Friday, February 27, 2009

yeah great, what an irritating day.
i was having no much patience for dont-know-what reason today,
maybe because everything was seriously passing by so slowly.
went to do the stupid medical checkup,
and realising that only tp needs all students to do it -.-
yeah and the waiting time was bloody long!
i dont know what on earth are the people inside there doing,
no sense of urgency at all. they really need to upgrade their services for goodness sake.
and all the students there were like...zzz whatever.
cant they have some sense of discipline and look out for where they are supposed to go to?
the queues were like all sticked together, it doesnt even look like a queue to me -.-
i couldnt stand it seeing people standing at like no where here or there,
expecting people behind to know exactly where should they be standing and where to go.
i told some guys off and asked them to move,
and told some other people where they should go instead.
mandy and waisoe were like thumbing-up to me and saying how cool i was.
lol hello? i was so pissed off by the situation okay.
and then next, it ended up with only one doc instead two -.-
and the doctor went to have lunch and expect us to come back like in 30mins' time.
zzz see? no sense of consideration. arent doctors supposed to be putting utmost attention to the patients rather than to ask them to wait?
oh well, this is the world out there.

No Need is not a nice thing to say, for information.
at least not in this kind of context. i dont even say that to anyone.
people like me will feel that it's a direct rejecting word.

who thinks health is not important?
think again, it affects much more than you can ever think of.
it arouses so much emotions for instance.

oh and i lost weight man?! (actually kinda expected it but didnt expect to be 2kg)
with height increased by 1cm, the doctor concluded i was underweight.
like crap, i guess i'll eat more these days. sigh.
and maybe due to my frustration, my pulse was at a rate of 102 when the doc took it.
mandy's one was only 88? i was like gasp? -.-
it shows either im alive and kicking or just being too provoked inside. ha!

and mandy was so entertained on the bus,
having so much fun there herself taking my candid shots.

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