so didn't do anything today. nua and rot at home.
anw, was drenched today morning when i was out halfway, damn cold de lor.
you know there's this cat under my block i see like almost everyday...
think it belongs to one of the shops below..the pawn shop maybe. fa cai mao?
i think the cat likes me loh, everytime see me will look at me and give me the innocent look :D
i see him when i go to school and when i go back home.
even now during holidays i also see him everyday and everyti
me when i'm out.
so nice lo, like someone's always there to greet you like that HAHA.
sian, school's starting in...two weeks time?
sigh, don't know to anticipate or dread also.
btw, kfc's hot box is really damn hot!!!
i'm like burning now...want to keep awake should eat it.
gosh. but i still feel sleepy actually, hehz.

see? this kind of cousin also have...tsktsktsk :P
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