form teacher period whole class got scolded.
english first period also. den maths also.
physics two periods stood for one period.
bio lesson also weird weird one.
man, whats wrong with today. lol.
hmm. anyway first time so rushed after school.
but still, i manage to reach there before 4 :D
haha, met kangaroo and mickey at hub.
yeaaa and we watched harry potter.
hahaha okay lar, not that bad, but i dun like tat stupid pink lady.
and the cat is very cute! lol.
okay den suddenly got headache.
went home and bought my mum some food.
and that made her so happy -_-"
haha oh well.
you know my name, but you dont know me.
trying to know all about me is pretty scary though.
you're making me feel harassed somehow.
fine, i can always forget about it,
just that you make me feel uneasy on the inside.
but if you pick on me for no reasons, i can forgive anyway,
just that you spoil my mood only.
you live your life, and i live mine.
i dont wana care and wont bother so much.
cos it aint worth brooding over such trivial matter.
yeah, happy-g0-lucky :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
b o r i n g s u n d a y.
morning went to cell, played monopoly =\
dunno why lah they all, no lesson den somehow played game.
so played in pairs...and im the second richest! hahaha okay lame.
went to buy leehom's new album :D
hahaha man, he rocks lor. his songs damn cool also.
and i think some people....*aaaahems*.
hahaha. oh well, nevermind de lah :)
and i finally bought my snoopy file! *grins*
but im not totally happy lar, cos someone not with me to share my joy.
lol, no choice also lah.
someone almost killed someone bcos of someone. =x
and i nearly died out of starvation after church. zzz.
and there was this stupid idiot kept looking at me on the bus.
although its not some old man or some adult,
but the look is just so sickening. irritating lor. damn -.-
okay whatever. i dont really care.
i didnt sleep for today! how amazing.
mickey slept for the entire day lor.
only awake for like two hours...which is super abnormal.
he spent his time all on his warm and comfortable bed lor.
good lor, den dun want the one who loves him already.
how sad right. hahaha okayokay im just joking. xD
next time when im feeling down i shall do the same also. lol.
oh and i found out something.
when you think too much of a person when youre not in a happy mood,
you tend to have daymares. lol!
oh man. i miss youuuuu so much today.
*note to self : ask yingen three things tmr.
and i will not forget. cos im dying to know it since 3 hours ago.
and theres still 24 hours more to go. *patience*
im guai. not like some people, disobedient since yesterday. lalala.
morning went to cell, played monopoly =\
dunno why lah they all, no lesson den somehow played game.
so played in pairs...and im the second richest! hahaha okay lame.
went to buy leehom's new album :D
hahaha man, he rocks lor. his songs damn cool also.
and i think some people....*aaaahems*.
hahaha. oh well, nevermind de lah :)
and i finally bought my snoopy file! *grins*
but im not totally happy lar, cos someone not with me to share my joy.
lol, no choice also lah.
someone almost killed someone bcos of someone. =x
and i nearly died out of starvation after church. zzz.
and there was this stupid idiot kept looking at me on the bus.
although its not some old man or some adult,
but the look is just so sickening. irritating lor. damn -.-
okay whatever. i dont really care.
i didnt sleep for today! how amazing.
mickey slept for the entire day lor.
only awake for like two hours...which is super abnormal.
he spent his time all on his warm and comfortable bed lor.
good lor, den dun want the one who loves him already.
how sad right. hahaha okayokay im just joking. xD
next time when im feeling down i shall do the same also. lol.
oh and i found out something.
when you think too much of a person when youre not in a happy mood,
you tend to have daymares. lol!
oh man. i miss youuuuu so much today.
*note to self : ask yingen three things tmr.
and i will not forget. cos im dying to know it since 3 hours ago.
and theres still 24 hours more to go. *patience*
im guai. not like some people, disobedient since yesterday. lalala.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
hahaha thanks mickey for blogging for me :D
i was smiling at the whole post.
lol stupid lor, take my picture and post it here somemore.
*people will shy one leh*
haha, and i didnt shop for 50min lor! so thats crap.
and that wasnt my emo look okay...
i was just looking at my phone and mickey took me -.-
next time must get revenge. on his innocent look. wahahahas.
splashing water can be a very fun to do also. xP
haha, yay i love clarke quay.
i was smiling at the whole post.
lol stupid lor, take my picture and post it here somemore.
*people will shy one leh*
haha, and i didnt shop for 50min lor! so thats crap.
and that wasnt my emo look okay...
i was just looking at my phone and mickey took me -.-
next time must get revenge. on his innocent look. wahahahas.
splashing water can be a very fun to do also. xP
haha, yay i love clarke quay.
hey hey it's mickey here=)
i'm here to blog for shereen... yeah!
wuahaha my first time leh:D
wad a day, having a bad headache early in the morning today
that's why i stayed at home today den i finally meet minnie at 5=)
i almost killed that bus driver
cosing me to be late:(
haha *someone* shop in serangoon central for 50 mins* haha
haha *someone* shop in serangoon central for 50 mins* haha
oh well... we went to her favourite place! clarke quay!
we walk and walk eventually we completed a round
sounds incredible huh...?
actually quite a short distance only=)
but the sad thing is that we only spent about an hour
how i wish that we can stay bit longer so that we can see the night view
where it is believed that it will be very romantic:D
one good thing...
i manage to capture *someone's* emo look=)
look that's shereen=)
the time ended very soon and we had to head home...
oh how stupid i am didnt noe that the tunnel is opened once again
and *someone* laughed at me:(
nvm... i got my revenge... wuahaha!
EVIL~ wuahaha=)
the time maybe short
but every minute that we spent is memorable
no 1 can replace my love towards you
*i love you minnie*
happy birthday mandy's dad :D
lol thanks for the times when you treated me movies and food.
haha, and your car is cool anyway.
but still, mazda red car and black cars are cooler.
wahahahas xD
its been raining since morning till now.
sigh, i think i should not feel moody when it rains again anymore.
its raining, its pouring,
my dear mickey is sleeping :)
lol thanks for the times when you treated me movies and food.
haha, and your car is cool anyway.
but still, mazda red car and black cars are cooler.
wahahahas xD
its been raining since morning till now.
sigh, i think i should not feel moody when it rains again anymore.
its raining, its pouring,
my dear mickey is sleeping :)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
im very bored right now.
i wana do quiz! too bad julia doesnt blog now.
had physics spa practical today. kinda scary though.
i kept dropping things. lol i think cos mr lim kept looking lah.
i dropped the bob, and then the stopwatch, and then something else.
and i think i did wrongly lah, somehow.
no time for geog test last question. stupid lor.
then there was maths test.
next week still got tests. sickening man. lol.
i thought july should be the month when theres no rain?
why is it raining for so many days. *wonders*
now my home got some junk food to eat already.
i just simply told my mum wad i feel like eating,
and the next moment she went to buy already.
wow? thats so unbelievable man.
and all of my televisions at home got problem today,
all thanks to my mum. she ar, always give problems one.
cos the tv all belongs to her. me and my dad doesnt watch tv. hahaha.
but still, i saved her by helping her to solve the problems.
if not dad's gonna be angry.
im indeed a peacemaker. wahahas.
oh well, i dont feel like talking.
i wana do quiz! too bad julia doesnt blog now.
had physics spa practical today. kinda scary though.
i kept dropping things. lol i think cos mr lim kept looking lah.
i dropped the bob, and then the stopwatch, and then something else.
and i think i did wrongly lah, somehow.
no time for geog test last question. stupid lor.
then there was maths test.
next week still got tests. sickening man. lol.
i thought july should be the month when theres no rain?
why is it raining for so many days. *wonders*
now my home got some junk food to eat already.
i just simply told my mum wad i feel like eating,
and the next moment she went to buy already.
wow? thats so unbelievable man.
and all of my televisions at home got problem today,
all thanks to my mum. she ar, always give problems one.
cos the tv all belongs to her. me and my dad doesnt watch tv. hahaha.
but still, i saved her by helping her to solve the problems.
if not dad's gonna be angry.
im indeed a peacemaker. wahahas.
oh well, i dont feel like talking.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Cheese Pizza |
![]() Traditional and comforting. You focus on living a quality life. You're not easily impressed with novelty. Yet, you easily impress others. |
Your Love Is Represented By a Red Rose |
![]() You love passionately and fully, without any reservations. And while romantic love comes easily for you, you also love many people platonically. You are a true romantic, and you always can see the best in people. |
Thursday, July 26, 2007
my toe hurts.
my head is in pain.
my eyes are closing.
my brain is dying.
but my heart is still beating. lol.
homeworks are driving me crazy.
hais. so many tests coming up also. zzz.
i think i should faster go get a damn new file,
if not i'll keep asking for the timetable in class.
haha, and im always asking for the time in class also.
lol i guess the people around me will never forget me this way.
wahahaha xD
after school cca was so nice lah.
i went to interview mr lim changwei,
den HE GAVE ME MUFFIN :D hahahaha for no reasons lor.
lol i think he just bought it de lah, cos i saw him holding two.
den he gave me one. hahahaa he gave me leh.
my head is in pain.
my eyes are closing.
my brain is dying.
but my heart is still beating. lol.
homeworks are driving me crazy.
hais. so many tests coming up also. zzz.
i think i should faster go get a damn new file,
if not i'll keep asking for the timetable in class.
haha, and im always asking for the time in class also.
lol i guess the people around me will never forget me this way.
wahahaha xD
after school cca was so nice lah.
i went to interview mr lim changwei,
den HE GAVE ME MUFFIN :D hahahaha for no reasons lor.
lol i think he just bought it de lah, cos i saw him holding two.
den he gave me one. hahahaa he gave me leh.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
almost got banged by the toilet door by lina and janice today.
lol im lucky i guess. heh.
so there was chinese singing competition today (:
so shy lor, so many people look at me.
lol luckily julia not around me, if not she'll smile at me like crazy. lol.
but anyway, yingen's voice is nice lorrrrr :D
hahas. oh well.
i flunked my phy test paper.
8/24. =(
she said its okay to fail -.- must be mad man.
no more mr lim, so failing is part of the reason why i guess.
hahaha =x
oh well, my mum nagged at me for the whole afternoon lor.
den she refuse to sign it. den i so sad went to sleep.
woke up for dinner, and she tortured me by making me drink some bitter tonic soup.
although i dun wan it, but theres no way i can go against her.
so no choice being forced to drink it. and i was feeling very sick after that.
but still, havent die yet. xD
den later...
me : hey sign my paper lar *innocent look*
her : *snares*
me : *gives her the pen and paper*
her : you next time lidat again you're going to get it.
me : you think i want to fail one meh.
her : still got face say. might as well go forge my signature.
me : no lor i very guai one xD
her : my foot.
me : fine lor.
lol im lucky i guess. heh.
so there was chinese singing competition today (:
so shy lor, so many people look at me.
lol luckily julia not around me, if not she'll smile at me like crazy. lol.
but anyway, yingen's voice is nice lorrrrr :D
hahas. oh well.
i flunked my phy test paper.
8/24. =(
she said its okay to fail -.- must be mad man.
no more mr lim, so failing is part of the reason why i guess.
hahaha =x
oh well, my mum nagged at me for the whole afternoon lor.
den she refuse to sign it. den i so sad went to sleep.
woke up for dinner, and she tortured me by making me drink some bitter tonic soup.
although i dun wan it, but theres no way i can go against her.
so no choice being forced to drink it. and i was feeling very sick after that.
but still, havent die yet. xD
den later...
me : hey sign my paper lar *innocent look*
her : *snares*
me : *gives her the pen and paper*
her : you next time lidat again you're going to get it.
me : you think i want to fail one meh.
her : still got face say. might as well go forge my signature.
me : no lor i very guai one xD
her : my foot.
me : fine lor.
got this from cecilia's blog (:
7 facts bout me!
1. i hardly get irritated. if i really do, then that means serious business.
2. i cant concentrate in a noisy environment, but i can tolerate noise.
3. i dont like it when ppl touch my things without me knowing.
4. when i dont smile at the things that usually makes me smile, something's not right with me.
5. i am very stubborn. if i dun wan, means i dont want. xD
6. i dont talk alot, but i do the thinkings in my head.
7. i only spin my pen when something is on my mind.
7 facts bout me!
1. i hardly get irritated. if i really do, then that means serious business.
2. i cant concentrate in a noisy environment, but i can tolerate noise.
3. i dont like it when ppl touch my things without me knowing.
4. when i dont smile at the things that usually makes me smile, something's not right with me.
5. i am very stubborn. if i dun wan, means i dont want. xD
6. i dont talk alot, but i do the thinkings in my head.
7. i only spin my pen when something is on my mind.
Monday, July 23, 2007
its our day !
the biggest day in this month.
ya, and PH rocks :D wahahahs.
but my very last piece was EXTREMELY cheesy lor, thanks to boyfriend -_-"
and i think i cant drink with two straws of different thickness. lol.
oh well, one girl was shocked by boyfriend's ringtone when it rang.
hahaha, girls always gossip, cant blame. xD
and ph is super colddddd.
anyway, i dont know why its so funny when i hug my bag though.
got so amusing meh? ive always been doing that in class wad. lol.
the pan pacific lift is SO NICE LAH. i like it lor (:
to people who think that life is pathetic, go there and you'll see how beautiful life is.
lol, but i still think sunset is the nicest. ha.
and the scenery at rooftop terrace is nice too.
its been so long since i went there. hahaha.
but the waters not very clear lah.
clarke quay is still the loveliest place in my eyes lah. haha :D
and i realised, it takes quite long to wait for bus 70.
yeaaa. first time see boyfriend speechless.
hahas, i dunno how to describe it lah, see you happy im happy also :D
its our day !
the biggest day in this month.
ya, and PH rocks :D wahahahs.
but my very last piece was EXTREMELY cheesy lor, thanks to boyfriend -_-"
and i think i cant drink with two straws of different thickness. lol.
oh well, one girl was shocked by boyfriend's ringtone when it rang.
hahaha, girls always gossip, cant blame. xD
and ph is super colddddd.
anyway, i dont know why its so funny when i hug my bag though.
got so amusing meh? ive always been doing that in class wad. lol.
the pan pacific lift is SO NICE LAH. i like it lor (:
to people who think that life is pathetic, go there and you'll see how beautiful life is.
lol, but i still think sunset is the nicest. ha.
and the scenery at rooftop terrace is nice too.
its been so long since i went there. hahaha.
but the waters not very clear lah.
clarke quay is still the loveliest place in my eyes lah. haha :D
and i realised, it takes quite long to wait for bus 70.
yeaaa. first time see boyfriend speechless.
hahas, i dunno how to describe it lah, see you happy im happy also :D
i love you,
with every single beat of my heart :)
with every single beat of my heart :)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
convention day. finally this stupid thing is over.
so surprising that my group won the first prize (:
grp seventeen mah :D haha, quite happy lah afterall.
im too tired to say detailed things already.
all i feel now is totally stoned.
first time i feel a sense of guiltiness.
first time i ever made someone so in pain,
somemore is someone i loveeeeee leh.
oh man i feel like killing myself.
and first time i said so many times sorry.
i hardly say sorry one loh. oh gosh.
i dunno what else can i say already.
i know its just an accident, but its like..argh =(
i think i'll not feel comfortable tonight until i get over this guilt.
and i seriously hope that you'll be alright over the night.
and i mean it...
cos you cant afford to be in pain tmr.
so surprising that my group won the first prize (:
grp seventeen mah :D haha, quite happy lah afterall.
im too tired to say detailed things already.
all i feel now is totally stoned.
first time i feel a sense of guiltiness.
first time i ever made someone so in pain,
somemore is someone i loveeeeee leh.
oh man i feel like killing myself.
and first time i said so many times sorry.
i hardly say sorry one loh. oh gosh.
i dunno what else can i say already.
i know its just an accident, but its like..argh =(
i think i'll not feel comfortable tonight until i get over this guilt.
and i seriously hope that you'll be alright over the night.
and i mean it...
cos you cant afford to be in pain tmr.
'Cause its tmr :)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
happy racial harmony (:
weiqin says i look like as if im getting married -.-
just bcos i wore white.
oh well, very sian today lah.
only ate some sushi and drink during food fiesta.
i think this year's racial harmony was not as good as last year's.
yeah, nothing much to say also.
something to be happy about : I PASS MY AMATH TEST :D
hahaha, so amazing lor. i always fail all my amath papers one.
yeayea im glad for it.
next time if i wana catch flu, the best way is to walk in the rain. haha.
and im so gonna dread tmr. dumb convention.
how i wish tmr never comes, den skip to sunday :D
lol i know its impossible.

weiqin says i look like as if im getting married -.-
just bcos i wore white.
oh well, very sian today lah.
only ate some sushi and drink during food fiesta.
i think this year's racial harmony was not as good as last year's.
yeah, nothing much to say also.
something to be happy about : I PASS MY AMATH TEST :D
hahaha, so amazing lor. i always fail all my amath papers one.
yeayea im glad for it.
next time if i wana catch flu, the best way is to walk in the rain. haha.
and im so gonna dread tmr. dumb convention.
how i wish tmr never comes, den skip to sunday :D
lol i know its impossible.
Friday, July 20, 2007
my day's incomplete.
and it sucks without you.
cos i think about you all day,
worrying about your condition.
good thing youre alright, if not i really dunno what to do.
and ruby says im very lost today -_-"
i achieved what i planned. lol.
im very on-task de lor.
after school ruby and mandy went to eun's house to get slippers.
den after that she went to ps to buy dunno what things.
so i went to buy some things and went to _______ .
last minute to think of what to write on a card on the bus is not easy though.
im glad that i manage to think of something before the bus stops. heh.
wahahha, although i always lost my way everytime,
but for once i know where and how to go. haha im smart :D lol.
oh well, i so nice go visit people leh, must appreciate my concern lor.
anyway, tmr's racial harmony day.
and people around me are very excited, dunno why also.
and i wonder how on earth can all the sec threes squeeze outside the staff room.
whatever. i hope tmr will be a nice day. hahaha.
countdown three. :)
and it sucks without you.
cos i think about you all day,
worrying about your condition.
good thing youre alright, if not i really dunno what to do.
and ruby says im very lost today -_-"
i achieved what i planned. lol.
im very on-task de lor.
after school ruby and mandy went to eun's house to get slippers.
den after that she went to ps to buy dunno what things.
so i went to buy some things and went to _______ .
last minute to think of what to write on a card on the bus is not easy though.
im glad that i manage to think of something before the bus stops. heh.
wahahha, although i always lost my way everytime,
but for once i know where and how to go. haha im smart :D lol.
oh well, i so nice go visit people leh, must appreciate my concern lor.
anyway, tmr's racial harmony day.
and people around me are very excited, dunno why also.
and i wonder how on earth can all the sec threes squeeze outside the staff room.
whatever. i hope tmr will be a nice day. hahaha.
countdown three. :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
was daydreaming and ms kodi caught me.
man, for the first time leh.
luckily i answered correctly, if not i'll not have peace for the rest of my eng lessons.
yeah, and i think i screwed my phy test paper.
although i wrote quite alot on the paper,
but i think the answers are quite crappy. lol.
lets hope mdm goh can understand what i mean.
oh well wadever lah.
and i was totally gross out during bio.
pig's heart. eeeeew *faints*
my face was utterly pale for the whole hour.
everyone was doing something, only i sat there trying not to die off. lol.
so freaked out lah. its disgusting man.
after school no cca. cos the stupid room was not opened.
and when it was, nothing to do also,
so spent the day playing badminton in the foyer.
and the day's over.
ruby injured my hand ='(
it hurts so much lor, just trying not to show it out only.
zzz. i make sure no one touch my hand until its recovered. lol.
im moody. because someone else is.
how you feel is how you affect me too.
although you didnt say it, i can feel it one. and i know.
so dont think about anything liao la, and cheer up to the maximum.
cos i'll always be there for you my love :)
man, for the first time leh.
luckily i answered correctly, if not i'll not have peace for the rest of my eng lessons.
yeah, and i think i screwed my phy test paper.
although i wrote quite alot on the paper,
but i think the answers are quite crappy. lol.
lets hope mdm goh can understand what i mean.
oh well wadever lah.
and i was totally gross out during bio.
pig's heart. eeeeew *faints*
my face was utterly pale for the whole hour.
everyone was doing something, only i sat there trying not to die off. lol.
so freaked out lah. its disgusting man.
after school no cca. cos the stupid room was not opened.
and when it was, nothing to do also,
so spent the day playing badminton in the foyer.
and the day's over.
ruby injured my hand ='(
it hurts so much lor, just trying not to show it out only.
zzz. i make sure no one touch my hand until its recovered. lol.
im moody. because someone else is.
how you feel is how you affect me too.
although you didnt say it, i can feel it one. and i know.
so dont think about anything liao la, and cheer up to the maximum.
cos i'll always be there for you my love :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
my days ahead :
tuesday - chem test
wed - phy test
thur - ss test
fri - racial harmony
sat - dumb camp
sun - BIG DAY :D
looks like after all the suffering then i can have my best day in this month.
nevermind at the moment, time will fly. lol.
and so, me and ruby got the same pencil case =)
after school went to buy for her, since all of my friends are having listening.
yeah, and i bought some stuffs also. wahahas :D
oh well, im gonna buy what i didnt manage to buy today.
snoopy file, i'll get you soon. very soon.
sweet thoughts, sweet words, sweet dreams, sweet days, and a sweet heart.
there wouldnt be any sweetness, if there wasnt you in the first place :)
tuesday - chem test
wed - phy test
thur - ss test
fri - racial harmony
sat - dumb camp
sun - BIG DAY :D
looks like after all the suffering then i can have my best day in this month.
nevermind at the moment, time will fly. lol.
and so, me and ruby got the same pencil case =)
after school went to buy for her, since all of my friends are having listening.
yeah, and i bought some stuffs also. wahahas :D
oh well, im gonna buy what i didnt manage to buy today.
snoopy file, i'll get you soon. very soon.
sweet thoughts, sweet words, sweet dreams, sweet days, and a sweet heart.
there wouldnt be any sweetness, if there wasnt you in the first place :)
Monday, July 16, 2007
just four words to say : Im Very Tired Today.
someone looks innocent when hes tired.
someone looks more innocent when hes asleep.
someone looks quite innocent when hes thinking of something.
someone looks very innocent when hes eating bread.
someone looks extremely innocent when hes looking at me eating.
and that someone is the one that i love :D
people may love mickey mouse,
but i love mickey, not the mouse.
i like mickey not bcos its mickey mouse,
but its bcos i love mickey :D
haaaa. i know its confusing.
boo. and goodnight.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
no seats for harry potter.
man, thats very sad lor.
nevermind, shall wait for next time.
yes, and listening to westlife songs out of nowhere can make me super happy lah :D
i dont know how but it can make me awake somehow. hahas.
and im so in love with the big big snoopy birthday card!!!
lol i can even hug it lor. if i got only that one card for my birthday im very happy alr.
i was trying to find leehom's new album but cannot find.
maybe havent out in singapore yet...cos the releasing date was yesterday.
oh well, nevermind.
actually, i think carrefour is a nice place to walk around. lol.
so went to heeren and paragon with boyfriend and his dude.
its been very long since i went there.
and now, taka is the place in orchard that i havent been for a very long time.
hahaha, yeah and time really flies, when eight hours doesnt seem like eight.
Westlife-Moments (:
Cos every moment we share together,
Is even better than moments before.
Every day was as good as today was,
And i cant wait till tommorow comes.
man, thats very sad lor.
nevermind, shall wait for next time.
yes, and listening to westlife songs out of nowhere can make me super happy lah :D
i dont know how but it can make me awake somehow. hahas.
and im so in love with the big big snoopy birthday card!!!
lol i can even hug it lor. if i got only that one card for my birthday im very happy alr.
i was trying to find leehom's new album but cannot find.
maybe havent out in singapore yet...cos the releasing date was yesterday.
oh well, nevermind.
actually, i think carrefour is a nice place to walk around. lol.
so went to heeren and paragon with boyfriend and his dude.
its been very long since i went there.
and now, taka is the place in orchard that i havent been for a very long time.
hahaha, yeah and time really flies, when eight hours doesnt seem like eight.
Westlife-Moments (:
Cos every moment we share together,
Is even better than moments before.
Every day was as good as today was,
And i cant wait till tommorow comes.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
today is our day :D
yeayea thats why i gave you that can of green tea xD
wahahah, got alot of significance one lor.
yeah, so theres nothing much today.
and i totally screwed up amath test.
dunno how to do first and second question.
only know third question. lol.
die la die la. getting ready to get scolded on monday alr.
anyway, went to see the chinese singing competition.
ya, since so many people congrats yingen already,
i dun wan to be the same. i shall say something different.
hahaha, youre great yingen (:
flood is not a nice thing. sigh.
i cant imagine wad can happen after 10 days.
later flood becomes drought.
the reason of quiet-ing is cos this was on my mind today.
aiyah nvm lar, no worries.
cos you got me and i got ya.
if you feel irritated, den i wont be feeling any better anyway.
we'll get it through together. =)
yeayea thats why i gave you that can of green tea xD
wahahah, got alot of significance one lor.
yeah, so theres nothing much today.
and i totally screwed up amath test.
dunno how to do first and second question.
only know third question. lol.
die la die la. getting ready to get scolded on monday alr.
anyway, went to see the chinese singing competition.
ya, since so many people congrats yingen already,
i dun wan to be the same. i shall say something different.
hahaha, youre great yingen (:
flood is not a nice thing. sigh.
i cant imagine wad can happen after 10 days.
later flood becomes drought.
the reason of quiet-ing is cos this was on my mind today.
aiyah nvm lar, no worries.
cos you got me and i got ya.
if you feel irritated, den i wont be feeling any better anyway.
we'll get it through together. =)
Friday, July 13, 2007
ookay, im alright already.
no more a patient. xD
my heart's filled with songs today :D
me and ruby were thinking of almost all the songs,
that we used to listen together last time,
and the songs that we like and all.
its rare to see me sing randomly though. lol.
okay well, chinese lesson rock for once.
everyone was paying full attention,
cos mr hou gave us a movie to watch. hahaha.
not bad lah, the movie was nice, but havent finish yet. tmr tmr (:
yeah so and so. i think today passed super slow lor.
english lesson mr xu took over our class,
and i think that the way he talks is way too abnormal. -_-"
so i was wearing my specs to tuition today.
they said i looked serious. hahaha ? how true can that be.
oh well, theres amaths test tmr.
i think im gonna flunk it.
haha, if i ever pass, den maybe i'll be the happiest girl that day. lol xD
my dearest love, dont feel scared of tmr.
no matter what, i'll always be there to support you.
although i cant go in, but my heart is always with you.
just do your best, and good luck.
whatever it is, whether good or bad,
to me your voice is always the best :)
no more a patient. xD
my heart's filled with songs today :D
me and ruby were thinking of almost all the songs,
that we used to listen together last time,
and the songs that we like and all.
its rare to see me sing randomly though. lol.
okay well, chinese lesson rock for once.
everyone was paying full attention,
cos mr hou gave us a movie to watch. hahaha.
not bad lah, the movie was nice, but havent finish yet. tmr tmr (:
yeah so and so. i think today passed super slow lor.
english lesson mr xu took over our class,
and i think that the way he talks is way too abnormal. -_-"
so i was wearing my specs to tuition today.
they said i looked serious. hahaha ? how true can that be.
oh well, theres amaths test tmr.
i think im gonna flunk it.
haha, if i ever pass, den maybe i'll be the happiest girl that day. lol xD
my dearest love, dont feel scared of tmr.
no matter what, i'll always be there to support you.
although i cant go in, but my heart is always with you.
just do your best, and good luck.
whatever it is, whether good or bad,
to me your voice is always the best :)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
today is me and ruby's grand day! :D
hahahas 11th July 2007.
our 7-eleven big day!! hahaha.
okay lets hope for the best for the rest of our lives for each other.
dun say im abnormal, den i wont say you are. xD
my head is killing me.
okay shall not blog much, cos im not very well to think of anything.
yeah so was at j8 with mandy and elwyn, and also with boyfriend la :D
they two very quiet behind me lor,
made me feel like as though theyre my bodyguards lidat. -_-"
elwyn's way too shy man.
oh well, today is breadtalk's 7th birthday!
hahaha yesyes happy birthday breadtalk. i ate one of your bread today :D
and my dearest mickey bought me chrysanthemum tea.
oh well, although i dun like it, but since hes the one who bought it, i drink lor.
no matter how bitter it is, it'll still be sweet anyway.
wahahaha, but too bad, if is others, you take my life i also wun drink it.
i understand lah, cos i can feel your care and concern for me (:
okay well, i saw SNOOPY AND HIS HOUSE beside coffee bean!
snoopy snoopy snoopy :D oh gosh, so long nvr see snoopy alr,
and its very rare lor. hahaha :D
but i dun wan take picture lah. im shy okay. =x
and so embarrassing also. lol but i took one pic of snoopy lah xD
they all bully me lor. two cameras at my left and right,
with one more catching me around. lol.


sometimes ar, i really have a phobia of ppl taking cameras at me.
lol. i looked dumb man. and the other pics arent any better.
maybe mandy and elwyn should take up some photography skills =x
hahaha, alright just kidding!
hahahas 11th July 2007.
our 7-eleven big day!! hahaha.
okay lets hope for the best for the rest of our lives for each other.
dun say im abnormal, den i wont say you are. xD
my head is killing me.
okay shall not blog much, cos im not very well to think of anything.
yeah so was at j8 with mandy and elwyn, and also with boyfriend la :D
they two very quiet behind me lor,
made me feel like as though theyre my bodyguards lidat. -_-"
elwyn's way too shy man.
oh well, today is breadtalk's 7th birthday!
hahaha yesyes happy birthday breadtalk. i ate one of your bread today :D
and my dearest mickey bought me chrysanthemum tea.
oh well, although i dun like it, but since hes the one who bought it, i drink lor.
no matter how bitter it is, it'll still be sweet anyway.
wahahaha, but too bad, if is others, you take my life i also wun drink it.
i understand lah, cos i can feel your care and concern for me (:
okay well, i saw SNOOPY AND HIS HOUSE beside coffee bean!
snoopy snoopy snoopy :D oh gosh, so long nvr see snoopy alr,
and its very rare lor. hahaha :D
but i dun wan take picture lah. im shy okay. =x
and so embarrassing also. lol but i took one pic of snoopy lah xD
they all bully me lor. two cameras at my left and right,
with one more catching me around. lol.
sometimes ar, i really have a phobia of ppl taking cameras at me.
lol. i looked dumb man. and the other pics arent any better.
maybe mandy and elwyn should take up some photography skills =x
hahaha, alright just kidding!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
dentists are scary.
made my teeth ached.
after school physics remedial with mr lim.
saw his wife and cats. haha.
after school waited for ruby,
but eventually went home cos its late alr.
talked with shirly at the foyer about some stuffs,
yeah, then lidat lidat. oh well.
im feeling weeeak.
i think im gonna fall sick.
or maybe i already am.
no wonder you looked at me with such...i dunno-how-to-say look.
i didnt know you knew my name and who i was.
made my teeth ached.
after school physics remedial with mr lim.
saw his wife and cats. haha.
after school waited for ruby,
but eventually went home cos its late alr.
talked with shirly at the foyer about some stuffs,
yeah, then lidat lidat. oh well.
im feeling weeeak.
i think im gonna fall sick.
or maybe i already am.
no wonder you looked at me with such...i dunno-how-to-say look.
i didnt know you knew my name and who i was.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
did you see the snoopy's comic strip in the papers today?
hahaha oh man its super funny lah :D
and the last page of home i think. the central at clarke quay is soooooo beautiful.
i know i should be reading some more important things.
haha but oh well, monday wad, need some morning entertainment.
during bio lesson ruby brought up physics books instead of bio ones -.-
accompanied her back to class to take,
den found out i forgot to take her workbook. lol =x
den we secretly ran down to take it. ms sae was in super bad mood today lah,
and she talks super fast also. can barely catch wads she saying -_-"
okay wadever, recess was trying to look for ms ming,
cos i havent hand in the form to her yet, den jul and eun said until like as if im gonna die lidat.
oh man, i think the easiest person who can fool me is julia lor.
well anyway, cant find her lah, den waited till after school lo.
assembly was quite interesting, but too bad there are two winners.
and i cant understand why 3g got the best class for term2.
lol our notice board and everything also not even properly done loh.
den after school went to j8 with ruby.
yeayea and we want to buy our 5.90! in progress.
good luck for oral tmr people.
especially ruby, you're way too tensed man.
i know youre currently abnormal now,
but hello? oral wont take your life away.
relax girl, no worries (:
oh by the way,
my big name is in infocomm students portal there.
the mlg login from peicai sec website.
wahahaha, something to be proud about lah.
(although i dun really wana be one =x)
hahaha oh man its super funny lah :D
and the last page of home i think. the central at clarke quay is soooooo beautiful.
i know i should be reading some more important things.
haha but oh well, monday wad, need some morning entertainment.
during bio lesson ruby brought up physics books instead of bio ones -.-
accompanied her back to class to take,
den found out i forgot to take her workbook. lol =x
den we secretly ran down to take it. ms sae was in super bad mood today lah,
and she talks super fast also. can barely catch wads she saying -_-"
okay wadever, recess was trying to look for ms ming,
cos i havent hand in the form to her yet, den jul and eun said until like as if im gonna die lidat.
oh man, i think the easiest person who can fool me is julia lor.
well anyway, cant find her lah, den waited till after school lo.
assembly was quite interesting, but too bad there are two winners.
and i cant understand why 3g got the best class for term2.
lol our notice board and everything also not even properly done loh.
den after school went to j8 with ruby.
yeayea and we want to buy our 5.90! in progress.
good luck for oral tmr people.
especially ruby, you're way too tensed man.
i know youre currently abnormal now,
but hello? oral wont take your life away.
relax girl, no worries (:
oh by the way,
my big name is in infocomm students portal there.
the mlg login from peicai sec website.
wahahaha, something to be proud about lah.
(although i dun really wana be one =x)
Monday, July 09, 2007
happy birthday royston.
hope youre happy with your life now lah,
take good care of yourself and dun always do silly things rashly.
yeah best wishes and have a good year ahead (:
its high time i shall stop wearing bright coloured clothes.
haha, if not maybe people's eyes will go painful. lol just kidding.
church as usual, but i almost fell asleep during service.
my first 7% gst item : my mp3 charger.
which cost me 49bucks. lol and i dun think my dad will return me back money la.
nevermind den, im not broke yet. haha.
after light lunch went to junction 8 to get mickey's stuffs.
and today's clouds are very grey lor.
i think the sky feels really sad for mickey. hahas.
and my poor mickey is having a headache now,
oh man, how on earth am i suppose to relax.
and its 99.9% positive tat is due to lack of sleep last night.
take care my dear. =)
*note to self : cut my nails before i sleep.
hope youre happy with your life now lah,
take good care of yourself and dun always do silly things rashly.
yeah best wishes and have a good year ahead (:
its high time i shall stop wearing bright coloured clothes.
haha, if not maybe people's eyes will go painful. lol just kidding.
church as usual, but i almost fell asleep during service.
my first 7% gst item : my mp3 charger.
which cost me 49bucks. lol and i dun think my dad will return me back money la.
nevermind den, im not broke yet. haha.
after light lunch went to junction 8 to get mickey's stuffs.
and today's clouds are very grey lor.
i think the sky feels really sad for mickey. hahas.
and my poor mickey is having a headache now,
oh man, how on earth am i suppose to relax.
and its 99.9% positive tat is due to lack of sleep last night.
take care my dear. =)
roses are red,
violets are blue,
if boyfriend is having a bad headache,
then girlfriend will be having a heartache.
violets are blue,
if boyfriend is having a bad headache,
then girlfriend will be having a heartache.
*note to self : cut my nails before i sleep.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
today is earth day!
hahaha since mickey supports it, den i'll go with him. xD
yeaaa we both wore greeeeen today. wahahas as to show our support. lol.
and i saw a car with plate number 7777! hehee.
and so, boyfriend and i went to vivo.
dont be sad bcos of your bottle, you can find it someday de :D
i saw snoopy shirt at new urban!!! hahaha very happy lor.
but dont buy it lah, 60bucks man.
its very expensive lor, later you buy alr i'll feel heartache.
and its super disappointed cos the more than words in harborfront closed down already.
my snoopy pen and the biggest soft toy inside there lor. *cries*
seems like snoopy really rare until cannot rare anymore.
and boyfriend bought mickey and minnie (: hahas.
anyway, the "big big place" is very beautiful.
although its not the first time ive been there la,
but its with mickey! *smiles*
i miss going to sentosa though. shall go there someday after eoy maybe.
and the chocolate place is super niceeeeee.
hahas no worries mickey, you'll get to eat it again someday. xD
its kinda sad cos we didnt manage to go chompchomp for dinner.
but its okay, theres always a tmr :D
and its very nice of ruby and julia to send me that message.
haha, although i didnt make any wish,
cos i got only one minute to think and make a wish. lol.
but anyway, today is a "every happy word you can find in the dictionary" day for me!
yeayea 07.07.07 rocks. with boyfriend (:
sweet thing of the day : mickey wished me happy day at 7.07am
sweeter thing of the day : mickey carried me two blocks away to home
sweetest thing of the day : mickey said 7 times of _______ !
hahaha since mickey supports it, den i'll go with him. xD
yeaaa we both wore greeeeen today. wahahas as to show our support. lol.
and i saw a car with plate number 7777! hehee.
and so, boyfriend and i went to vivo.
dont be sad bcos of your bottle, you can find it someday de :D
i saw snoopy shirt at new urban!!! hahaha very happy lor.
but dont buy it lah, 60bucks man.
its very expensive lor, later you buy alr i'll feel heartache.
and its super disappointed cos the more than words in harborfront closed down already.
my snoopy pen and the biggest soft toy inside there lor. *cries*
seems like snoopy really rare until cannot rare anymore.
and boyfriend bought mickey and minnie (: hahas.
anyway, the "big big place" is very beautiful.
although its not the first time ive been there la,
but its with mickey! *smiles*
i miss going to sentosa though. shall go there someday after eoy maybe.
and the chocolate place is super niceeeeee.
hahas no worries mickey, you'll get to eat it again someday. xD
its kinda sad cos we didnt manage to go chompchomp for dinner.
but its okay, theres always a tmr :D
and its very nice of ruby and julia to send me that message.
haha, although i didnt make any wish,
cos i got only one minute to think and make a wish. lol.
but anyway, today is a "every happy word you can find in the dictionary" day for me!
yeayea 07.07.07 rocks. with boyfriend (:
sweet thing of the day : mickey wished me happy day at 7.07am
sweeter thing of the day : mickey carried me two blocks away to home
sweetest thing of the day : mickey said 7 times of _______ !
for every moment spent with you is memorable,
as it fills my heart with love and happiness.
i love you :)
as it fills my heart with love and happiness.
i love you :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
its very embarrassing to have your full name called infront of so many people.
man, yeah miss ming called my full name today in the foyer. -_-"
camp on 21st July. im only happy about it cos its not tmr :)
today is the shortest school day i had in my life man.
no time practice. hahaha i dun bother knowing the reason why also la.
so went to had lunch with ruby to kill time for the moment.
and for the first time i forgot to take my book when i left it with someone.
lol oh man, i think im getting old. haha?
and for no reason mum said shes gonna increase my allowance.
hahaha and thats so surprising.
to ruby:
hey, i know how you feel.
cheer up okay, dont take it so hard.
i dunno what to do also, but since you wana know, den ive got to say.
next time, before you even do anything, ask first.
youre too rash lor. just get over it now.
no worries, wadever happens theres still me here (:
yes tmr is the day ive been waiting for.
anybody or everybody, please wish me a happy day tmr.
hahahahahaha :D
man, yeah miss ming called my full name today in the foyer. -_-"
camp on 21st July. im only happy about it cos its not tmr :)
today is the shortest school day i had in my life man.
no time practice. hahaha i dun bother knowing the reason why also la.
so went to had lunch with ruby to kill time for the moment.
and for the first time i forgot to take my book when i left it with someone.
lol oh man, i think im getting old. haha?
and for no reason mum said shes gonna increase my allowance.
hahaha and thats so surprising.
to ruby:
hey, i know how you feel.
cheer up okay, dont take it so hard.
i dunno what to do also, but since you wana know, den ive got to say.
next time, before you even do anything, ask first.
youre too rash lor. just get over it now.
no worries, wadever happens theres still me here (:
yes tmr is the day ive been waiting for.
anybody or everybody, please wish me a happy day tmr.
hahahahahaha :D
Friday, July 06, 2007
tired, tired and tired.
all lessons are very boring,
and i nearly fell asleep in class.
but anyway, sodium stinks man.
today chem was looking at reactive metals.
and mdm faridah is creative enough to tell us,
to name our kids from the periodic table -_-"
tuition was super relaxing.
only did two graphs today. wahahaha.
and i didnt know that when im tired, i look very nervous -.-
cos im sleepy, den teacher said i looked very scared when he was teaching.
ohhh well.
by the way, Happy Birthday Shane! :D
yeaaaa. leader of Westlife. woohoos.
happy happy birthday!
seriously, i think if westlife is without you,
i see no reason why westlife will rock my life.
youre someone that i can always regconize your voice when you sing.
and youre the most friendly and cheerful one in westlife.
stay happy singing and best wishes!
i'll always love westlife and your songs =)
haha, and its 13 today :D
all lessons are very boring,
and i nearly fell asleep in class.
but anyway, sodium stinks man.
today chem was looking at reactive metals.
and mdm faridah is creative enough to tell us,
to name our kids from the periodic table -_-"
tuition was super relaxing.
only did two graphs today. wahahaha.
and i didnt know that when im tired, i look very nervous -.-
cos im sleepy, den teacher said i looked very scared when he was teaching.
ohhh well.
by the way, Happy Birthday Shane! :D
yeaaaa. leader of Westlife. woohoos.
happy happy birthday!
seriously, i think if westlife is without you,
i see no reason why westlife will rock my life.
youre someone that i can always regconize your voice when you sing.
and youre the most friendly and cheerful one in westlife.
stay happy singing and best wishes!
i'll always love westlife and your songs =)
haha, and its 13 today :D
Thursday, July 05, 2007
i finally bought my keyboard and mouse yesterday.
wahahah, time for my com to change abit. (:
yeah and this week's super busy and tiring.
oh man, i got no time to sleep. poor thing.
and two days wearing pe when theres no pe is super pathetic lor.
and homework is killing me somehow also.
zzz, but still, im happy with mickey around.
hahaha :D
things that are currently in my mind:
1. get more sleep
2. thinking of how sad to spend my saturday in a dumb camp
3. i miss eating chocolates
4. getting the things i wana do as planned :D
wahahah, time for my com to change abit. (:
yeah and this week's super busy and tiring.
oh man, i got no time to sleep. poor thing.
and two days wearing pe when theres no pe is super pathetic lor.
and homework is killing me somehow also.
zzz, but still, im happy with mickey around.
hahaha :D
things that are currently in my mind:
1. get more sleep
2. thinking of how sad to spend my saturday in a dumb camp
3. i miss eating chocolates
4. getting the things i wana do as planned :D
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
yes today no school :D
wahahaha, must enjoy before theres no more holidays already.
manhattan is a nice place with nice food (:
hahaha. well, i think i should eat faster.
cannot stay at this speed anymore. lol.
and that will be another resolution in this month.
and movie was coldddd.
penguins like cody surfing in the water makes me feel even colder.
haha, but after a while i gained my warmth back xD
lol this shows im warm-blooded! and not cold-blooded! heee.
and today was just as nice as yesterday. hahah.
but anyway, i feel the heartache for my beloved.
54 leh. can buy two mickey shirts already. lol.
i shall make sure you dont spend so much so often.
i do spare some thoughts ya know. im a nice girl. HAHA :D
okay, and i think i should eat lesser already.
ive been eating too much stuffs lately.
you're my sunshine, the only warmth i feel in my heart.
countdown 2o =)
wahahaha, must enjoy before theres no more holidays already.
manhattan is a nice place with nice food (:
hahaha. well, i think i should eat faster.
cannot stay at this speed anymore. lol.
and that will be another resolution in this month.
and movie was coldddd.
penguins like cody surfing in the water makes me feel even colder.
haha, but after a while i gained my warmth back xD
lol this shows im warm-blooded! and not cold-blooded! heee.
and today was just as nice as yesterday. hahah.
but anyway, i feel the heartache for my beloved.
54 leh. can buy two mickey shirts already. lol.
i shall make sure you dont spend so much so often.
i do spare some thoughts ya know. im a nice girl. HAHA :D
okay, and i think i should eat lesser already.
ive been eating too much stuffs lately.
you're my sunshine, the only warmth i feel in my heart.
countdown 2o =)
Monday, July 02, 2007
Happy Youth Day (:
yeah, as youths, we should be happy on this day,
cos its youth day. lol
yes today is the start of july,
and i should feel lucky for the whole of this month.
and its the start of 7% gst. hahaha.
but its a pity i didnt buy anything today.
haha oh well, doesnt matter la, cos ive seen too much of sevens today.
mickey's pocket got seventy cents randomly,
den saw sevens at centrepoint walls,
den sony service's paper was seventy-seven,
den far east's bus stop was number seven.
yeah...and thanks for the lovely pizza :D
its nice lah, and im not lying.
cos you're the one who made it, and i feel touched by your effort.
haha, maybe im tired, tats why my eyes tells the wrong things. lol.
so far no one knows how to read my eyes yet. wahahas.
alright, time to do some planning.
July's Resolutions :
` make sure im happy on 7th July
` buy a mouse and keyboard
` get a new pillow to hug at night
` buy leehom's album
` try not to copy homework
` do revision! lol.
` shall not make my mum angry
` do something nice.
yeah, as youths, we should be happy on this day,
cos its youth day. lol
yes today is the start of july,
and i should feel lucky for the whole of this month.
and its the start of 7% gst. hahaha.
but its a pity i didnt buy anything today.
haha oh well, doesnt matter la, cos ive seen too much of sevens today.
mickey's pocket got seventy cents randomly,
den saw sevens at centrepoint walls,
den sony service's paper was seventy-seven,
den far east's bus stop was number seven.
yeah...and thanks for the lovely pizza :D
its nice lah, and im not lying.
cos you're the one who made it, and i feel touched by your effort.
haha, maybe im tired, tats why my eyes tells the wrong things. lol.
so far no one knows how to read my eyes yet. wahahas.
alright, time to do some planning.
July's Resolutions :
` make sure im happy on 7th July
` buy a mouse and keyboard
` get a new pillow to hug at night
` buy leehom's album
` try not to copy homework
` do revision! lol.
` shall not make my mum angry
` do something nice.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
today's the last day of June!
yea yea yea means tmr is the month of july! :D
im buying new keyboard and mouse,
but dunno when gonna buy it.
i wana buy it, but havent buy yet. lol.
perhaps shall get them all in july. xD
man, im tired after the whole day.
only the stupid dumb bus spoilt my mood.
but as usual, im still very calm and patient :D
wahahaha, and i like myself for not being worked up.
(not like my mum) hahaha. =x
and its a miracle that my mum didnt get angry at me being home late.
only whack me a few times and nag abit.
abnormal of her lor. but whatever lah, doesnt matter anyway. lol.
and you melted my heart with that whisper of three words :)
yea yea yea means tmr is the month of july! :D
im buying new keyboard and mouse,
but dunno when gonna buy it.
i wana buy it, but havent buy yet. lol.
perhaps shall get them all in july. xD
man, im tired after the whole day.
only the stupid dumb bus spoilt my mood.
but as usual, im still very calm and patient :D
wahahaha, and i like myself for not being worked up.
(not like my mum) hahaha. =x
and its a miracle that my mum didnt get angry at me being home late.
only whack me a few times and nag abit.
abnormal of her lor. but whatever lah, doesnt matter anyway. lol.
and you melted my heart with that whisper of three words :)
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