Saturday, February 28, 2009
001. Real name → shereen
002. Nickname(s) → alot created by mandy but aint saying -.-
004. Zodiac sign → monkey
005. Male or female → female
006. Elementary → yangzheng primary
007. Middle School → peicai secondary
008. High School → n.a.
010. Hair color → black
011. Long or short → long
012. Loud or Quiet → quiet la! :D
013. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
014. Phone or Camera → phone?
015. Health freak → not really
016. Drink or Smoke → none & i dont like to
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → nah
018. Eat or Drink → both? :D
019. Piercings → two
020. Tattoos → never
023. First piercing → seven years old
026. First crush → :)
027. First pet → terrapin( im so sad when it died so i didnt want to have any pets :( )
030. First big birthday → big? primary two? :D
049. Eating → breakfast
050. Drinking → coffee
052. I'm about to → play some music
053. Listening to → read above
054. Plans for today → this and that
055. Waiting for → time to pass by
058. Want kids? → hahaha
059. Want to get married? → hahaha
060. Careers in mind → thats the future thing
068. Lips or eyes (?) → eyes
070. Shorter or taller → dont know
072. Romantic or spontaneous ? → both also can
073. Nice stomach or nice arms ? → nice stomach
074. Sensitive or loud ? → me? none
075. Hook-up or relationship ? → relationship
076. Trouble maker or hesitant ? → me? none too
080. Lost glasses/contacts → nope
081. Ran away from home → nope
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → HAHA nope
083. Killed somebody → nah
084. Broken someone's heart ? → yea
087. Cried when someone died ? → kind of..tha time i was still quite young to know what's death
089. Yourself → maybe
090. Miracles → maybe
091. Love at first sight → nah not really
092. Heaven → yea
095. Santa claus → no but i always joke about him (oops)
094. Sex on the first date → ha, no
095. Kiss on the first date → not really
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? → :)
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life ? → quite
099. Do you believe in God ? → yea
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people? → whatever -.-
Friday, February 27, 2009
i was having no much patience for dont-know-what reason today,
maybe because everything was seriously passing by so slowly.
went to do the stupid medical checkup,
and realising that only tp needs all students to do it -.-
yeah and the waiting time was bloody long!
i dont know what on earth are the people inside there doing,
no sense of urgency at all. they really need to upgrade their services for goodness sake.
and all the students there were like...zzz whatever.
cant they have some sense of discipline and look out for where they are supposed to go to?
the queues were like all sticked together, it doesnt even look like a queue to me -.-
i couldnt stand it seeing people standing at like no where here or there,
expecting people behind to know exactly where should they be standing and where to go.
i told some guys off and asked them to move,
and told some other people where they should go instead.
mandy and waisoe were like thumbing-up to me and saying how cool i was.
lol hello? i was so pissed off by the situation okay.
and then next, it ended up with only one doc instead two -.-
and the doctor went to have lunch and expect us to come back like in 30mins' time.
zzz see? no sense of consideration. arent doctors supposed to be putting utmost attention to the patients rather than to ask them to wait?
oh well, this is the world out there.
No Need is not a nice thing to say, for information.
at least not in this kind of context. i dont even say that to anyone.
people like me will feel that it's a direct rejecting word.
who thinks health is not important?
think again, it affects much more than you can ever think of.
it arouses so much emotions for instance.
oh and i lost weight man?! (actually kinda expected it but didnt expect to be 2kg)
with height increased by 1cm, the doctor concluded i was underweight.
like crap, i guess i'll eat more these days. sigh.
and maybe due to my frustration, my pulse was at a rate of 102 when the doc took it.
mandy's one was only 88? i was like gasp? -.-
it shows either im alive and kicking or just being too provoked inside. ha!
and mandy was so entertained on the bus,
having so much fun there herself taking my candid shots.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
seriously, it feels soooo nice that i even had difficulty waking up.
in fact i dont even feel like waking up, but probably cos im too tired to do so?
and it was so quiet and peaceful, and the weather was so comfortable also...
this would most likely be my long future's weekend when i just feel like lazying around at my house sleeping my day away with the right weather and atmosphere. haha!
yeah so really, seems like a perfect napping session somehow.
so now im here, cooking some noodle to eat and going back to sleep again soon.
went over to waisoe's house this morning with mandy to print out my enrolment record and medical record.
yeah, thanks so much :D
cant wait to finish all these admin stuffs, so troublesome and frustrating.
met up with ruby later on to have lunch,
then came back home already.
my ezlink and umbrella are with her though!
yeah okay, going back to sleep soon! :)
sleeping is such a pleasure. hahaha.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
hahaha! ^^
rainy day...but not a bad day afterall today :)
doesnt matter how long, because as long as my company is there,
all moments are worth the time and every bit of happiness :D
to pei you will be a want for all cans :)
& i like racers :)
i think they're so cool.
goodnight world!
time to sleep :D
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"any moment is precious" :)
maybe one day i shall strive to acheive 200k,
when i really have nothing to do at home. haha.
the weather was so bad that i dont even feel like going out.
i mean like, who will love to go out when it is going to rain?
but serious stuffs to do, so yeah.
& the sickening enrolment package is finally here.
and seriously, i was quite irritated by it somehow.
there's SO many things to do! and its very troublesome.
and it adds on more stress when they limit you of so many stuffs.
just imagine during these few weeks the whole singapore poly students will be fighting to make appointments at the clinics -.-
oh well...whatever lah.
& i wasn't bullying you today mandy,
i was just trying to help you to pluck up your courage :P
oh, and someone said i am a secretive person.
ha oh really? i dont think so.
i just dont want to be an open book to people.
Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009
"okay good, everyone sit down."
"i know all of your names now."
-.- what a lame pastor! Haha.
and he said for person to do something for 21days,
eventually that thing will become a habit actually.
is it? i dont know about that....maybe true but not always.
"spending time is important in a relationship as communication is there. without communication there can no official relationship, just like living under one roof but having no mutual relationship when there is no quality communication. consistency is as vital as it fulfils your daily needs and wants even if you dont realise that yourself at times." - pastor kenny
yeah, and the rest of the sermon were just talking about the "whys".
didnt really absorb the rest of everything...felt kinda moody, and it was cold there too.
went home and sadly it rained so heavily.
bought lunch and reached home drenched. sigh what luck.
the sky fooled me, i was like sweating today morning then it rained like anything now.
yeah crap...this is what i call really unpredictable.
sian ar.
so near yet so far
'cause i've learnt that unpredictable things can happen anyhow.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
for this peak period;
csn: why never see you pressing phone anymore?
me: no reply press what? just dont want msg lor.
csn: *gives a scared expression*
Yeah right, me fierce? Not really.
the surprising red car was the only thing that made me happy today, inclusive that thirty minutes.
when i was in church today,
eleena asked everyone to share about one crappy thing and one good thing this week.
"If i were to draw a graph of my week it would be a constant straight line. Is rotting counted as crap? And nothing was good."
surprisingly most of them had similar answer as me.
so at least that was some encouragement for me. haha?
no one was home today, and so i was alone.
went home after church, then went out again to meet bestfr for dinner.
serangoon is such a small place for dinner. boring.
i wanted to go sr. gardens for dinner but due her poverty in ezlink,
she said i was nuts if we were to walk there instead. ha.
and i guess even msgs i send now have no life. how cool.
i understand this period of crucial time.
i dont know about you, but i'll go with it with you.
if you cant then i wont. as simple as this.
but no matter how not used to it can be,
how empty, how incomplete, or how weird,
its for the sake of you and only you.
i give the best i can, i do what i can and should.
how are you there?
what are you thinking of?
are you thinking of what i am?
do you feel how i feel?
The words that speak.
It's only me who's killing time
Lay down all dreams and feelings once remembered
It's still this miss you line
It's all the way you look through my eyes
And when all is said and done
Nothing's too hard for us to overcome
For two heartbeats under the sun becomes one
To live just the moment in time
It's the time we want and need
Just to make for a difference
And make it better for you and me
You should know this love we share
It is never made to die
Although it might not seem to be a one-way street
But in heart we know it's just you and I
Take my hand, touch my heart
Hold me close to where you are
By your side, for night and day
Through it all, yet come what may
Swept away on a wave of emotion
Overcaught in the eye of the storm
Whenever you smile, love
I can hardly believe that you're mine
This love is unbreakable
Each time I ask myself why
It's when I look into your eyes
I know my heart just can't deny
Shared the laughter, shared the tears
We both know, we'll always go on from here
'Cause together we are strong
In your arms is where i want to belong
Can't really stand another day without you
Without the feeling I always knew
Can't really feel right without you
Without the spark of love we always feel
With all this fire that burns between us
There's so much to lose yet so much more to gain
And if I could choose the world around me
The world to choose would all revolve around you
True lovers never take it slowly
When they've found the one and only
Nothing can replace this feeling
Knowing someone loves you
Never wanting you to leave
Until I tell you how it feels
To be cradled like my dreams
And to know that you love me
Nothing in the world could make it right
Loving you brings me to life
Nothing in the world could feel this right
You're the best thing in my life
Friday, February 20, 2009
i tell myself you have to.
its really hard trying to get used to this.
but i will, i will.
im almost at it already.
so slow yet so fast
okay great, i did absolutely NOTHING today.
really no life. which i thought shouldnt even be the case.
did some of my church work which i am supposed to,
went out awhile to pathetically kill time and back home.
i think it's someone's birthday today.
but i cant remember who.
what more to say but none.
that's the only i can do.
so there, :) ?
Goodnight world.
May the earth revolve faster.
Your love is sufficient for everything I do.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
never enough to express how much
seriously i never want to and never will too...
really never will i think that i will...i really never will...and i really never want to at all!
and i really dont know anything about it...really dont mean it too.
really didnt know you A.P...and it was so unintentional.
maybe its weird but i am getting so upset over making someone angry.
but that also showed how much i never want to do so...and how much it mattered to me.
not saying for 5 minute...5seconds i also wont make it happen.
i dont know why people dont get pissed off by how irritating i am repeating,
but there, this will be the last time im saying it.
maybe this is a so unofficial thing...but its just me who is feeling like that.
not that im being special for crying out loud, just...mattering it alot to me.
mandy was so horrified by me eating so slowly today.
two hours plus? yeah...pretty horrible i know.
i told her how disturbed and troubled i was :(
i think from today forward she needs to learn at least one joke.
cos apparently when i told her to tell me one, she was so perfectly speechless.
uh, and then we concluded that the society's giving us so much problems.
everyday gotta think of being so stone and rotting at home...
finding no jobs and stressing ourselves out, and getting no life at all.
damn it.
felt quite lame entering the arcade place but out of sianness, oh well.
& i guess i understand how happy-go-lucky applies now.
like i said, this week's not gonna be good...
now i'm affirming it with saying this week's really dreading.
refraining from pressing the phone is so very much like quitting smoking.
really. oh well.
wont be so much often anymore unless you do.
from leaving earlier to thirty minutes to ten seconds to nothing at all.
like woah, i've experienced the "whole package".
it hit me sooo hard.
i've never been this way ever before.
i really didnt know. and i didnt mean it either.
and i will never want to...i never will.
i really never will.
but, sigh.
so upset over myself.
although in the right mind i didnt officially made you angry and irritated,
but still i never want it to even happen.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
first and last
im so going to make sure it will never happen again.
i think i really never fail to make ruby and mandy laugh.
and it's so nice that we're going to same school,
so we can meet up every breaktime to meet! :)
i dont know what we talk about but we always have endless conversations :D
haha this is so nice.
this week isn't going to be very good i guess.
but anyway, being happy for a while is always better than not even at all.
if really not at all, im very sure there will be a next time.
so always look forward to feel happy everyday :D
so, so much.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
straight from the heart
what do you think?
woke up feeling super wrong.
sigh sleeping is such an important thing.
i dont even know how did i slept.
i think maybe it was because of the morning heat or something.
cant imagine if the problem of global warming increases -.-
i like "panther". he looks as nice and as cool actually :)
although im still trying to get used to the new look today.
i wished it was a can too.
but what matters is being truly happy together isn't it?
Monday, February 16, 2009
It was so much like a hi and bye.
I'm for you to cherish. It's on you to keep me or lose me.
hahaha xD
so....besties gathering today!
for lunch and chat. real chat :)
and i was the usual one who ate so much again :(
cant blame...i was quite hungry. hahaha :D
but ruby said i am always the same...never change one.
wahahaha of course...change for what! :P
and i told them Losing is an ART :D
hahahaha they have better gained more understanding of my philosophical side :P
crapped along the way, but also serious-talked along the way.
and there will be a continuation soon. hahaha :)
she longed for the whole day but it was just to see him for ten seconds.
three kisses were given and poof, off in the blink of an eye.
it was like giving her(or maybe them) heaven and taking it away.
she didnt feel good upon going home. she cant bear to. really.
she dont know about him, but i guess they do miss each other.
all that awaits them would be a better tommorow...every other tommorows.
because only when they come together will then the picture be complete and whole,
for they would always embrace each other in love :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
i'm really speechless this time.
whatever you choose bah, you live your life k?
so, was late for church today.
reason? i was having some hearty breakfast. HAHAHA :D
oh and i was so not paying attention to the sermon today...
cos some baddie corrupted my mind and ruby was msging me all the time :O
oh well. and then the pastor was like "turn to people beside you and say i love you".
like -.- ? luckily branden didnt do that if not i'll freak out.
and some friends of mine in cell were kinda crazy over my phone.
like woah? i didnt know my phone was so hot :P
then uh, bus-ed and mrt-ed with huijun and joshua back.
i think the both of them are lame-talkers.
i didnt join in cos i thought i would probably own them easily. haha :P
crrrap, i dont rmb being so thickskin in the past.
must have been influenced by some horrible people.
went to bishan and i was sitting at the taxi stand there waiting for people.
and almost everyone asked me whether am i taking the cab or smth.
hello? if i am then why on earth would i still be sitting there?!?!
gosh that was kinda irritating.
anyway, since everyone is saying the same thing for like so long,
i should i should agree with them.
adult fares for people like us with no work is really unreasonable :(
but although it looks cooler for me using the adult ez-link,
but hey, travelling for 3bus stops costs almost 1dollar.
so like if you have to change mrt lines or bus, you'll use so much just for one-way transport!
and vehicles on the road in singapore are increasing although they're supposed to be reducing.
dont anybody see the financial and economic crisis now???
and pollution! the earth is dying soon :(
i still want to live...i havent got enough of my happy life yet ^^
what do you think? :D
sigh, mandy :(
why? i mean, what is so good about him?
you mean you cant find anymore better than him?
after going through all the giving in and taking all the attitude,
dont you feel tired and sick of everything?
how happy are you when you are with him?
you mean no one can make you laugh and smile like he did?
do you feel more happy or more of sadness for these six months?
having to be insulted by that girl and her friends...
is it really worth your reputation?
seriously, i can never understand why.
is this what they call blinded love, or is it just purely unable to let go?
come on, dont hold on aymore if you really think its of no point.
do you really want to be like that forever?
being kept in the dark and hear lies and continue to quarrel?
if you really want to, i know you can.
its just a matter of time. think it through my dearest friend.
do you really feel contented being like that?
are you the one and only to him? are you the most important and are you the one that means the most to him?
or do you just want to go on with being shared in his heart?
what about your promising future? remember what you told me before?
what about your trust in him? where is it now?
if you can explain all the doubting questions i have, then its fine.
but frankly, i hate to see you being treated like that and going through all these bullshit.
but although i cant really change your mind much, but i'll still be by your side no matter what happens.
you decide on your own path alright?
your best friend will be right here for you always.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Yes I do.
its just like any other day, another ordinary day.
sian ar...indeed very sian.
but to think positively, we have forever for all the days in the world as long as we live.
History and Meaning of White Roses:
With its pristine appearance, the white rose has come to symbolize purity, innocence and secrecy. Early traditions also used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose. However, white roses continue to endure and retain their symbolism of innocence. White roses are now used to express a number of different sentiments. Also known as the bridal rose, they are a representation of unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new bond of love. White roses are also a symbol for young love, which further strengthens the association, and makes them ideal for marriages. White roses are also associated with honor and reverence, which makes them a fitting memorial for a departed loved one. As a symbol of remembrance, the white rose represents heavenliness and is an expression of spiritual love and respect. White roses can mean many things to many different people. They can convey feelings of love, friendship, respect and hope. Whatever the reason white roses are given, it can be assured that they will be deeply appreciated by their recipient.
i'll miss you zebra. i know you will surely become cooler.
my liking for you will never fade no matter how much you change :)
"do you want to m...?"
I would, if only I could.
and if only you could too.
but its just if only... :)
Happy Valentines Day
English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra'dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe
but they're never enough.
this is the power of love :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
addiction ^^
3.5 hours was so splendid. so very.
i was punched by her two times in the cinema!
ow man, how could she be so violent -.-
tempted her to eat with me. hahaha!
and lastly bought her one PINK rose :)
saw lin lao shi and he's still as funny as ever!
the way he talks so amusing...i guess teachers never really change much.
saw a bouquet of roses with snoopy today...
although i love snoopy but that one didnt look as sweet compared to normal ones.
and it cost 90bucks when it is so damn small -.-
what a great chance to catch money from guys.
and so many students were carrying so many things around.
i didnt know balloons were so popular nowadays o_o"
i think they should learn what is real romantic. hahaha xD
&cough syrup for $10?
hahahaha omg so bad.

100% effort succeeded.
perfect morning anyone would want^^
what a nice friday thirteen. haha!
ahh anyway. mandy called me last night and called me a pig -.-
bad girl!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
stoned out.
- morning was totally blanked and purely stoning
- mum suddenly talked nonsense and teased me
- lunch was horrible
- played gb but lost pathetically to some pro
- listening to radio on com was pretty cool
- started reading abit
- realised that serangoon is quite lousy in some areas -.-
- consumed alot of food at home :(
- watched dvd- the prince & me(their kissing was quite bad anw, laughs)
- was so bored until i thought of getting two small fishes as pet(although i dislike fish) -_-"
- saw some nice heartshape pillows outside
- ate hot and cold food together
- impressed over how honest someone can be :)
- savoring every moment ^^
i've broke record of how high my siansation was on this day.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
yin wei wo zai hu.
crap, i think i really have stm.
well anw, that mad woman loves to go out with me :D HAHA!
she: that man sitting behind you is mad leh.
me: oh really?
she: yeah he is drinking the coke when there's no more alr.
(after sometime)
she: omg his face is so red sia.
me: uh okay, so?
she: i think he's drunk after drinking coke.
me: *burst out laughing*
she has picked up so much of my humour after ten years together :D
your filial daughter will be giving you $$ for your birthday this year :)
and just ignore your stupid idiotic horrible boss.
he is not human. heh :D
well although cant celebrate your birthday this year,
we can always go out together next time!
doesnt have to be on your day anyway :)
luckily my dad doesnt really care about special occasions.
&happy birthday juliaaaa!
although im like lost of contact of where are you now alr,
but still, you have been a pleasure in knowing you during my sec days :D
Monday, February 09, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
blues away.
I will always be there for you, with you, for you, behind you
and right here beside you.No matter what, no matter when, and no matter how.Never will you be be down for long, never will you dread the day for long.Never will you be restless for long, never will you be stressed out for long.For you know I'll be that light that shines onto you, for you know I'll be that shadow that will never leave you.I will comfort you with heartwarming words, I will walk on with
you with my unlimited presence.I will go however far to see you smile, I will make
all efforts to give you joy.I will take all chances to show you my support, I will give my
all for you.Not for now, not only for later, not only for tommorow.But for forever.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
smile for you, smile for me :)
there were branden,joshua, jialiang, eleena, huijun, judith, eloise and eunice.
and theres still more i guess?
man, and im like the youngest there...together with huijun and branden.
oh well.
i feel so embarassed asking such question actually.
and i was so touched over dinner! aww.
abit felt so bad like that, but abit felt like helpless cos i couldnt control stubborness.
but still xiexie ni hen duo :)
( im not trying to be ke qi but polite :P)
wahahaha feel so satisfied with myself.
although it was quite a horrible time...i was so sleepy and everything.
sigh and with no motivation its difficult to get yourself to do something sometimes.
yeah i have some strong sense of willpower. hahaha!
Friday, February 06, 2009
do YOU know...? :D
but although this time she didnt spend on anything much,
i think probably cos she feels guilty after squandering so much that day.
hahaha! im good at making people realise what theyre doing eh? :P
and we finally got what we wanted to get after so long :D
yeeeah there is satisfaction. wahaha.
i think i should stop eating so much also...
now i understand whats the good thing without having food at home:
you wont be able to gain weight!
i think ive gained 1kg instead of losing...
the weighing machine is kinda doubting cos of the needle accuracy -.-
and i havent got the motivation to go exercise!
i want to sleep instead :(
and the weekend is here!
really dont know how should i feel also *sigh*
now my sundays are better than saturdays i guess...haha.
what comes around goes around loh. what to do?
anyway, i feel that serious guys(but not in the angry/fierce manner) are so cool :D
the way they speak, the way they react, the way they look...
just the way how they express themselves...i can sense that cool aura!
hahaha! :)
Thursday, February 05, 2009
sigh, heart shattered.
now it feels like its kinda loose in some part :'(
i feel so depressed and guilty arrr!
and please dont talk fiercely or raise your voice anymore...
i know it wasnt at me and you dont mean it too...
but it does hurt quite abit at the moment.
well your sincere apology was accepted anw :)
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
dont smile at this *pow*
damn you.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
but sadly didnt get anything i wanted :(
only bought some little insignificant stuffs.
that mad girl bought so many things la!
i even had to help her take some -.-
anyway, i felt bad over the irritating traffic police situation :(
although it wasnt really me that irritated you,
but i really never mean to make you wait for that 5min.
next time i'll make sure i'll be earlier before you if its the place again.
i thought you could always drive around first or something.
oh well whatever that is, glad that i didnt make you irritated(i was so innocent).
haha...and i wont ever make that time come :)
and i felt so much like im in some manly world just now :O
dont know why i can blend in so easily with things.
hahaha! and im not sian...that is what accompany means you know?
& whats more, how will i be sian with you? :)
time to sleep! yay, im tired.
goodnight :D
the best times are the times that are passing by so fast.