HAPPY YOUTH DAY to me and every youth :)
im so damn excited cos tmr is 07/07!!!
okay yes, i feel like as though im releasing all my energies these three days.
before i will stop and get serious. o_o
headed to school for the milkrun event.
honestly i dont even know why am i there in the first place.
plus im scared of crazy people -.-
was msging elroy on the way to river valley:
me: im scared of him lah
elroy: he harassing you?
me: no but im still scared of crazy people!
elroy: but i am one!
me: LOL no youre trying to be one :P
elroy: lol! ah true true :)
yes, and so eventually started the 'run'.
actually we all wanted to walk the whole thing, cos its 4.5km?
but yiling started running, and ruby wanted me to run with her.
oh well, and i really cannot believe that im going smth that i dont know why am i doing it for.
so ran and ran and ran. lol not very enjoying, but i enjoyed the scenery :)
cos we ran around clarke quay ^^ man, i missed the place.
yeah so after everything suggested to go the central for dinner.
and it took us 1.5 hr to find the place -.-
to say in a not-so-nice way, we were lost. lol.
but doesnt matter cos im damn high like anything.
my legs muscles were filled with so much lactic acid! (was doing bio before i went out)
so now im very tired.
i'll just it that this milkrun thingy was for the sake of charity?
at least i did some good deed in year 2008. lol :)
so had dinner with yiling, wq, keith, jy, julia and ruby.
ate subway again, bcos of the long queue at waraku. and central is a nice place :)
i think next time i should bring more cash out. haha!
and i should stop spending so much alr, cos i want to save money one!!! ahh nvm.

woot. goodnight world!
& im still very happy over taking the pic with mrlim :D
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