Friday, March 30, 2007
im gonna be fine tmr. (:
today shall be my last day blogging and going online,
until saturday after i come back from my camp alr.
aww how sad.
i'll miss my computer lah, although only like 2 days.
i thought no more camps already loh.
how sickening.
hopefully fone will not be confiscated =\
blahh. okay till then.
holy crap. thats like so fast, and changwei went to count it.
today had like 3 periods of lessons free.
pretty good, and was very slack the whole day also.
just that i was feeling very restless.
after school went home and slept.
den woke up went for tuition.
damn it today sucked. all the questions i dunno how to do.
was very discouraged though, the others know at least 2 qns -.-
okay whatever.
tmr's school speech day. uhh. how boring can it be.
and the stupid leadership CAMP stars TMR.
and i havent pack a thing.
feel so unwilling to go. hais.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
its kinda sad cos im not the first to wish you !
lol so early sia. so surprised 0.o
but anyway, stay happy man! (:
also, happy day to mandy.
lol cos its JJ's birthday -.-
no wonder my day so bad =x
haa just joking. but seriously, today im not in a very good mood also.
too long nvr exercise today pe almost wana die liao. zzz.
7 rounds. ha nice number.
jia xin told me that ms tan's skirt wore wrongly.
cos the zip should be at the side. LOL.
and she tried cutting ppl's hair with the scissors.
lol shes so darn funny man.
then faridah kept nag at me for talking too much during chem.
ha-ha-ha. first time huh. broke record.
all thanks to my counselling to ruby lah. lolol.
then geog was dead boring lah.
i thought i spoilt dinali's watch when its actually no batt liao. lol.
after school went to mac slack awhile.
and today i kept saying "dont know, dont care."
lol and that freaked ruby out. HA.
so can kinda know how moody i am.
sian. so many things havent do.
not intending to do english, maths dunno how to do,
infocomm research doing later.
bio tys havent do. phy workbook dunno how to do.
lol im so lack of motivation.
Monday, March 26, 2007
im leading worship on 22nd April.
YEAH ? and im not kidding.
boo. someone shoot me. x.x
imagine me leading singing in my cell group in church?
lol what a joke man.
but luckily everyone also must do it laa.
so not much of a problem, since im not the first one :D
yeap. then service. so and so.
then at dohby ghaut mrt there was this guy who thought i am jennifer.
-.- like wth. since when did i change my name.
and for god's sake i dun even know him.
den he asked how old am i and then said " ohhh. have a nice day then."
dots. whatever. nowadays people are like going out of their minds.
then saw rowell at serangoon mrt.
at first i didnt see her lah, den she suddenly waved at me,
i thought it was some kinda crazy people.
but ha, she stood in front of me so i knew it was her. lol.
she was with her friend, and i thought it was her boyfriend,
cos i saw too many young couples at the mrt. hahaa. =x
theres this message i received from my dear friend.
and its really crappy.
" last night i dream about U. this morning i keep thinking about U. my mind is full of U. i think i miss U. tommorow i will try to think about V,W,X,Y,Z..."
and i cant believe i actually smiled at such a dumb joke.
im starting to love it (:
Nick Lachey- What's Left Of Me
Watch my life
Pass me by
In the rear view mirror
Pictures frozen in time
Are becoming clearer
I don’t wanna waste another day
Stuck in the shadow of my mistakes
Cause I want you And I feel you
Crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger like a burning
To find a place I’ve never been
Now I’m broken and I’m fading
I’m half the man I thought I would be
But you can have what’s left of me
I’ve been dying inside
Little by little
No where to go but going out of my mind
In endless circles
Running from myself until
You gave me a reason for standing still
And I want you and I feel you
Crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger like a burning
To find a place I’ve never been
Now I’m broken and I’m fading
I’m half the man I thought I would be
But you can have what’s left of me
Falling faster
Barely breathing
Give me something to believe in
Tell me it’s not all in my head
Take what’s left of this man
Make me whole once again
Sunday, March 25, 2007
spent most of my time on my com,
cos it just got reformatted :D
yeah, didnt lose my songs though, ha. cos its in my D drive.
yeap. so and so.
but my monitor stuffs looked damn small lah. 0_O
went to have lunch with mom and cousin at marina.
we had changing appetite. (:
the drink was like so big and large sia.
but it was really cool and the ice cream rocks man. haha.
had pasta,pork rib and onion rings.
we shared lah, then in the end all of us damn full.
and i went home after that, while my mom goes to church and my cousin go meet her friend.
there was this 7-eleven i saw that sells clothes. LOL.
cos me and my mom were on the bus, then we somehow saw it,
den my mom ask "7-eleven got sell clothes one meh?"
lol then i said that one special laas.
on the way back home i thought of lots of things.
sometimes i just cannot be alone outside one. sure go emo. lol.
maybe i shouldnt anymore. i dont know. i miss you.
so much have changed, down memory lane.
things to be done by tmr :
- english homework.
- maths tuition hw.
- infocomm research.
- social studies homework.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
so sorry leh. cos mdm faridah scold ppl tat time very funny mah.
den ruby and me were laughing.
den weiqin and soon ling were sitting behind me.
then they see me laugh they also laugh.
den faridah went "wads so funny soon ling ? am i that funny?!"
HAHAHA then i laughed even harder.
damn funny laas. my laughter can actually spread. ha not bad sia.
chinese lesson everyone come ask me how to write the compo -.-
cos im the only one who handed in. lol guai hurr. xD
then they supposed to stay baq after school to finish.
but i guess he didnt know what time school ends lah.
so around after 15 mins of school dismissal, i walk pass the staff's room den see him coming out.
"EH! quan bu dou pao le ar !"
"haha ya. xian zai dou xia ke hen jiu le la."
"na mei yi ge dou pao la ?!"
"shi lor. dou pao diao liao."
"....." *walks back into staff room. LOL hes funny somehow.
after school no time practice so went out :D
we went to j8, then went to eat kfc.
theres this grp of malay+chinese ppl who asked us to lend them out poker.
then later theres this uncle who gave us three whipped potato.
he said is new flavour. 0_O ??? whatever.
ruby made me and mandy laughed till siao lah,
just bcos of a story she invented of me and _____, mandy and _____.
den we go add ruby and _____ in also.
pastor, marriage and proposal. LOL! okay we're lame. but come on, its entertainment.
hahaa. tmr meeting cousin and mom for lunch.
actually dont feel like going cos i need time to like do hw and all,
but since shes treating den go loh, after tat my mom also going church,
while i go home after that, supposedly. =\
Friday, March 23, 2007
the teacher's name is ray see. lolololol.
well whatever. my mom asked me go tuition center,
so i went luh. stupid shit.
then got there saw all zhonghua guys -.-
and one girl lah. but eventually he only tutored me.
cos the other two didnt come.
yeah, so.. he concluded his observations after 1.5 hours.
"youre not stupid, just that you dont do enough practice."
" youre a fast learner, but sometimes just too "block" lah. "
" what you need is motivation, cos you lose hope when you dunno how to do."
" and lastly, youre just lazy."
and you know what he said at the beginning before he said all these ?
" peicai students are all lazy from what i see."
oh well.
going got tuition later.
you know its like no big deal, but yet...arghs.
i wonder how am i gonna struggle there for like one and a half hours.
cos i went home early today to do amaths homework.
and guess what. i dunno how to do all lah.
LOL. so depressed.
got back english paper. zzz not really good also.
ever since kodi marked my results havent got better. lol wth.
and dumb spelling she gave.
i spelled definitely as definately. zzz.
i swear im gonna rmb this word forever. -__-
good thing of the day : my com is gonna be repaired soon :D
Thursday, March 22, 2007
all the cca leaders i dunno one loh.
i only know meyi, jane and yiling.
and melvin lah -.-
then the rest all either psl or councillors.
dont even feel like going man.
like how nice can it be. sighs.
english paper will be returned tmr. lol.
kodi say until make everyone so worried.
and she said about the lung thing was me lor.
damn it. amusing meh. its like so touching can.
haa, aiya shall wait till tmr.
i felt almost dead during bio cos its seriously dead boring,
and i was really very tired.
maybe bcos after three periods of maths bah. 0_o
and changwei's my "dad" !! LOL <3 :D
hahahaas he'll be a great dad if hes got a child man. :D
he rocks okay. hahaha.
two periods of chinese damn stupid lah.
he was talking about getting involve in pre-marital sex,
and eventually his aim is to want us to write a compo. wth -.-
alright so and so. then went to grab a bite and go for infocomm.
the two other sec one guys whos in our grp go be smart chose to do the history of the school.
~!@#$%^&*( its kinda hard loh, somemore not interesting also.
ugh. no choice luh, stupid crap. then we went to interview some teachers.
then mdm goh damn _____! i swear i wont want to talk to her for no reasons alr.
but didnt found out much lah, shall do research and go library get information.
and got like so many homework to chiong ! oh nooo. suckkks sia.
well but anyway, tmr will be my first day going tuition.
ohmygod. oh well good luck to me.
patience, patience.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
hey friend. you're sixteen now.
stay happy and dont be so emo anymore yeah.
glad that i didnt put on weight. lol.
but its idiotic that i grew shorter by one cm -.-
must be damn wrong lah.
not only me, others also. francis must be so blind man.
i got kinda fed up of the protons electrons thingy.
holy crap. so confusing =\
and that stupid kodi cheat us one.
say what hand in storyline will return us english papers.
go die lah. in the end she dunno disappear until where.
alright maybe tmr will get back.
i scored a combined score of 65 for geog and ss.
not that good, but okay lah, still can accept.
and my mom's seriously making me go for tuition for amaths.
on every thursday. and will start on like the day after tmr.
ohhh my god. oh amaths, im becoming friends with you x.x
but still got to go. i have to be a lil more hardworking now. xD
ha, suprising eh? no choice lah.
and today's the last day of my slacking day.
cos tmr onwards homework will start coming.
you make me smile in every little way.
even with the slightest words, even with just a picture.
you're like my sunshine ya know.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
i think ms tan's gonna teach us very soon,
dunno where will ms nai go liao.
so disappointed lah. i flunk my bio paper by two marks :(
didnt expected sia. like wth.
but nvm lah, since its combined with chem, so i still passed.
was feeling damn tired today laa.
assembly time i could just possibly fall asleep loh!
ms ming was talking about human brains,
then used computers as an example to apply.
like how sad lah, cos reminds me of my com.
still havent got repaired yet. didnt have the time to do so. sigh.
and i flunked my amaths beautifully. :(
luckily i passed my emaths ar, if not i'll feel so down.
but just passed only lah. lol.
shall make a list of my results when all papers are returned.
still left with geog and ss, and english. 0_o
my sec 3 results suck la. no wonder teachers say results will drop this year.
so my day's like so tired and moody.
and ive got a stupid leadership training camp next friday and saturday.
dumb shit. that ms tong lah. ask me be wad cca president.
zzz. waste my time leh. dun feel like going lor, but gotta pay 100bucks.
damn it lah. then like eunice also go with me la, but still feel very sian.
first day of term two already so many dumb stuffs.
and good heavens that my mom did not went red.
she just signed my science papers, and i told her my maths results also.
she looked kind of neutral, so i guess its alright.
hopefully the rest of the papers can at least get B lah, den no worries that she'll get mad at me liao.
and today last episode of hana kimi ! lol no shows to catch anymore. haa.
Monday, March 19, 2007
dun tell me im falling sick. 0_o
oh noooooo.
tmr school reopen liao. sian.
hopefully i wont fail any of my papers.
but amaths exception. lol.
if borderline passes also die lah. sighh.
being a student very tough huh.
esp when your parents are like so demanding.
talking about that, my mom today dunno whats with her sia.
morning until now give me attitude one -.-
and her black face becomes blacker for dunno what reason.
i also never offend her. sometimes moodswings can be so scary.
and dunno why alot of peicaians joined campus this year. -.-
its not like as if our school is a high school or whatever.
and come on, renfred won bcos hes rich, many ppl dun like him lor.
eventually like so many people got disqualified.
what has our school become. idol-dreams school ?
haiya i also dun give a damn to this lah.
although last year i thought it was quite interesting.
man, i woke up with a headache lah.
cos i think lack of sleep or something.
feeling sooo tired.
den i was late also. lol.
and today's cell lesson got like two worksheets,
and somemore quite chim also. 0.o
then i think i was looking very dead lah,
den she called me to read out the whole chunk of paragraph out.
omg. what luck.
then went for service worse still. wasnt listening to the sermon.
only know we must have needs, and can pray abt anything bcos its our needs.
ha? "dear God, i need his love." this is so irrelevant please.
crap lah. but at least, i did listen la, just that was like half dead.
blah, i dont know why am i talking about my day at church. -_-
maybe cos i havent been going for like weeks. hurhur.
and i havent finish my geog, amaths and social studies.
zzz. whatever lah. i need some sleep first.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
we went to sengkang, mandy went to buy presents.
then went to eat. and then we went to play the dumb game,
whereby you have to control the thing and catch the soft toy in it.
i wanted to get a pooh so can give to charlene or queenie as bdae present.
but damn it lah, couldnt get it in sengkang.
so then we went to hougang's arcade and play that thing again. ha.
we tried alot of times cos mandy wanted to get the pink monkey, cos she found it cute.
LOL ? yeah so we wasted like damn lots of one dollar coins for that.
ha, but eventually she got it la :D so happy loh. but still, no poohs. x.x
actually wanted to go vivo one, but will take damn long to reach,
so instead we alighted at plaza sing. and we went to eat swensens :D
yeap, and we shared the topless 5 together. so sweeeeet laas. hahaas.
after that we went to arcade again. ha,we're like so insisting to get the damn thing lah.
we tried getting the pooh for queenie/charlene quite a few times,
it was grabbed at first and THEN the damn HEAD hit the glass and it fell back.
STUPID SHIT. damn idiotic lah, so we went off. cos no money liao. lol
but went to the mrt arcade again. LOL.
this time i was trying to get either the tigger or pooh. for the last time luh.
and its not the grab one, its another one. must hit the correct number.
and the damn plate is spinning damn fast lah, so cant really get it.
in the end i left abit more then can get the tiger liao leh !
wad the hell loh. its meant for junlong one actually, as his bdae present.
tried many times lah, but still fail, so didnt get it. cos we're both seriously broke. LOL.
but was feeling kinda upset luh, cos didnt manage to get the pooh/tigger when we were like spending our money on these games the WHOLE DAY in different arcades trying to get bdae presents instead of buying them.
hahah, well... and thats our day. :D
Saturday, March 17, 2007
How You Are In Love |
![]() You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
You Are a Chocolate Cake |
![]() Fun, comforting, and friendly. You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality. People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you. |
You Are Sunshine |
![]() Soothing and calm You are often held up by others as the ideal But too much of you, and they'll get burned You are best known for: your warmth Your dominant state: connecting |
this is like damn plain lah, but doesnt matter anyway. (:
cos ive like been wanting to change but cant find nice ones.
so i used my whole day to find but efforts sort of wasted.
so die die must change by today, so can feel satisfaction. lol!
yeap. junlong asked me out, but didnt go.
cos didnt feel like going lah. sorry yeah.
and thus i rotted at home, doing nothing. haa.
i intended to do social studies, but turned out dunno why not doing.
lazy! and i heard the radio last night saying laziness kills. laughs.
mandy told me social studies need to do all three questions?
wtf ?! haiya dont intend to do already lah.
gotta finish up amaths and journal by tmr.
2 more days to school reopen.
man, it feels like hell. cos results are coming out.
Friday, March 16, 2007
feeling very tired and moody today =\
i left like amaths hw, journal.
not intending to do geog cos i dunno how to do.
waiting for andre to give me answers for amaths =x
guess i'll be sleeping for today. lol.
dunno whether wana go out tmr or not.
sian, will see about it luh.
things have changed.
i really miss the past.
maybe...i shouldnt anymore.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
guy : ......................ya so hope you can donate some money.
me : oh. er.
guy : can you like give 10 bucks ?
me : (wtf ?!) i dun have so much money. (bluff one la)
guy : oh. 8 bucks ?
me : (...) er hurhur.
guy : okok 6 bucks ?
me : i havent eat leh ( lol!)
guy : okay lah. 2 enough.
me : uh okay -_- *gives $2*
guy : 4 can ?
me : ...!!!!! 2 la.
guy : okay.
went to marina for arcade. kinda dumb lah.
and i think im like wasting money playing -.-
then went to eat, then went to clarke quay.
the weather's damn hot la, but still walked like no one's business. lol.
ruby was saying alot of things but i didnt really listen.
ha cos was thinking about sth else, and listening to songs also.
yea, and we went to the new shopping mall. central.
kinda cool lah actually. cos i love clarke quay alot. yeah.
and ms kodi will hate that place cos theres alot of small size escalators.
and i seriously think she will have difficulty standing properly on it =x
and somehow we were lost in the staircase 0_o
its like damn hot inside, and we were walking and walking dunno for how long,
then finally found a way out. lol sorry lah, didnt know anything mah.
we went to the kopitiam, and the scenery from there is so nice loh.
den while she was eating i was talking about things la,
then somehow the atmosphere there became kinda quiet.
uh, den ruby started saying some impossible things that she think is so sweet -_-
yea. somehow for some reasons went to peninsular and funan =\
and was like, dunno why. and they were so dao can.
but whatever la. i felt so stupid. and i cant believe it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
but actually ive thought about it.
its normal for one to feel down,
and since i knew everything was gonna be i-know-what,
so what for being so moody right. nothing's gonna change anyway.
ha. okays tmr im going out.
ive got to get my mood back :]
and i think nike should change their motto.
it should be "impossible is something."
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
but no mood go out, so in the end my parents stayed at home also.
was doing homework today, but didnt do much.
cos i was like xin bu zai yan lah, then felt so pathetic,
only did a little after so many hours. lol =\
and seems like my mom's serious about getting me to go for tuition for my maths. zzz.
oh well. the last time i went tuition was like 3 years ago when i was having my psle year.
my mom lost my ____, and its like. wth.
and she dun feel bad, next time when her things get lost den she know -.-
today morning my dad was like,
" i thought your com spoil? why still using?"
" dunno. "
" your exam over alr huh. why nvr go study "
" over liao. now is holidays. i nvr go school wad."
" ...... then stop turning the volume so loud !"
hes good at changing topics. lol.
i miss malaysia ): feel like going back so much lah.
at least theres no sadness there.
my mood got better now, at least, a little.
i think ive achieved a little of so called being 'stronger inside'.
maybe la huh.
its okay if you dun really care,
cause i only hope that you wont feel awkward over it,
and forget about it loh.
not really.
how many enemies do u have.??
wad is one thing u hate ppl doing to u.??
misunderstand me
who do u miss.?
dun feel like answering.
wad u gonna do after this.??
are u a virgin.??
Do you prefer to sleep or talk to a friend when it gets boring in class?
Do you wave hi with a smile or a serious face?
hi with a smile lah.
One thing that you like about your house?
my room?
The last time you cried, is it because of someone?
yeah. it was just yesterday.
Chocolate ice cream or chocolate bar?
What's the good thing about schooling?
can get to know friends.
Last song you downloaded?
sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Which part of your body is itchy and aching now?
Worms or cockroaches?
none -.-
Yawn with your eyes open or closed?
If you can have a choice, would you prefer to be friends or attached with someone you love now?
confirm thing that will happen is friends lah.
In one word, describe your day:
what websites do you have open:
friendster ?
You listen to music when you are..
The latest news you've received?
parents are going on a holiday without me. lol
Last clothing item you bought?
doing this.
r u waiting for anything.??
mind telling.?
r u sweating.??
wads ur latest indulgements.?
nothing particularly.
wad is the colour of ur toe nails.??
wads on tmr.??
after that appointment.??
still staying at home i guess.
do u have anything which u haven started yet.?
do u have any bestfriends.??
of course.
best friends only got ruby and mandy. rest are good friends.
wad are u craving for now.??
wad do you DONT eat.??
when i dun feel like eating.
when was the last time u took neoprints.??
last two weeks i think.
with who.?? wld u take it agians.??
charlene charmaine and mandy. dunno.
wads one word you say alot.??
wad song is on now.??
not playing any
wad other windows do u have opened.??
windows live messenger
are u feeling well today.??
no but i am still alive.
wad time isit.??
alot of things la.
Who can't you live without?
does it matters actually ?
What do people think when they first meet you?
dao ? LOL
What color is your hair?
Do you like answering surveys?
yeaaa :D
Last thing you did?
ate lunch
Two things that people don't know about you?
1. when im quiet it doesnt mean i am QUIET.
2. i dun smile doesnt mean ive gone emo -.-
Are you a frequent user of Friendster?
what u want to do now?
trying to finish my english homework.
what you do in school everyday at 11am?
eat =\
who are you close to in school (opposite sex)
er. eric and maybe clarence bah.
who spent most of the time with you in school?
what did you do in the past 5 mins?
this thing
what will you do if your loved one cry infront of you?
go ask what happened loh.
what are you wearin now?
clothes luh.
what is your fav colour?
black and white
do you like quarreling with your loved ones?
name a friend you think are flirts.
melvin and qingyang
name friends that you think that can be trusted.
who you hate most?
no one.
what make you feel stress in this month?
maths!!! lol
who you wish to spent your life with?
the one i love lor.
friends or stead important?
both equally.
single now?
when is the 1st time you fall in love?
p5 ? but i think its just crush.
what your hp model?
slack with friends or stead better?
do your loved one know what you think everyday?
i dun have a loved one. lol
how is the food in school?
wish for anything tomorrow?
my mood to be better.
Monday, March 12, 2007
i didnt go to church for some reasons lah. =\
so in the end later went out with my mom.
we went to suntec, cos she and my dad wanna go korea,
den wana go there and book the tickets.
its damn tiring cos, my mom asked alot of questions,
and she went to all the different kinds of tours there -.-
got IT fair there lor, but didnt go.
i still want to buy my keyboard and mouse one leh.
den went to eat pastamania with her.
and she looked so interested in carl's jr. hahaha?
alright wadever. then its like we went almost to the whole suntec,
and eventually she go baq to the first place that we went to book. -_-
they go loh, so bad. left me here alone. not the first time lah anyway.
still rmbed ruby came my house to stay over. LOL.
den went to marina, den went to bugis.
ha. its weird cos im going shopping with my mom for some reasons. 0_o
den junlong called and asked whr's the nlb.
den i told him, and then the next moment i saw him with his god-sis.
hes opposite me lah ,across the road and we're walking in opposite direction also.
but he didnt see me. wahahahas.
den went to buy bag. and the guy there talked alot with me lah.
and my mom got so fed up tat she went to the toilet. lol.
cos i couldnt decide mah, den he was telling me all sorts of things,
den i was asking him alot of things also. and most funny thing was,
he was trying to joke wif my mom but my mom didnt laugh.
LOL. so coldddddd =x
den ltr went to chop for clothes. didnt buy lah, cos quite expensive,plus dun have my desired colour also.
so went home loh. and went to meet mandy at the interchange to pass her ring git money in exchange of sing dollars.
bon voyage girl ! :D
aww. i still havent got my com repaired yet. zzz!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
i was bored to death this morning till afternoon.
damn sian loh.
my com is getting more and more spoil lah,
make me feel so depressed. hope i can faster go get repaired.
lost everything also worth it. (songs exception) lol.
den was feeling a bit emo also.
so i was finding things to do, then asked ruby whether shes free or not.
in the end i went to meet at 4, den we went to plaza.
actually the main point of asking her out is just to go arcade vent abit lah.
so we spend most of out time there lahs.
lol. and we happened to be wearing white shirts together. haa.
yeah. den went to buy my dinner.
i saw snoopy's vcd there leh ! LOL.
so surprised lah. hahaha.
yeah. at least going out a while can let me get some fresh air. =\
and went to my house's nearby playground to slack a while,
since theres no vacant void decks available.
so actually my mood was back after going out. haha.
some surprises are really surprising.
but some questions really cant be answered.
i will answer and tell. someday.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
lol dunno why so happy also.
but whatever. 9.40am ended school.
den went home a while, and went out with mandy.
we went to kovan, den walk around.
i was thinking of wad to buy for my friend lah,
but dunno what suits him. =\
sometimes its so hard to understand what guys want.
den went to eat, actually there were three guys there at kfc also.
den i was trying to eat faster than them so that when they go off we can follow them,
cos we didnt know how to go to hougang stadium. lol.
but in the end they went to take the mrt -.-
sucha watse of time loh. den forget it, we went to look at the board ourselves.
we're smart people okay. lol den on the bus saw alot of ppl lah,
so need not worry. hougang stadium is so hot loh, i prefer serangoon's one.
den our class went to take care of the spastic children =\
i cut short everything lah, summary is that girl held my hand and kissed my hand 0_o
ha. okay, actually i do look very lovable huh. (HAHAHA)
julia also kana lah, cos she was beside me. ruby very pathetic, she didnt play with her. LOL.
oh well, but congrats to anchal for getting the individual runner :D
but red house got the fourth this year =\ bad loh. who cares lah hur,
although im a runner in primary school. laugh-out-loud.
yeah. and today's the last day of term one.
things that happened :
- everyday like nothing good happen one.
- com went nuts and need repair.
- chosen to be president of cca -.-
- horrible pe lessons
- end of ms nai's teaching :(
- the ''maths-stress'' thing everyday =\
- friendship problem, but i think its okay liao.
- beginning to sympathize mr hou
- starting to feel that mr koh is quite an amazing guy
- common test over.
- have been eating too much junk food x.x
and i realised none of the above is a good thing.
Friday, March 09, 2007
can get a big rest liao. haha.
and im sucha idiot in bball, cos for the whole period,
i only manage to shoot in 2 balls -.-
how pathetic right. weiqin was so pro la, three pointer also went in.
tmr's sports day. dunno how to go hougang stadium also. 0.o
wadever lah. just follow the others. lol.
so sian lah.
last year was damn fun la, cos renfred was sitting infront of me,
den me and ruby down there gossiping about him. lol!
after school waited for mandy damn long lah.
cos sh need to stay baq for the fieldtrip thingy.
den i went home wana sleep one.
den the both of them purposely call me and say goodnight -.-
and i got msgs coming in la, so cant really slp.
in the end im like having headache now -_-"
today's ms nai last day teaching us already.
its a very sad thing loh. i would miss her craps and all.
haha but still, shes a nice teacher lah. (:
yeap. and i feel so damn lazy to do letter writing.
exam over to me is like relaxation man.
still got wad stupid homework. so extra one. =\
i really wonder whats gonna happen tmr.
spastic children are going to meet our class and play an activity somemore.
oh-man. 0_o
Thursday, March 08, 2007
okay. but well, im prepared to fail.
haa. out of 9 questions got like 3 nvr complete, around 5 qns dunno.
so dead. x.x
but im quite lucky though.
i passed my physics ! :D
quite alot fail leh, kinda sad.
and i got 25/50. LOL ?!?!?
ha. just my luck.
but its really difficult loh. wth =\
and i got an a2 for chinese :D
but kinda disappointed cos one more mark to a1. -.-
so dumb lah, everytime lidat one. 74 is always the number i got.
ha, but kinda happy also lah. (:
ruby finally passed her higher chinese.
and she passed it cos of me. lol?
yeah. i should feel damn glad lah. hahas!
tmr still got last paper, bio. so sian can?
oh well, but after school went to j8.
just to eat lunch. LOL. kinda stupid lah, but we're sick of mac liao. yeap.
ate long john.
and guess what. the arcade there's so cool man.
call what virtual land ar. nice. lol.
and went home after that. its very pro of us to go there and eat and walk within one hour.
hahaha. and thats bcos we pon infocomm =x
its like no one going loh, and tmr got exam, so can make tat as an excuse lah.
lol. and two more days to holidays. :D
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
me : *silence*
mom : gone case.
me : yeah, tmr will be worse.
mom : why ?
me : cos tmr's amaths paper.
mom : ?!?! then how ?
me : fail lor.
mom : ....
(maybe now she doesnt flare up, when the results out its worse than volcano eruption)
yeah. its kinda hard for me to relax.
cos 1). i dont understand, so means i wont know how to do.
2). mom will have another war with me
3). ms nai's gonna scold again and make me feel so discouraged.
4). dad's gonna make me go tuition
5). im gonna feel so depressed
and tmr's gonna be worse. =\
i basically anyhow did the physics paper lah,
cos i really cant understand what the heck is it. lol.
and, maths paper i can prepare to fail also.
like wtf. that one question i really dunno how to do the formula mah,
so no choice use completing square one.
den ms nai go announce whole class,
" i told you so many times to avoid using that formula, and yet one very brave soul go do that. its not that i want to say if you got it right. you got the whole bloody question wrong."
walao. but she nvr say my name lah.
so sad leh. i didnt do it on purpose one laaaa !!!!
haiyerr. spoilt my mood alr, tmr amaths paper can fail la. wth.
yeah. and i saw half of my chinese marks, cos he havent mark finish.
36/60. how on earth am i gonna get A huh. pathetic.
need like 14 to pass, 34 to get A. ha, might as well go bang wall. lols.
yeah. and seriously im not in the mood to study maths. =\
i'll be prepared to flunk it. sighhh.
half screwed today, will be totally screwed tmr.
3 more papers to go. man, this is like hell.
who says sec 3 dont suck ? bullshit 0.o
good luck to me tmr.
oh God, if you're good, help me pass my math papers.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Cinderella. that she will not turn back after the clock struck 12. lol
2. if you are stuck in an island with brain-eating monkeys, what will u do?
jump into the water and die -.-
3. if possible, what would you do to the person you hate the most?
get him/her out of my life, and never want to know him/her.
4. if you could invent something, what would it be?
time machine. (:
5. if you were person on earth and surrounded by people of the opposite gender, what would you do?
as long as theres no mental ppl im fine. 0_o
6. if you could manipulate with a moment in time, what will you change?
i would change the moment of time and make it that way so it'll not end.
7. if you could eat a medicine that cure all problems, what would you be cured of?
8. if you won 10million dollars in toto, what will you do to it?
get all the things i want :D
9. if you could talk to God, what will you say to Him?
i can always talk to Him :D
10. if you could be best friends with anybody, who would it be?
ha. i dont know lahs.
maybe ive got more confidence now in doing my maths and phy paper today. =\
haa. geog map reading i think i got nearly mostly wrong.
maybe 8 marks gone ? lol.
oh whatever lah. its over alr anyway. =\
ruby bought me the adidas bottle :D
haha kinda shock loh. but thanks lah.
nothing much today though.
just that everyone looked very stress.
lol. after exam we went to the hall.
den we all go count the money fund for the spastic children.
sian loh, friday sports day gotta play the activity we organized.
like how dumb la. why must our class do it -.-
i was intending to go there eat and slack on sports day.
lol looks like cannot liao. zzz.
but some people quite bad lor, all make fun of them one. =\
and i still have no idea on how to get to hougang stadium. 0_o
uh. tmr's maths and physics.
sian ar. cannot fail. if i fail ruby's gonna kill me man.
and i musnt feel stressed, bcos if i really do,
den amaths paper i can go super tensed up liao.
yeah, i need alot of luck for maths. lol.
and i must pass. must must must.
shall pray extra hard today.
Monday, March 05, 2007
i'll forever rmb your crapness.
oh. and stop meh-ing ! lols.
oh. and today's leehom's last concert.
hahas. in KL. kinda miss his concert though.
yea. and i didnt go to church today.
and i realise i had alot of free time. haa.
well, but still. i was mugging for common test la.
hopefully i wont forgot wad i studied loh 0_o
stupid yikai TRICKED me that hes karwoon. -.-
for like so many days. lol stupid.
but in the end i manage to trick him baq also.
hahaha. how fun xD
my com went a lil nuts, so cant open my file in hotmail.
physics notes loh, sian. forget it then. =\
and why does the wrong person always gets what i meant? -.-
"beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder."
not chim meh? how come i dont understand this sentence ?!
dont you get abit of wad im trying to say?
do you see a lil hint i gave ?
Sunday, March 04, 2007
lol, was quite scary, but later on was quite sweet. haa ?
yeah, and i spent my day studying.
oh, how guai huh. hahahaa.
although i took damn long to digest la,
cos i dun have the mood to like study 100% attentively to my book.
my mom said i study like enjoying life lidat,
a while cut nail, a while comb hair, a while eat ice cream while reading the book.
LOL, my own style of studying. =x
then i went to bugis to buy my j-star magazine.
quite stupid loh, went all the way to there just to buy a book -.-
cos i scared no more by next week. so no choice.
then i went to buy my stationaries. made me end up so broke. sian.
in the end gotta eat maggie noodles for dinner.
wads more it kinda suck. zzz.
well nevermind. i have to mug today and tmr.
cos i got a feeling monday i wont have enough time to study.
tmr wont be going church, cos my mom asked me not to.
and shes like having steamboat tmr 0.o
last day of chinese new year she cook steamboat.
lol so funny la. but suits her lo.
bear for another 5 days and it'll be holidays! :D
Saturday, March 03, 2007
LOL. during exam cannot turn right, if not sure will laugh one. haa.
so different loh, every year sure will sit first row last one,
this year second row last second 0_o
but wadever la. the main problem is sitting behind i cant really see much words.
LOL, gotta bring my specs next week.
today two papers quite okay loh.
just tat chinese the zao ju freak me out la.
lol didnt learn the meaning so anyhow liao. idiotic.
oh. i must buy some pen refills and long ruler and eraser.
if not im gonna die terribly next week.
but the worst thing that can ever happen to was,
i think my com can get repaired on monday or later.
sian lor! hope my com can last till monday.
cos seriously i dun wan it to like break down halfway,
if not my mood will be so down until cannot study. lol
been raining these days. so cold lor. zzz.
and i realised ive been eating quite alot of ice creams.
damn, gotta stop. if not my weight will go up 0.o
ive gotta get into the mood of studying this week.
mug mug mug !
i know, someday i will tell you.
Friday, March 02, 2007
suddenly eugene wuhong talk to me.
saying the same thing, answering the same thing, asking the same thing.
somemore exact answers sia.
what the hell is going on de ?!
but theyre at the same place, so... -.-
maybe la. i dont know.
den one guy call wad kar woon added me ar.
another same thing same words. somemore spastic . lol ?
and i bet they three are dunno pranking me ar.
dunno la. so dumb loh.
so coincidentally said the same thing one.
WEI ?!?!
okay whatever.
tmr's common test already.
ah ! so sian.
oh well, but anyway, good luck people ! :D
Thursday, March 01, 2007
today's the first day of march. (:
time flies huh. =\
March Resolutions.
` pass each paper for common test.
` buy march j-star mag.
` get com repaired before march hols.
` get more sleep.
` lose weight.
` stay happy
` stop thinking too much of you
` change a blogskin soon(but actually i dun feel like changing)
zzz damn tiring loh. -__-
maybe i should stop blogging about kodi anymore.
lol. or maybe just short short one luh. =x
"im utterly disgusted with this class."
ha, her true feelings towards us. what fate is this man.
alright. and today had infocomm -.-
and that teacher go appoint me as the president of infocomm.
like what the HELL ?! damn it luh.
and we're like standing there, trying to like stand up for myself.
zzz holy shit. but no matter what, she still appoint me.
so no matter how stubborn i am also cant be help.
another dumb responsibility again. wtf.
what exactly is so wrong with me huh -.-
and eunice's the vice. hahaa, at least its someone i can work if.
if not gonna suffer like shit.
and perhaps cant even pon alr. so sry mandy and ruby.
lol but if really necessary i will pon la. who cares. =x
common test starts on friday and i havent even studied.
how dead can i be. two subjects in one day somemore.
sighhhh. gotta like chiong tmr.
how i wish theres 30hours a day =\
oh yeah. and im so lack of sleeeeep ! zzz !