Saturday, September 06, 2008

geography textbook has a total of approx 280 pages?
and i have yet to finish studying 30 pages?

my mum was damn busy answering phone calls ever since she came home.
the phone never left her ear and she never stopped talking too.
well, i didnt know she was so popular?

mum: what did you say? cannot hear properly.
me: im coming home for your soup tmr.
mum: drink wad? dont drink coffee now...its late!
me: no, i mean im drinking your soup tmr.
mum: ohhhhh okay.
me: and i just finished drinking coffee just now.
mum: ........

it's raining now...and im sneezing.
is someone missing me or did i catch a cold? HAHA!

oh man, nuts-talk.

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