im like stoning in my room, when im supposed to do something effective.
haha but anyway, we were chatting and somehow im kinda okay already.
yeah, so thanks :)
equation of circle:
(x-a) sq + (y-b) sq = r sq
after expansion :
x sq + y sq - 2ax - 2by + a sq + b sq - r sq = 0
and it was so cold in the church! zzz.
after that my mind was filled with so many things,
that i couldnt decide on everything.
worse of all i was thinking what should i eat for lunch.
lol... maybe its not indecisiveness, its fickle-minded.
yeah, and I DROPPED MY PHONE for the first time.
*heart pain* ouchhh =(
i dropped it in the female toilet, and it went *piack* *piack* *flat*
oh no, i didnt know my phone can bounce. sobs.
and so i got traumatized after seeing my phone in such a state.
then still have to think of what to eat -.-
wanted to meet up with people, but in the end...nevermind.
ruby asked, but timing not its okay.
and so pathetically i went back serangoon,
thinking maybe i should grab something at seleven or kfc.
and to my utmost surprise i saw weiqin o.o
she was so shocked i dunno why, she was giving the "omg its you" look.
and she started complaining she has got five hours of tuition,
and the next moment she was walking with me towards her opposite direction.
wanted her to go home, but she insisted on going to wherever im going.
oh well. told her im going to buy lunch,
and she thought im going to meet someone -_-"
and she said im fierce. LOL whatever. im so nice can. hahaha xD
but thanks to her, cos when we reached the traffic it started to rain!
and she sheltered me all the way. wahahas. thats so lucky of me to have seen her.
haha, cool. and she wants my number! anyone or everyone, please dont give her! =x
i dont want her to pester me to go for lunch or dinner anytime anyday suddenly.
"guys speak the language of respect, but girls speak the language of love."
sigh, whats wrong with me man.
you want to do something, but you dont know how to or what to do.
this kinda feeling/thought/emotion is totally annoying :(
maybe i know, its just that im not the action-pack person.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
you're finally sixteen, so please look like one! Lol.
although i cant blame you for your height,
but in any way, learn to grow too! :)
and congrats for being able to watch NC16 movies now.
this is how privilege those who are born in the early months of the year.
but nevertheless, its nothing to be envious about,
cos someday somehow i can watch it too. we all can :D
lol its just a matter of time. hahas.
i hope you love the gifts you had. espeically from me and mandy.
the pouch, the biscuits, the mug, the cake and my disc for you.
pretty sorry for not being able to get you a bunny cake. haha.
we planned alot, spent alot of time, going to places after places.
i tried hard to make you not suspicious and everything.
it wasnt that easy, cos you were really "noisy" for the past week.
finally i can have a good rest after everything.
we sincerely made all these from our hearts,
and we really hope you had a wonderful day.
i had sucha hard time thinking of excuses,
staying up and using my time to do your stuffs...
especially the video, took quite some time.
plus all the events and homeworks and school stuffs,
i dont know how but somehow i manged to survive.
in addition theres still elroy's birthday to plan and do.
but i feel that afterall this is the last year in school,
so why not just have a lovely memory together before we graduate.
who knows what changes may come our way.
and you have been really my bestest friend ever since sec1.
we have been through alot of things, be it thick or thin.
we do all sorts of silly things under the whole wide earth,
even to the point people cant understand wad the heck were we doing.
i love the times we had together, and everything little thing that we share.
through our times together there are things that we come to understand,
and i see you through your days.
youre someone whos so dear to me, and i know you will always be.
happy birthday to you, hope your wishes come true,
and all the best in everything you do this year.
we had so much, so much together that no one can replace them :)
the video i made for ruby:
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
i like this song alot. really. although its a very old one.
you can actually catch me singing this song in school. lol.
(like today).
yay kangy. its your birthday!
i didnt forget. haha i will never do =)
i guess you were pretty surprised also. haha.
alright, thanks for being sucha great person.
its nice knowing you in perth, where you originated your lovely name kangy :D
if there wasnt you, i wouldnt laugh so much at jokes and craps all the time.
if i didnt know you, i wouldnt realise theres still such gentlemen on earth.
if there isnt you, i would not know whos yingen, and you guys bring me joy :)
hahaha, and thanks for being there for me always.
continue to stay cool and crappy and alive!
no matter what i'll always be here for you :)
best wishes to you and your future endeavours!
a friend like you is worth to care,
and my care for you will never be shared.
so happy birthday to you today,
our friendship will forever go a long way :)
Happy Birthday, 生日快乐, カ, ィ゚ナニ、, , feliz aniversario, с днем рождения, feliz cumpleaños, buon compleanno, ευτυχή γενέθλια, alles Gute zum Geburtstag, joyeux anniversaire, gelukkige verjaardag, selamat ulang tahun, selamat hari lahir, aus Guetä zum Geburi, יוֹם הֻלֶּדֶת שָׂמֵחַ, lá breithe mhaith agat, felicem natalem, chúc mừng sinh nhật
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
the coolest thing was the shirt we made.
although my drawing not nice,
but i still helped everyone to write our names :)
yay next time we have outing can wear together. LOL.
it was seriously very tiring.
i mean like, going to two polys man.
yeah anyway, so like after that i went to do some things.
and ran almost everywhere and anywhere.
was so exhausting and my mind was like kinda not working also already.
reached home like quite late and now im here feeling super tired.
i still have alot of homeworks to complete!!!
someone just stop the time please.
i kept having beautiful and sweet dreams almost everyday.
regarding the same thing, just that its different everytime.
oh well. if only sweet dreams come true.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
read between my lines
cos its the weekends tmr. finally rest! but not exactly lah.
im still the same height as ever, and still the same weight as before.
either i lost 1kg or remained. ahaha.
okay i hope i stay this way through the year. lol.
but i'll probably lose due to study stress. oh well.
physics was horrible terrible whatever it may be.
mr lim was not here, so we did test paper.
oh my god, like nearly most of the questions i dunno how to do.
and its like, me and andre down there discussing, with ruby also.
two periods we finished 19 questions. lol how pathetic?
and my brain cells are almost all dead plus no more energy alr.
i was glad i didnt have any headaches cos it was the last period of the day.
thank goodness headaches havent come to find me.
i was pretty prone to headaches in term4 last year.
after school went to nyp. i tell you its so not very nice.
the people there were not very friendly, in a sense that theyre kinda dao.
and what irritated me was they were walking like everywhere around the school,
then when walk halfway suddenly tell us turn back walk the other way.
its like what the hell? somemore not once.
me and my bag is like so heavy, and they still gave a bag with dunno wad inside,
and i was hugging it like some idiot for the whole time.
i cant rmb what exactly i saw in there, but whatever, i just rmb they poked my finger.
lol theres a test for diabetes thingy. so i went to do lor.
they poked me with that small scary thing.
and i realised my blood was actually quite dark.
junhao said i got so much blood -.- lol of cos la, im so warm-hearted.
haha! oh well, and his apology was like so sincere that i find it
junhao: oh im sorry shereen. im really sorry.
shereen : *shakes my head*
junhao : i dont mean it.
shereen : o.o nevermind its okay.
lol he sounded so apologetic when he just stepped on a shoe. lol.
so after the whole thing actually wanted to meet mandy but cant contact her.
i think yali heard what i said on the phone.
sorry if you feel offended but i was kinda urgent in looking for mandy.
but in the end you also never lose anything.
i was the one who said nevermind and forget about it. lol.
so bus home with julia, and we chatted on the way lar.
i can't feel alive when im feeling dead.
i dont know how dead im gonna be next week.
i always mean what i say.
if not i wont even say.
you're never useless. be positive.
stop your negative thinkings, cos i care.
believe in what youre thinking, and do it.
you won't regret. unless you choose to think it that way.
be that miracle.
Friday, January 11, 2008
i think ms nai is really stressed out.
this year seemed so tensed up.
and theres so many things coming up next week.
hais. tired + busy = dead.
tmr - nyp after school until 5.30pm
sat - sp and tp, and going out do smth
tues - after school learning journey at tpy till 5.30pm
wed - workshop starts, till 5.30pm
thurs - still workshop till 5.30pm, and i still got tuition at night =(
fri - still workshoping till 5.30pm
and there are bound to have tests and homeworks in the week,
plus there are people's birthdays in the week,
and everyday ends so late. oh my gosh. its just 10 days passed 2008.
and theres gonna be time practice or remedials or extra lessons after the next week,
probably everyday or something. oh no.
16 years old is a hard life man.
i need to keep myself alive.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
i think hes enjoying saying all the stuffs.
"people in love are the most beautiful."
i guess he is one.
and it's a miracle cca released us early. maybe this only happens once and once only.
and thank goodness no one noticed i increased the room temperature.
its so cold man!
weiqin says she thinks of alot of things when she look at me.
and i think i know half of her thoughts lar.
maybe by looking at me she'll have some inspirations of anything anytime.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
not that i dont want to pay attention,
my mind automatically switches off. hmm.
i think im okay. its the school which is not okay.
its so cold lah! the school is cold. lol.
im tired. im so tired. im so very tired.
theres like so many things undone.
actually i think things can never get done.
hais i miss sleeping. lol.
chinese lesson is very interesting.
mr hou is interesting, the lesson is interesting,
and the things he say and do is interesting. hahaha.
hes the first teacher who sang infront of the class. naturally.
somemore he sang leehom's "wei yi". lol not bad.
and its pretty weird for the first chapter to be about valentines.
but its about roses! aww roses =D
曾经沧海难为水, 除却巫山不是云。
it bothers me, at the thought of it.
if only i know how to.
give yourself a chance to make what youre thinking happen.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
voice went ~~~~ hahaha!
and its seriously embarassing,
when i think most people in the hall watched spiderman before,
and i havent! lol oh my.
mr razali's assembly was way different. somehow.
and hes so far the only man who laughs at his own joke. lol.
eric called me and asked me amath.
can someone believe this?
ask me? by luck you will get some answers.
with no luck you just hear my voice. lol.
Alvin And The Chipmunks! says:
just came hm?
ﮎhereen so close, yet so far. says:
no lar siao
Alvin And The Chipmunks! says:
slp ah
ﮎhereen so close, yet so far. says:
slept for only 30 mins kena woke up by fren
ﮎhereen so close, yet so far. says:
ask me math o.o
Alvin And The Chipmunks! says:
your fren sth wrong.
ﮎhereen so close, yet so far. says:
lol where got smth wrong
Alvin And The Chipmunks! says:
Alvin And The Chipmunks! says:
they duno your maths is the best.
i really don't know what i can do.
you gotta believe in what you're thinking.
if you want to do it, have the courage to face it.
dont fear, it wont be as bad as you thought it may be.
im here walking, but youre there running.
you have a choice, between the escape and walk.
it only depends on you...on how you make it.
Monday, January 07, 2008
cos it's like, the whole north-east region were having games.
so like im the latest, and they were playing whacko.
and for goodness sake i dunno anyone of them there!
so when we join in, the next moment i was whacked -.-
lol what luck. and worse thing is i dunno 90% of the people there.
so everyone was shouting the guys names, and i dunno who are they,
and some of them bluff me lor! aiya feel so fooled man. lol.
okay lar but afterall the whole thing was kinda interesting.
i was feeling very cold during church service.
dunno whats wrong with me these days la.
hmm then after that i went to marina to look for something.
but sadly i think it went out of stock, so didnt get to see it.
aww. so nevermind, went back home.
and i had my first nap of the year! hahaha whatever.
maybe i shall get the snoopy coin bank i saw today *grin*
i dont know why but i have the feeling that its regarding me.
it seems to be speaking to me through your heart.
im taking it as im thinking too much and im not thinking about it.
but when the thought of it passes through my mind,
it prompts hard within me. really.
stop your runaway, do something.
you can make things happen.
maybe all you want is just a chance.
why not?
Sunday, January 06, 2008
actually intended to meet up with mandy,
but sadly her dad is sleeping, and its raining so heavily,
so oh well, cancelled it.
cos its like some big grand thing we have to do. lol.
and now im like stuck at home, one wasted saturday.
now is the start of the year, can someone tell me why is it raining???
and almost everyone's telling me they love rain.
maybe everyone is going emo.
alright. i think i should stop disliking the rain.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
he seriously got me so impressed.
he just came into the class and the first sentence he said alr got chim words.
and its like, wow? the whole class was surprised and everyone started smiling in awe.
then he goes on, and many many chim words, including some i dun even know whats the meaning.
its pretty amazing though, and everyone started smiling and laughing. hahaha.
cool in some way, but tensed up in work. lol.
yay and mr hou is coming back! :)
i cant wait for his inspirational lessons. ahahaha.
mrlimcw came to relief chem lesson! :D
yes and we did chem work.
and man, i forgot how to do and was really struggling. hais.
stm is really bad. more bad than good. lol...
after school went to some coffee shop and had lunch.
then went back to set up the booth. the banner we did wasnt a presentable one,
so eventually we put it in the room. ha.
went to the hall to watch the performances.
alot of things happened in between, so yeah,
the atmosphere in me was pretty like a rollercoaster.
then when it was finally time to go to the booths,
i went back to imac room to help out and "talk".
my girls were out there trying to shout and grab ppl and giving out fliers.
hahaha and the other ccas are mad lah.
shout until like some big stars are coming -.-
so i stayed there and whoever came in just tried to talk to them lor.
was pretty successful though, managed to talk to two parent,
and i think four grps of guys and two grps of girls.
they were all crapping with me! lol oh my.
but had some achievements lah, cos quite a number agreed to join.
i hope i can trust them in that. haha! they were nice to me. lol :)
and so the long day was over. everyone played a part. pretty cool :)
and im having flu. sad. i dont wana be sick!!!
you dont have to know. you dont have the need to know.
its like, why are you still talking about it? theres no point okay.
so, stop asking about things you wana know,
cos i wont say, and i dont buy those words.
to you its you. to me its me. we're different.
we may think differently, but from inference i can tell alot of things.
think about my words, and you'll know the reason behind it.
Friday, January 04, 2008
crunches are very bad. sigh his pe lessons are so scary :(
and mr lee hock ming is so exagerrating.
i think he like pink, he has got two cute pinky things in his room.
one of them is a piggy, and the other some solar thingy. haha.
i laughed until like dunno wad during chinese.
although hes just our temporary teacher, cos we combined with higher chinese,
i still miss mr hou alot.
i saw him today and asked if hes coming back, he only said maybe. aw.
i was trying to ask him help me get some safety pins from the office,
but he doesnt know what is safety pins, and i dunno what is that in chinese,
lol so in the end nvm. but anw theres no such things in the office anyway. lol.
and i just realised mdm yusma suddenly talk until very soft. abnormal.
its like, all the teachers who come in tells us about o's,
and everything thats related, totally adding pressure and stress to us.
sigh, and mdm yusma thought our school was like a resort O.o
she-must-be-out-of-her-mind. whatever.
mr lim changwei is so funny la! hahaha sometimes when you see him you just feel like smiling.
lol hes cool man, especially his car. hahaha and i had laughed at the whole two periods.
he was talking halfway den suddenly he goes "who msged me?"
and very immediate in one second the phone in his hand o.o
then after that he was talking halfway when he thought he saw someone at the door,
den he turned again so fast and stopped to look at the guy to confirm that theres someone. lol.
and last thing. " ah! this is a permanent marker! " HAHAHA.
omg first time see him so shock leh. hahahaha aww man.
after school went to meet up with miss jen( new infocomm teacher in charge).
alright, i must say, of all teachers, shes the worst of all.
i mean like, seriously, she has attitude, she is bias, she thinks shes so great.
shes just a new teacher who came in, and what.
she sort of scolded me for not going to the peicai portal to check up wads on.
oh yeah, theres totally no logic in this. dun wana elaborate, cos i aint interested in finding fault with things that are worthless.
doing a banner in one day? with no help from her?
oh yeah, like i cant do without her help.
we went to find cloth from council, things from psl and office and stuffs.
and there she was in the room using the com and dunno doing what,
while we're all out there at the bench trying to do up something for tmr. crap.
with the dumb guys who didnt even help at all.
and she didnt even say a thing. what do you call this?
so until now we still havent found something to keep the cloth intact,
which is the major problem. and it has to be up by tmr morning. how cool.
and after that rushed back home for tuition.
thought i was late but he told me changed time.
but actually i dun prefer having tuition at night.
after one whole day of school, you still gotta work your brain at night?
lol oh my, this is wad i call suffering. and its just the very begining.
but, im still alive :)
Thursday, January 03, 2008
but i was very tired when i woke up. lol.
cos suddenly you wake up when the sun havent come out after like two months.
man, hard to adapt.
rama's appearance was a big shock to everyone who know her.
ha, and i think im the first to saw her in school,
when mandy and ruby dont believe that its her when we were walking behind her.
haha, alot of people say shes got the australia-essence alr o.o
well, saw alot of people again! haha.
and i dont really like the school, cos:
1. its big, but got nothing actually and its old man. sigh.
2. im very likely to get lost cos i havent familarised with the school yet -.-
3. the field is big so meaning pe is torturous,
and 4. everything seemed so insecure. lol
although i must say i kinda like 4g classroom,
cos the floor is quite nice, and its big, and mostly enclosed compared to all others.
ruby and me are separated already. aww how sad right.
anyway, im like sitting so behind this year.
first row from the door fourth one, which is like the last second,
cos theres only five in a row, and theres eight rows i guess O.o
all the people infront of me are smart people man, make me feel so stressed. lol.
especially wanti and huilian, omg and my area's so gonna be very quiet.
junyi is beside me, and andre is behind me. hmm.
and actually im sitting by the window, which is good sometimes.
cos, i get to see the scenery if im bored or moody or need inspiration. haha!
although the scenery not very nice, but better than nothing.
i can see the bball court, general office, classrooms, toilets, council room, and carpark.
ha, what a class we're at. right infront of the main gate.
the school, the whole school, doesnt have a CLOCK, for crying out loud.
and i have no idea wad time is it everytime. hais pathetic.
its pretty cold in the classroom though, dunno why. maybe its the rain. lol
and we had a farewell ceremony for mrs feng!
i like the presentation, so touching man. shes a great lady. haha.
and new principal mr razali. alright honestly i have to say something.
i always laugh at things he say. lol and ruby got so mad at me cos she sees him as a good man.
hahaha! oh well. what a principal man.
theres cca orientation on friday, and preparation tmr.
ms leow came to look for me today like im some wanted person.
ms leow : youre shereen leung?
me : yea
mr leow : okay, youre the chairman of infocomm right.
me : (omg) yes.
ms leow : did you went to read up wads on pcss web?
me : *grin* no...
ms leow : how can you not? you're should...
me : *nods* -.-
ms leow : okay i tell you now.
me : okayokay no problem.
ms leow : i give you this responsibility to......and i trust that you can do it okay?
me : yesyes.
ms leow : cos mr chia told me you guys have potentials to do....
me : hahaha!
ms leow : .......okay so look for me if you've any problem.
me : wait. who are you?
ms leow : why didnt you pay attention during morning assembly???
oh yeah. i think my reputation's gone down. lol.
but seriously, like who will remember new teachers names???????
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
to have self-motivation.
oh yeah, i need alot of motivation this year.
cos i didnt seem to motivate myself much last year. sadly.
i have no idea if theres lesson on the first day of school.
actually i dont see the reason why should there be. lol.
but whatever, im not gonna bring any books tmr. uh huh.
im so not in the studying mood yet. ha-ha.
and i wonder what sort of things will happen tmr.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
thoughts of the year 2007
its the last day, and soon it'll be the next year.
they say 15years old is the turning point in life.
perhaps its true, as i find myself changed through the year.
ive come to learn and experience many things.
alot of things happened, and this year has indeed been enriching.
if time can stop, i really wish i could stay in the year 2007.
i like this year, i really do.
from the first time i saw mr lim, and how i found him interesting and all.
he asked for my name and borowed my textbook and ruler during the first week of school.
he spared me from writing tamil article when i forgot to bring my physic books one day.
he helped me in my practical exams and always asked me if i understood his lesson.
he bought me muffins one day and accepted my invitation to video him for cca.
he always say goodbye every wednesday when im going home.
he set my names in his physics papers everytime and asked about how i find the papers.
he chatted with me at times and told me how to know which is my master eye.
hes the first teacher ive ever like in my whole school life :)
quarrels did occured too, which i thought was supposed to be avoided.
mandy and ruby quarrelled, making me in a difficult spot.
ruby and me had some conflicts too, which made all our days miserable.
i believe we have grown stronger by now, even in the littlest ways.
we've never separated through the years, through thick and thin always.
in the year to come i hope we'll strengthen each other more and deepen our friendship like never before. i truly appreciate and cherish our times together, cos without us, i know we wont be who we are today.
ive also made many deeper relations with many people.
from my class, from my chuch, and other classes people too.
3g has been through much too. from three classes we bond into one,
and how we were so enthu during our sec3 camp.
we have had many impressions left in teachers, all negatives.
every lesson we're often bound to have lectures and scoldings.
we seemed to be so hopeless, yet no one actually gave up on us.
mr hou, the man that really has perseverance in believing that we all can do it, despite the fact that no one listens to him in class except me.
miss kodi, who always walk out on us one day and tries to come back another day.
mdm goh, who always say we're gone case but never wish to see us fail.
miss nai, who carries so much responsibility in taking care of 44 people.
the australia field trip we went in june, bonded much of us together,
perhaps in different groups but somehow we were still united.
well, next year will be the last, and im sure there will be more memories yet to come.
thanks eric for being the best listening ear for me.
you've been really great. i appreciate your encouragements and consoles.
i'll never forget that you were always the one there for me always :)
and julia and eunice, i know we've sorta became closer in this year.
through camps and all. and eunice thanks for being a helpful vp in infocomm, cos i always need a support like you to lead the club on.
andre, shirly and alvin were my going out partners for the past few months.
thanks for the pool, although im still kinda lousy in it.
all the days we went out were cool :)
and elroy, its been a pleasure knowing you to-day,
that you have always had me behind your back always.
thanks for the craps and being there for me too. you have been great :)
trevor is another one who ive been close to this year,
with everything that we share, be it on msn or phone or during chinese lesson.
we know we can be trusted with the most lamest secrets and gossips :)
and lastly to that special someone, i thank you for your love and everything =)
looking back, im not sure if i had more failures than successes in the year.
i struggled with maths and physics, though i was trying hard to handle it in some ways.
i faced problems, and ive seen more than i have dealt with.
i often tried to help out, but most of the time i prefer to watch and learn from them.
i know ive grown stronger in many ways, whether physically, mentally or emotionally.
always trying not to repeat history, and trying to tell others things that i hope i could do also.
i have had more happiness than sorrows this year, and im glad about that.
ive tried to achieve emotion-control and self-actualisation.
through many things i realise the importance of a minor issue,
even words, thoughts or happenings can relate to a big change.
ive no regrets. cos i cherished. each and all of the beautiful moments.
and as a student, a teenager and a living soul,
look not at the past achievements or failures,
but towards what is yet to be done and could happen.
it has been a great year, and as 2008 arrives, i wish for a better year ahead! :)
i bought my diary for the new year :)
intending to make it last for the whole year.
haha cos i dun think i have such free time to write so many things,
cos i'll be busy being stressed.
and writing less means ive less emotions going within me. lol.
had swensens chocolate fondue.
somehow we were playing with food, cos that mad woman went to dip so much choc for me.
lol and i revenged :D hahaha.
okay well, then went to play o2jam.
haha, and we wasted our one hour waiting for the dumb bus.
we waited from the sun shining until it sets. hais.
nevermind, i'll take it as im practising patience. oh well.

waiting for the stupid one hour bus.
since my blogskin cant be viewed in firefox,
then shall go with internet explorer.
although ive been using firefox for like forever,
but nevermind, after one night i decided to use ie for my blog then.
afterall its gonna be a new year like tommorow,
so why not, this skin for my next year :)