im so happy to the power of infinity! ^^
yeahyeahyeah. today's a great day :D
woke up very early for breakfast at serangoon mac with andre and ruby.
then later on mrlim came over to join us.
AND I SAT IN HIS CAR! YAY :D i sat infront beside him *grins*
his car is super big and super cool lah. oh myyy :)
then the amazing race started!
we walked off pretty slowly and calm, cos we didnt know the places. lol!
and since we could take cab, we took! hahaha.
flagging for cab, and we were kinda lucky cos the driver is willing to help us all the way :)
so we were pretty lucky people! :D
and so kept calling people to help us find out stuffs.
really gotta thank jerome, yanyee and eunice for their great helps :)
and cos mrlim is very bad in history, so we gotta help ourselves? haha.
the five stations were very interesting...
red roof, jap cemetry, chai keng, tua jia kua and armasa spa.
haha man, we took sucha long time to find that chai keng thingy.
cant even believe we're actually the first. *big grin*
so we took pictures and rested...waited for so others to come in.
but due to our wrong answers, we became the 7th position out of 21 teams :(
so the top three prizes we didnt get lor. but nvm, cos we really had alot of fun :D
and they say its because of me who like 7! lol -.-
but before the giving of prizes, we went to play basketball?
with weiqin, yiling, andre, me, ruby, mr lim :)
then later on mr razali and two guys came to join us.
LOL i tell you its damn funny lah, cos mr razali was very noisy and agitated while playing.
he kept screaming and shouting non-stop, especially when he got the ball. haha!
yeah, but we won in the end! my amazing race group won ^^
haha so thereafter, mrlim drove us to j8 for lunch?
we wanted to treat him back, cos the whole taxi fare was $30 for two hours.
haha but he didnt want it, so we got no choice too.
ate at mos burger, and we chatted for quite a while :)
talked about alot of things in his car and while lunching...and it wasnt a bore :)
but later on he gotta go to the flyer, so he went off first.
haha, and he once again bought me a muffin! *smiles*
and the funny thing was, ruby's bag was broken, and andre's shoe was spoilt too.
LOL only me and mrlim are perfectly fine. hahaha :D
so after mr lim left, we walked around the place and went home after :)
so fated right! hahahahaha he asked which part of msia im from.
and it happened that he is also from the same place! *laughs*
and he remembered when is my birthday!!!! ^^
awww i only like told him last year? and i actually forgotten that i told him. haha!
i feel so inspired and motivated by mrlim today lah,
when he talked about academic stuffs. haha yeahhh~
and i got the same ringtone as him! so coincidential lah :D
i didnt know until ruby told me. hahahaha *big smiles*
i feel that mrlim and i have become even closer now. haha :)
& we're always using each other's line! hehee.
& this is the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE this year! ^^

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