happy birthday Kian! :D
im indeed very loyal to rmb your birthday as a fan of westlife.
although among the four i understand you the least,
but still you're part of westlife and all, so youre admired by me too!
lol hope you'll get along well with others and enjoy singing! (:
alright so morning on the way to church,
i was sitting in the bus and i feel so awful.
i think cos im reading, tats why made me feel like throwing up.
man it suck. im nvr gonna read anything on buses anymore.
and i cant believe i forgot to bring bible to church today.
like wth. i think yesterday's emotions made me lost conscious.
lol alright whatever. im okay today already, after church. =)
its pretty amazing, cos i cried today at church.
pastor ronald talked about "broken."
so he was saying everything related to that and all,
and i was so filled with emotions and touched lah.
yeah so i was seriously moved and it was great after everything la.
ha, shall not further talk on it. alot of people cried too - wow.
yeap. and i didnt know i can be sucha cool person to someone.
lololol okay i shall stop self-praising. =x
had been studying bio during the weekends.
and i tell you, i cant rmb anything i read. 0_o
4 more days! argh okay shall start studying hard now. i promise.
Monday, April 30, 2007
1. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. and they've gotta be true.
2. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
3. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
4. Post them on your blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!
( got this from cecilia! )
1. i drink soya bean drink almost everyday.
2. i broke the store room's door knob when i was 6 and said the first sincere sorry.
3. i have a collection of small waltz disney softtoys collected from young.
4. i got 4 posters pasted on my walls in my room.
5. i threw popcorns at people when im in the cinema last month.
6. i always hang out with guys when im primary 1 and 2.
7. i dont like and never eat fish. (fillet exception)
8. Mr Lim's birthday is the same month as me!
9. there is a cactus in my room table to prick ppl in case they touch my things.
10. i hug a pluto softtoy every night when i sleep.
11. i never quarrel with my dad before, not even once.
12. i am usually talking to guys on msn.
13. when im feeling down i go to places that i love with mp3 in my ears nonstop.
14. people nearly choked of fishballs when i said a joke.
15. i throw books around when im stressed.
hahahaha. how funny !
2. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
3. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
4. Post them on your blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!
( got this from cecilia! )
1. i drink soya bean drink almost everyday.
2. i broke the store room's door knob when i was 6 and said the first sincere sorry.
3. i have a collection of small waltz disney softtoys collected from young.
4. i got 4 posters pasted on my walls in my room.
5. i threw popcorns at people when im in the cinema last month.
6. i always hang out with guys when im primary 1 and 2.
7. i dont like and never eat fish. (fillet exception)
8. Mr Lim's birthday is the same month as me!
9. there is a cactus in my room table to prick ppl in case they touch my things.
10. i hug a pluto softtoy every night when i sleep.
11. i never quarrel with my dad before, not even once.
12. i am usually talking to guys on msn.
13. when im feeling down i go to places that i love with mp3 in my ears nonstop.
14. people nearly choked of fishballs when i said a joke.
15. i throw books around when im stressed.
hahahaha. how funny !
1. Who sits behind you in math?
jiaxin! always laugh like crazy one.
2. Last text you received on your mobile?
ruby, telling me how sick she is.
3. If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
lol ?
4. What song are you listening to?
what hurts the most- rascal flatts.
5. Who does it remind you of?
that someone.
6. Last movie you watched?
er cant rmb. lol
7. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
clarence! next block only. oh nono, jingkai! somewhere down only.
8. What CD is in your stereo?
no Cds. LOL. even is there is, it would be westlife :D
9. Do you have a job?
10. What did you do yesterday?
slacked at home.
11. What big concerts have you been to?
leehom's concert!!! =D
12. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
glasses. but i hardly HARDLY wear them.
13. Last person you ditched class with?
hurhur. im not that bad man.
14. Who is your best friend?
ruby, mandy and some other guys.
15. Do you find yourself attractive?
16. Who was the last person to call you?
jiaxin! always laugh like crazy one.
2. Last text you received on your mobile?
ruby, telling me how sick she is.
3. If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
lol ?
4. What song are you listening to?
what hurts the most- rascal flatts.
5. Who does it remind you of?
that someone.
6. Last movie you watched?
er cant rmb. lol
7. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
clarence! next block only. oh nono, jingkai! somewhere down only.
8. What CD is in your stereo?
no Cds. LOL. even is there is, it would be westlife :D
9. Do you have a job?
10. What did you do yesterday?
slacked at home.
11. What big concerts have you been to?
leehom's concert!!! =D
12. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
glasses. but i hardly HARDLY wear them.
13. Last person you ditched class with?
hurhur. im not that bad man.
14. Who is your best friend?
ruby, mandy and some other guys.
15. Do you find yourself attractive?
16. Who was the last person to call you?
17. What annoys you?
some things. i cant think of right now.
18. What ended your last relationship?
you asking me ? never wanted to.
19. Next vacation you're going on?
20. Do you play any instruments?
no. im not musical talented yo.
21. Last thing that made you really laugh?
nothing actually. LOL.
22. Do you want any piercings?
yeah one more! and im still finding time to do so.
23. Can you roll your R's?
no. lol
24. Did you ever go to prom?
im not some princess -.- and im not sec 4 yet.
25. Look out the window. what's the most interesting thing you see?
lamp posts.
26. What are your nicknames?
sherbeen? haa. last time thing.
27. Last time you went to the mall?
28. Who last IMed you?
29. What kind of music do you like?
english kinds ? pop/rock :D
30. What was the last thing you ate?
err porridge.
32. What is the color of your shirt?
33. Last thing you purchased?
an inspirational card.
34. What's your favorite beverage?
um i like any kinds actually. lol.
some things. i cant think of right now.
18. What ended your last relationship?
you asking me ? never wanted to.
19. Next vacation you're going on?
20. Do you play any instruments?
no. im not musical talented yo.
21. Last thing that made you really laugh?
nothing actually. LOL.
22. Do you want any piercings?
yeah one more! and im still finding time to do so.
23. Can you roll your R's?
no. lol
24. Did you ever go to prom?
im not some princess -.- and im not sec 4 yet.
25. Look out the window. what's the most interesting thing you see?
lamp posts.
26. What are your nicknames?
sherbeen? haa. last time thing.
27. Last time you went to the mall?
28. Who last IMed you?
29. What kind of music do you like?
english kinds ? pop/rock :D
30. What was the last thing you ate?
err porridge.
32. What is the color of your shirt?
33. Last thing you purchased?
an inspirational card.
34. What's your favorite beverage?
um i like any kinds actually. lol.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
went to zhonghua sec for some dumb stuffs.
like wth. the school's so big man.
but not bad lah, the scenery's nice. ha.
and i feel bad rejecting jerome from being my di.
lol sorry lah, im not into these kinda thing.
maybe you can be my goody pal ? LOL.
alright so i went home, like around 3 plus liao.
ruby and friends wanted me to go j8 library,
shun bian go see wilson in campus or sth.
actually wanted to go one, but no time, so didnt go in the end.
and so was suppose to study at home but no mood to, so forget it.
i dont know why. i suddenly feel emo.
after what you said, after what i know,
my whole self became so... i dont know.
ive no comments, yet i feel down inside.
i know how i feel inside, but i dont understand why.
its been long ever since i feel down. argh damn it.
it cant be that. no way. cos it isnt.
thanks eric for talking to me, although theres no answer to it.
and im very honoured to be the first one you cant answer.
like wth. the school's so big man.
but not bad lah, the scenery's nice. ha.
and i feel bad rejecting jerome from being my di.
lol sorry lah, im not into these kinda thing.
maybe you can be my goody pal ? LOL.
alright so i went home, like around 3 plus liao.
ruby and friends wanted me to go j8 library,
shun bian go see wilson in campus or sth.
actually wanted to go one, but no time, so didnt go in the end.
and so was suppose to study at home but no mood to, so forget it.
i dont know why. i suddenly feel emo.
after what you said, after what i know,
my whole self became so... i dont know.
ive no comments, yet i feel down inside.
i know how i feel inside, but i dont understand why.
its been long ever since i feel down. argh damn it.
it cant be that. no way. cos it isnt.
thanks eric for talking to me, although theres no answer to it.
and im very honoured to be the first one you cant answer.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
i like this man.
kinda made me laugh for quite some time. LOL.
boy: hey dun fall down leh. i very worried for you.
girl: eh you think i 3 year old ah?
boy: only 3 year old can fall meh ?!
girl: hahahaa.
boy: really wad. den ppl who fall down or injured are 3 yr old?
girl: hahahahaha okok no.
boy: lol nvm. its good that i can make you laugh. its nice to see your smile.
girl : *nothing to say*
awww. how sweeet right. lol.
i didnt realise that youre always the one making me smile.
after i look through everything and think through,
really man. really. haha oh well, why am i thinking of this.
ahah alright thats random.
okay but anyway, i hope aric's alright.
he sounded fine on the phone, but his response quite abnormal lah.
although i dunno what happened, but still hope everything will be fine.
yeah, cos i dont believe things will remain unsolved forever.
kinda made me laugh for quite some time. LOL.
boy: hey dun fall down leh. i very worried for you.
girl: eh you think i 3 year old ah?
boy: only 3 year old can fall meh ?!
girl: hahahaa.
boy: really wad. den ppl who fall down or injured are 3 yr old?
girl: hahahahaha okok no.
boy: lol nvm. its good that i can make you laugh. its nice to see your smile.
girl : *nothing to say*
awww. how sweeet right. lol.
i didnt realise that youre always the one making me smile.
after i look through everything and think through,
really man. really. haha oh well, why am i thinking of this.
ahah alright thats random.
okay but anyway, i hope aric's alright.
he sounded fine on the phone, but his response quite abnormal lah.
although i dunno what happened, but still hope everything will be fine.
yeah, cos i dont believe things will remain unsolved forever.
i think i screwed my maths test paper. argh.
ms tan loh. everytime she say ask us study right,
den her test dun even have the things she taught loh.
its like completely different kinda thing lah. damned.
not first time liao lor, amaths also lidat -.-
zzz forget it. lets hope i can pass.
alright so, after school stayed back for remedial again.
its not very boring cos my dear friend was entertaining me somehow.
and i actually stayed back to ask one question worzxz! ahahh.
*bio workbook by mon, amaths test on tues, and start mugging!!! x_x
hahaha. okay okay its a stupid crap!
i see the sun sets and i think of you. hahaa beautiful isnt it? its serangoon man! lol.
ha. the best thing that melvin ever did.
ms tan loh. everytime she say ask us study right,
den her test dun even have the things she taught loh.
its like completely different kinda thing lah. damned.
not first time liao lor, amaths also lidat -.-
zzz forget it. lets hope i can pass.
alright so, after school stayed back for remedial again.
its not very boring cos my dear friend was entertaining me somehow.
and i actually stayed back to ask one question worzxz! ahahh.
*bio workbook by mon, amaths test on tues, and start mugging!!! x_x

Friday, April 27, 2007
had social studies. lol wrote alot of crap there.
until my pen went no ink when i was writing the last sentence. hah?
everything was bored... then until english.
was kinda stupid cos need to find a partner.
so went with dinali, cos ruby and me was not allowed -.-
so after school went to mac to do some revision,
cos ruby couldnt understand the maths thingy.
yes, so today was very draggyyyy.
den went for tuition. teacher was feeling quite moody.
he scolded sharon, and i didnt dare to ask much also lah.
so theres gonna be maths test tmr.
urgh. whole week tests. wad the heck.
i havent study chpt 6 yet. man im so lack of energy.
lol shall go buy energy boost choco and eat. haa alright joke.
im gonna pass my maths tmr. lol.
i'll pray hard that i will. yes.
until my pen went no ink when i was writing the last sentence. hah?
everything was bored... then until english.
was kinda stupid cos need to find a partner.
so went with dinali, cos ruby and me was not allowed -.-
so after school went to mac to do some revision,
cos ruby couldnt understand the maths thingy.
yes, so today was very draggyyyy.
den went for tuition. teacher was feeling quite moody.
he scolded sharon, and i didnt dare to ask much also lah.
so theres gonna be maths test tmr.
urgh. whole week tests. wad the heck.
i havent study chpt 6 yet. man im so lack of energy.
lol shall go buy energy boost choco and eat. haa alright joke.
im gonna pass my maths tmr. lol.
i'll pray hard that i will. yes.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
did you read the chinese's newspaper?
aww wu zun's so ke lian lah. sad huh.
so had geog test today, uh should be pass-able.
and finally the damn chinese test was given -.-
alright the chinese test suck, cos he didnt gave the chpts loh.
he gave the things that he never taught us one. wth.
so i simply did the first part anyhow lah. lols.
i scored 17/25 for bio test. ha ? okok lah.
and looks like the song girlfriend is having sucha great addiction to people around us. lol.
so after school had social studies remedial.
ruby was asking me what if someone confessed to me when im eating.
lol sooo randomed. -.-
im so tired man. went home at abt 5plus ? which is like so late.
den chionged my maths hw.
i thought i couldnt do the circles theorem, cos i wasnt really listening in class,
simply cos i couldnt get a shit out of wads shes saying.
but eventually somehow i managed to do the hw.
haaa so was feeling kinda glad lah xD although theres some qn i dunno.
revised for ss, cos theres a test tmr. zzz.
on singapore healthcare and the PEEL thing.
like so sian can. everyday test. i havent even started mugging man.
and i havent done my tuition hw. dun think im doing it.
lol but i think i'll get a scolding if i dont do. sighh. no time laaaa!
and my mom and i are still quarelling over who to buy the mag.
aww wu zun's so ke lian lah. sad huh.
so had geog test today, uh should be pass-able.
and finally the damn chinese test was given -.-
alright the chinese test suck, cos he didnt gave the chpts loh.
he gave the things that he never taught us one. wth.
so i simply did the first part anyhow lah. lols.
i scored 17/25 for bio test. ha ? okok lah.
and looks like the song girlfriend is having sucha great addiction to people around us. lol.
so after school had social studies remedial.
ruby was asking me what if someone confessed to me when im eating.
lol sooo randomed. -.-
im so tired man. went home at abt 5plus ? which is like so late.
den chionged my maths hw.
i thought i couldnt do the circles theorem, cos i wasnt really listening in class,
simply cos i couldnt get a shit out of wads shes saying.
but eventually somehow i managed to do the hw.
haaa so was feeling kinda glad lah xD although theres some qn i dunno.
revised for ss, cos theres a test tmr. zzz.
on singapore healthcare and the PEEL thing.
like so sian can. everyday test. i havent even started mugging man.
and i havent done my tuition hw. dun think im doing it.
lol but i think i'll get a scolding if i dont do. sighh. no time laaaa!
and my mom and i are still quarelling over who to buy the mag.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
" Let ____ come to you leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of ____'s kindness : kindness in his face, kindness in his eyes, kindness in his smile. "
" ____ makes his own weather, determines the colour of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits. "
oh well. this is written in the maths notes.
quoted and modified by some people. lol alright dumb.
so during pe went abit crazy with ruby cos she was saying,
if i lose to her she'd be _____ for the day.
and so to avoid her crazy ideas, die die also must win her. ha.
and so during chemistry was scolded by faridah cos we're talking.
lol she said shut up sia. hurhur.
and i got my thumb scalded by carbon hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
like wtf. damn pain for the whole day lah.
its like as if my finger's on fire -.- yeah sucks.
i wrote the worst chinese compo i can ever imagine.
haaa, i wrote the story on ugly duckling. LOL. a sec 3 student man.
okay whatever. who cares lah. hah.
thanks mandy for the choco! :D
yeah. and tmr's the chinese test and geog test.
man its freaking me out.
i dont like to memorise things leh.
hopefully i'll rmb la somehow. lol.
school's boring. zzz.
" ____ makes his own weather, determines the colour of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits. "
oh well. this is written in the maths notes.
quoted and modified by some people. lol alright dumb.
so during pe went abit crazy with ruby cos she was saying,
if i lose to her she'd be _____ for the day.
and so to avoid her crazy ideas, die die also must win her. ha.
and so during chemistry was scolded by faridah cos we're talking.
lol she said shut up sia. hurhur.
and i got my thumb scalded by carbon hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.
like wtf. damn pain for the whole day lah.
its like as if my finger's on fire -.- yeah sucks.
i wrote the worst chinese compo i can ever imagine.
haaa, i wrote the story on ugly duckling. LOL. a sec 3 student man.
okay whatever. who cares lah. hah.
thanks mandy for the choco! :D
yeah. and tmr's the chinese test and geog test.
man its freaking me out.
i dont like to memorise things leh.
hopefully i'll rmb la somehow. lol.
school's boring. zzz.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
its sickening when you get to check your bloody tie and attire whole day.
had bio test today. everyone fell asleep after doing, ha funny.
i passed my physics class test man! :D
12/20. LOL not very good la, cos of the bloody conversions.
i suck at that lor. but im proud of my moments! hahah.
and so i made a promise to myself for physics.
im gonna memorise everything i can.
1cm = 10mm
1m = 100cm ; 1m = 1000mm
so 1m cube = (1000) cube mm
which is = 1 000 000 000 mm cube
okay cool. shall read that once a day before i sleep. lol.
so like, had 2 periods of english plus eng remedial after school.
i dont really like it, cos its seriously killing.
but well, the jokes exception. hurhur.
theres chinese test tmr. damn, i dont think im gonna study for it.
i studied last week, and i dun have the mood to study again.
if i happen to forget then too bad. lol.
theres alot to study for geog test on wed, so i'll start today, sian.

im so gonna dread mid year. zzz sucks.
had bio test today. everyone fell asleep after doing, ha funny.
i passed my physics class test man! :D
12/20. LOL not very good la, cos of the bloody conversions.
i suck at that lor. but im proud of my moments! hahah.
and so i made a promise to myself for physics.
im gonna memorise everything i can.
1cm = 10mm
1m = 100cm ; 1m = 1000mm
so 1m cube = (1000) cube mm
which is = 1 000 000 000 mm cube
okay cool. shall read that once a day before i sleep. lol.
so like, had 2 periods of english plus eng remedial after school.
i dont really like it, cos its seriously killing.
but well, the jokes exception. hurhur.
theres chinese test tmr. damn, i dont think im gonna study for it.
i studied last week, and i dun have the mood to study again.
if i happen to forget then too bad. lol.
theres alot to study for geog test on wed, so i'll start today, sian.

im so gonna dread mid year. zzz sucks.
Monday, April 23, 2007
okay. i think my voice suck. lol.
so there was cell and everything as usual.
so me phyllis huijun and anthea were buying curry puffs from cheers,
since its $4.70 for 4. LOL. okay whatever.
service was funny and all. have faith! yes thats the summary.
so went home together with huijun.
yes. so i was struggling with the damn chem workbook,
but in the end not gonna do it anymore. lol.
so went to revise for bio. i actually went to revise alright!
haaaa, but never complete revising it lah.
but anyway, good luck to me for the test tmr! im not gonna fail(:
and wayne has became so intellectual.
lol one sentence he said that made me appreciated his words.
ha, very pro meh. being anonymous is no big deal either =P
aiyah but hes living his life in blissfulness lah, so who cares. lol.
my master is proud to have a disciple like me ! xD hahaha thats damn great.
okay he must top one of his subjects.
cos he promised he will treat me to kfc+mac+mosburger if he ever does.
YES! please top man. lol i'll pray hard for that to happen :D
and im gonna buy the latest dark choco m&m's .
im a lover of it. so im never gonna miss it. (:
so there was cell and everything as usual.
so me phyllis huijun and anthea were buying curry puffs from cheers,
since its $4.70 for 4. LOL. okay whatever.
service was funny and all. have faith! yes thats the summary.
so went home together with huijun.
yes. so i was struggling with the damn chem workbook,
but in the end not gonna do it anymore. lol.
so went to revise for bio. i actually went to revise alright!
haaaa, but never complete revising it lah.
but anyway, good luck to me for the test tmr! im not gonna fail(:
and wayne has became so intellectual.
lol one sentence he said that made me appreciated his words.
ha, very pro meh. being anonymous is no big deal either =P
aiyah but hes living his life in blissfulness lah, so who cares. lol.
my master is proud to have a disciple like me ! xD hahaha thats damn great.
okay he must top one of his subjects.
cos he promised he will treat me to kfc+mac+mosburger if he ever does.
YES! please top man. lol i'll pray hard for that to happen :D
and im gonna buy the latest dark choco m&m's .
im a lover of it. so im never gonna miss it. (:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
alright. woke up damn late cos slept damn late last night. lol.
so was once again busy chionging hw.
im always busy somehow for dunno what stupid reasons. zzz.
so didnt had lunch today. 0_o
so another busy saturday. sighhh.
its not gonna stop until mid year ends man.
and i find myself helping other ppl always,
but just not helping myself.
im trying to understand others but not myself.
lol, oh well whatever.
siti's blog is very inspiring too.
it can help to realise that doubt in your heart. hahaha.
ive suddenly become the great secret keeper.
hahaha not bad sia. xD
lol i still couldnt stop smiling over ysd's thing.
its something so interesting, yet something so lame and stupid.
its nice how we could ever talked so far and over some funny things.
im letting go. and im moving on.
when i say it ended, means its seriously the end.
i dun care and wun bother and will not give any damn anymore.
whatever that is will be. it makes no difference.
at this very moment, my heart stopped beating for you.
i lead my life and you live yours.
and life still goes on! :)
so was once again busy chionging hw.
im always busy somehow for dunno what stupid reasons. zzz.
so didnt had lunch today. 0_o
so another busy saturday. sighhh.
its not gonna stop until mid year ends man.
and i find myself helping other ppl always,
but just not helping myself.
im trying to understand others but not myself.
lol, oh well whatever.
siti's blog is very inspiring too.
it can help to realise that doubt in your heart. hahaha.
ive suddenly become the great secret keeper.
hahaha not bad sia. xD
lol i still couldnt stop smiling over ysd's thing.
its something so interesting, yet something so lame and stupid.
its nice how we could ever talked so far and over some funny things.
im letting go. and im moving on.
when i say it ended, means its seriously the end.
i dun care and wun bother and will not give any damn anymore.
whatever that is will be. it makes no difference.
at this very moment, my heart stopped beating for you.
i lead my life and you live yours.
and life still goes on! :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
melvin broke the visualizer's screen. LOL.
how true can it be. well its totally so true.
the whole thing came off, hahaha. so we used it to flash on the whiteboard.
its cool anyway, and it looks much more clearer and all. so its not a bad thing afterall.
early in the morning the whole class of girls are being sent out.
so there was this councillor who told ma nai that our girls are not conforming,
bcos our skirts are too short. and ms nai got so mad and started lecturing us,
den made us kneel infront of her for check,
yes so was kinda pathetic, cheryl and cecilia were the main victims.
so uh, some things happened and yeah.
and that damn councillor turned out to be ferania. damn her luh.
stupid bitch. whats her bloody problem man. nth better to do go fly kite lah.
but afterall, what she wants was just her face right.
she scold us just for her sake, bcos shes not pleased being corrected by someone of lower authority. think about it, man.
so had napfa 5 items after school.
i tell you how much it suck sia. lol.
cos im getting older, and im getting lousier in everything -.-
i didnt jump very far, and i didnt reach very far either.
sit ups and shuttle were still okay.
pull up sucks a whole lot !!!!!!!!!!!!
reason being i cant do that damn thing since like, forever,
and so the passing mark is 3, and i DID 3. fullstop end of story.
whatever. i dont have so high expectations that i must get As for everything,
and eventually get a gold for it. whats the use right.
im having a hard time thinking of songs to sing for cell on sunday. zzzz.
alright im so happy its weekend.
somehow time is passing so slowly. oh man.
you made me feel like ending it all.
so if it really happens, its seriously gonna be the end.
i wont have a second time like how i used to anymore. that's it.
how true can it be. well its totally so true.
the whole thing came off, hahaha. so we used it to flash on the whiteboard.
its cool anyway, and it looks much more clearer and all. so its not a bad thing afterall.
early in the morning the whole class of girls are being sent out.
so there was this councillor who told ma nai that our girls are not conforming,
bcos our skirts are too short. and ms nai got so mad and started lecturing us,
den made us kneel infront of her for check,
yes so was kinda pathetic, cheryl and cecilia were the main victims.
so uh, some things happened and yeah.
and that damn councillor turned out to be ferania. damn her luh.
stupid bitch. whats her bloody problem man. nth better to do go fly kite lah.
but afterall, what she wants was just her face right.
she scold us just for her sake, bcos shes not pleased being corrected by someone of lower authority. think about it, man.
so had napfa 5 items after school.
i tell you how much it suck sia. lol.
cos im getting older, and im getting lousier in everything -.-
i didnt jump very far, and i didnt reach very far either.
sit ups and shuttle were still okay.
pull up sucks a whole lot !!!!!!!!!!!!
reason being i cant do that damn thing since like, forever,
and so the passing mark is 3, and i DID 3. fullstop end of story.
whatever. i dont have so high expectations that i must get As for everything,
and eventually get a gold for it. whats the use right.
im having a hard time thinking of songs to sing for cell on sunday. zzzz.
alright im so happy its weekend.
somehow time is passing so slowly. oh man.
you made me feel like ending it all.
so if it really happens, its seriously gonna be the end.
i wont have a second time like how i used to anymore. that's it.
Friday, April 20, 2007
there was 4 periods of maths today.
plus my 1 and a half maths tuition.
can totally freak me out.
yes. thats all i wana say about today.
cos my energy level has dropped to 1% currently.
no english lessons for two days. that was very nice man. lol.
and i screwed my physics test paper.
haa. i suck totally at densities.
tmr napfa 5 items. zzz.
im so gonna dread the stupid pull up.
and finally approx. 24 more hours to weekend! :D
and i wonder. i really do.
you made me not wanting to give a damn anymore.
plus my 1 and a half maths tuition.
can totally freak me out.
yes. thats all i wana say about today.
cos my energy level has dropped to 1% currently.
no english lessons for two days. that was very nice man. lol.
and i screwed my physics test paper.
haa. i suck totally at densities.
tmr napfa 5 items. zzz.
im so gonna dread the stupid pull up.
and finally approx. 24 more hours to weekend! :D
and i wonder. i really do.
you made me not wanting to give a damn anymore.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
so the barber teacher came to observe us during maths lesson.
everyone's damn hell scared of her can.
then went to com lab to do the graph thingy.
and had the presidential vote thing. lol damn funny lah.
our class like no one's really serious in it.
some even drew pics in the boxes. haa.
and today the bio test postponed !!!
i studied for it and it was postponed ?!?! WTH.
yesterday was chinese test, today bio. -.-
so theres gonna be physics test tmr.
i bet it will never be postponed man.
and i have no energy to study tonight liao,
but at least i read through and understand it lah. (:
and so after school went home and got changed for napfa 2.4.
met eun, jul, ruby and mandy to go punggol park.
and we're late. lol. all thanks to the two girls. haa.
so was running 2 rounds. yeah and i felt like dying after 1 and half round.
lol... i dont have much perseverance in running man i tell you.
but still not bad la, didnt disappoint myself though xD
okay but still. it sucks. lol! theres still 5 items on friday. zzzz.
so after that i look so shiny, cos im like sweating the most among all the people.
ha, den went home with mandy, while others went somewhere else.
we went to eat abit before we go home.
so today was feeling even more tired than yesterday.
well its gonna be sad if ruby cant go to aus trip. =(
okay, good luck to me for physics test tmr.
i think smiles are always the best thing in life, isnt it ? =)
everyone's damn hell scared of her can.
then went to com lab to do the graph thingy.
and had the presidential vote thing. lol damn funny lah.
our class like no one's really serious in it.
some even drew pics in the boxes. haa.
and today the bio test postponed !!!
i studied for it and it was postponed ?!?! WTH.
yesterday was chinese test, today bio. -.-
so theres gonna be physics test tmr.
i bet it will never be postponed man.
and i have no energy to study tonight liao,
but at least i read through and understand it lah. (:
and so after school went home and got changed for napfa 2.4.
met eun, jul, ruby and mandy to go punggol park.
and we're late. lol. all thanks to the two girls. haa.
so was running 2 rounds. yeah and i felt like dying after 1 and half round.
lol... i dont have much perseverance in running man i tell you.
but still not bad la, didnt disappoint myself though xD
okay but still. it sucks. lol! theres still 5 items on friday. zzzz.
so after that i look so shiny, cos im like sweating the most among all the people.
ha, den went home with mandy, while others went somewhere else.
we went to eat abit before we go home.
so today was feeling even more tired than yesterday.
well its gonna be sad if ruby cant go to aus trip. =(
okay, good luck to me for physics test tmr.
i think smiles are always the best thing in life, isnt it ? =)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
its weird why a vice principle will want to sit infront of the class,
instead of sitting behind to observe us, like what other teachers do.
trying to be special ?
then if ever the principle comes in, she'll sit in the middle of the class alr -.-
im still the same height ok. but i gained weight. zzz.
during chem everyone was making a big fuss,
cos of the chemical formula.
okay seriously i think it kinda suck lah. lol
but i still manage to understand la, not very bad.
walao chinese teacher nvr give the stupid chinese test,
wasted my time yesterday sia. like wth.
but instead he gave a surprise spelling. !@#$%^
and he says spelling no need to be told one. lol what logic.
alright. so theres gonna be bio test tmr.
surprisingly i stayed in my room for 2 hrs studying bio,
haaaa. and my mom still nag at me. wth, just be quiet and im happy.
and theres napfa 2.4. argh im so gonna dread it.
tmr will be a day you'll see me half dying after 2 rounds in punggol park.
martin asked me to join wilson's fan club. LOL.
shall see first lah. i support him, but im not really into fan thingy.
and tmr's the voting for president of sch's council.
i dunno who to vote lah, maybe not voting i think.
after school niko joined me and ruby to mac.
okay lah, its good she nvr went hypo active. lol.
and she sent me home wor. how nice can. hahahaha.
okay, so and so. im damn tired today.
i dun wana be bothered anymore. yeah really.
instead of sitting behind to observe us, like what other teachers do.
trying to be special ?
then if ever the principle comes in, she'll sit in the middle of the class alr -.-
im still the same height ok. but i gained weight. zzz.
during chem everyone was making a big fuss,
cos of the chemical formula.
okay seriously i think it kinda suck lah. lol
but i still manage to understand la, not very bad.
walao chinese teacher nvr give the stupid chinese test,
wasted my time yesterday sia. like wth.
but instead he gave a surprise spelling. !@#$%^
and he says spelling no need to be told one. lol what logic.
alright. so theres gonna be bio test tmr.
surprisingly i stayed in my room for 2 hrs studying bio,
haaaa. and my mom still nag at me. wth, just be quiet and im happy.
and theres napfa 2.4. argh im so gonna dread it.
tmr will be a day you'll see me half dying after 2 rounds in punggol park.
martin asked me to join wilson's fan club. LOL.
shall see first lah. i support him, but im not really into fan thingy.
and tmr's the voting for president of sch's council.
i dunno who to vote lah, maybe not voting i think.
after school niko joined me and ruby to mac.
okay lah, its good she nvr went hypo active. lol.
and she sent me home wor. how nice can. hahahaha.
okay, so and so. im damn tired today.
i dun wana be bothered anymore. yeah really.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
im SO inspired by what JULIA posted on her blog.
its very motivating, and it really can screw your mind.
wow im so so overwhelmed. nice one.
i shall promote her sayings, at the same time spreading her words.
"stop regretting over nothing,
cause every action has a reaction.
so what if the reaction is bad?
you can only blame yourself.
stop reapproaching yourself,
what's done is done,
no point thinking back.
if you keep looking back,
you'll never get to the front.
stop being guilty for your acts,
so what if you made a mistake?
you are still a human,
and humans do make mistakes
so just accept it and move on.
the world won't change for you,
and it's time you change for the world.
lastly, you don't and won't get my sympathy,
so just be optimistic and lead a happy life. "
its very motivating, and it really can screw your mind.
wow im so so overwhelmed. nice one.
i shall promote her sayings, at the same time spreading her words.
"stop regretting over nothing,
cause every action has a reaction.
so what if the reaction is bad?
you can only blame yourself.
stop reapproaching yourself,
what's done is done,
no point thinking back.
if you keep looking back,
you'll never get to the front.
stop being guilty for your acts,
so what if you made a mistake?
you are still a human,
and humans do make mistakes
so just accept it and move on.
the world won't change for you,
and it's time you change for the world.
lastly, you don't and won't get my sympathy,
so just be optimistic and lead a happy life. "
the best way to commit suicide is to eat fishballs! xD
lol. cos during bio she said if food got choke in the windpipe,
you can die within one minute. hahaha! okay crap.
den after school went to bugis with my two friends.
yeap, nothing much lah, just had some crappy stuffs and went home.
was studying for chinese test tmr but found out he nvr give chpt 7.
SEVEN leh wth. hope he postpone it or sth. hurhur.
and jul said looks like im the only one who studied it.
lol not really studied, but at least get a feeling that i know sth lah,
cos i dun wan to feel so rotten when doing it.
jerome scored damn well for his test, and he thank me for it!
hahaha :D okay i should be honoured. VERY.
cat high won peicai in the semi-finals softball! blahh.
hausan said its a long-term enemy. lol. hes another joker lah. always say lame things.
i told my dad to buy a green pen for me.
and he came back with a pen, stated "black-green pen".
and it doesnt look like green to me, neither is it black to me -.-
he bought a green pen that is not green. alright nothing to say. lol.
eugene asked me sucha a good question that i dont know how to answer.
so like, wow. actually theres a reason for it, but yet not totally. uh, contradicted. whatever.
and i actually forgot what is sublimes. HAHAHA.
but i'll forever rmb it now. cos fick had became a part of my science study. hahahaha.
theory : bcos fick is cold, so i'll burn him, and he will be sublimed.
LOL from solid into gas ? HAHAHA thats so cool can.
and i promise IF I EVER ace my chem paper im gonna treat him. yesyes.
and whenever i do practical on it or see that on my papers,
i'll think of fick! ha yes. it'd be sucha unforgettable moment if i ever get ace. lol xD
its nice talking to him. he can make me laugh man.
i dont know how but, he seems to be nicer anyway. hes a nice devil. lol.
okay and theres a ben and jerry's free cone day tmr.
although i would love it, but i dun think i'll go ard sg just to get one after sch -_-
lol. cos during bio she said if food got choke in the windpipe,
you can die within one minute. hahaha! okay crap.
den after school went to bugis with my two friends.
yeap, nothing much lah, just had some crappy stuffs and went home.
was studying for chinese test tmr but found out he nvr give chpt 7.
SEVEN leh wth. hope he postpone it or sth. hurhur.
and jul said looks like im the only one who studied it.
lol not really studied, but at least get a feeling that i know sth lah,
cos i dun wan to feel so rotten when doing it.
jerome scored damn well for his test, and he thank me for it!
hahaha :D okay i should be honoured. VERY.
cat high won peicai in the semi-finals softball! blahh.
hausan said its a long-term enemy. lol. hes another joker lah. always say lame things.
i told my dad to buy a green pen for me.
and he came back with a pen, stated "black-green pen".
and it doesnt look like green to me, neither is it black to me -.-
he bought a green pen that is not green. alright nothing to say. lol.
eugene asked me sucha a good question that i dont know how to answer.
so like, wow. actually theres a reason for it, but yet not totally. uh, contradicted. whatever.
and i actually forgot what is sublimes. HAHAHA.
but i'll forever rmb it now. cos fick had became a part of my science study. hahahaha.
theory : bcos fick is cold, so i'll burn him, and he will be sublimed.
LOL from solid into gas ? HAHAHA thats so cool can.
and i promise IF I EVER ace my chem paper im gonna treat him. yesyes.
and whenever i do practical on it or see that on my papers,
i'll think of fick! ha yes. it'd be sucha unforgettable moment if i ever get ace. lol xD
its nice talking to him. he can make me laugh man.
i dont know how but, he seems to be nicer anyway. hes a nice devil. lol.
okay and theres a ben and jerry's free cone day tmr.
although i would love it, but i dun think i'll go ard sg just to get one after sch -_-
Monday, April 16, 2007
had a fight with mom. yeah, voice fight you can call it.
dont provoke me. never.
maybe i bottled up too much of my emotions inside,
until i vent it up when i cant take it anymore.
so sorry mom for screaming at you, but you really make me angry what.
but i lost anyway, cos i stop the fight by being quiet. lol.
okay whatever.
i finished all the homework! :D so glad.
haaa, but i dunno how to do amaths exercise 4.5 lahs.
well...time flies. 18 days to mid year.
time to concentrate and work hard.
i promise myself im not gonna be affected by anything until midyear is over.
and i never break my promises.
maybe things will happen as it is when time goes by.
let it go, let it go.
maybe its soon gonna be the time to move on.
perhaps, you'll be the last thing that i tried to hold on ;
dont provoke me. never.
maybe i bottled up too much of my emotions inside,
until i vent it up when i cant take it anymore.
so sorry mom for screaming at you, but you really make me angry what.
but i lost anyway, cos i stop the fight by being quiet. lol.
okay whatever.
i finished all the homework! :D so glad.
haaa, but i dunno how to do amaths exercise 4.5 lahs.
well...time flies. 18 days to mid year.
time to concentrate and work hard.
i promise myself im not gonna be affected by anything until midyear is over.
and i never break my promises.
maybe things will happen as it is when time goes by.
let it go, let it go.
maybe its soon gonna be the time to move on.
perhaps, you'll be the last thing that i tried to hold on ;
Sunday, April 15, 2007
i dont know how the hell people can cheer you up and encourage you.
maybe what i do is meaningless. or perhaps you dont give a damn lah.
i wana be the one there for you sometimes, but you just dun see it.
you dun see my presence. and thats why im always remaining silent.
and youre willing to stop sth just bcos of a normal someone.
well, that's that.
love kills.
when you think that no one cares, you never realise i've always cared.
i care, i care for you more than anyone else.
sometimes i know you too well, but yet sometimes i feel like i dont understand you at all.
can someone stop the time for me,
cos i can hardly catch my breath now already.
okay well. time to go for church.
maybe what i do is meaningless. or perhaps you dont give a damn lah.
i wana be the one there for you sometimes, but you just dun see it.
you dun see my presence. and thats why im always remaining silent.
and youre willing to stop sth just bcos of a normal someone.
well, that's that.
love kills.
when you think that no one cares, you never realise i've always cared.
i care, i care for you more than anyone else.
sometimes i know you too well, but yet sometimes i feel like i dont understand you at all.
can someone stop the time for me,
cos i can hardly catch my breath now already.
okay well. time to go for church.
caught flu. wth.
today morning from 10am ive been doing homework nonstop till4pm.
minus away 1/2 hour lunch and 1/2 hour bath,
ohmygod, 5 hours! ive broke record man! wow.
i spent alot of time doing maths lah, and damned exercise 4.5 i dunno how to do at all.
den did chinese and english article thingy.
so left with bio workbook and english compre and summary.
intended to have a break of one hour, but somehow... aiyah lidat lor.
so next time i shall chiong all first before i on my com.
will try to finish everything by tonight. hopefully.
my mom's going for a wedding dinner tonight,
and she said she dunno anyone there except for the groom and his mother.
LOL but his bride was my tuition teacher last time lah.
like so funny loh, if im her rather dun go, alone there, she only gets to eat lah.
today's sucha boring day. i spent my precious saturday doing homework.
and wilson got into 20 ! wow wow. (:
i feel like asking you. but well, nvm about it.
hey you! dont feel down or whatsoever.
but know that im always here for you. =]
today morning from 10am ive been doing homework nonstop till4pm.
minus away 1/2 hour lunch and 1/2 hour bath,
ohmygod, 5 hours! ive broke record man! wow.
i spent alot of time doing maths lah, and damned exercise 4.5 i dunno how to do at all.
den did chinese and english article thingy.
so left with bio workbook and english compre and summary.
intended to have a break of one hour, but somehow... aiyah lidat lor.
so next time i shall chiong all first before i on my com.
will try to finish everything by tonight. hopefully.
my mom's going for a wedding dinner tonight,
and she said she dunno anyone there except for the groom and his mother.
LOL but his bride was my tuition teacher last time lah.
like so funny loh, if im her rather dun go, alone there, she only gets to eat lah.
today's sucha boring day. i spent my precious saturday doing homework.
and wilson got into 20 ! wow wow. (:
i feel like asking you. but well, nvm about it.
hey you! dont feel down or whatsoever.
but know that im always here for you. =]
you got me speechless.
im so touched.
you still have the little things that i gave.
and you actually think baq of the memories in the past,
but maybe just for once.
and i realised how much my drawing suck one and a half years ago.
you made me miss everything so much. ever so much.
we were so young and innocent, but now have changed.
and the places we went to, they still remain.
the words we used to say, they're forever so sweet.
the things that you and i have, are now left with memories.
the video clip you made, and the two letters you typed.
it has been so long huh.
the fire that used to be burning in me.
but now, the love no longer burn, cos you have blown off the flame.
im so touched.
you still have the little things that i gave.
and you actually think baq of the memories in the past,
but maybe just for once.
and i realised how much my drawing suck one and a half years ago.
you made me miss everything so much. ever so much.
we were so young and innocent, but now have changed.
and the places we went to, they still remain.
the words we used to say, they're forever so sweet.
the things that you and i have, are now left with memories.
the video clip you made, and the two letters you typed.
it has been so long huh.

but now, the love no longer burn, cos you have blown off the flame.
1. How do you go to school?
walk lor.
2. What time do you usually arrive in school?
7.15am. lol
3. What school do you go to?
4. Do you live near or far from your school?
quite near lah.
5. How much is your tuition fee?
dunno leh. $136 ?
6. How much is your monthly allowance?
$100+ nia.
7. Favorite subject/s:
chinese! lol. most slack one.
8. Favorite teacher:
mr lim changwei! :D
9. Favorite classmates?:
ruby loh. xD
10. Favorite sport in school?
er. none
11. Favorite hang-out after school?
12. Favorite event held in school?
teacher's day ? LOL
14.Where do you usually eat in school?
canteen lah where else.
15. You eat alone or with friends?
with friends.
16. What do you do during breaks?
17. Are you engaged in any sport in your school?
18. What time do you usually go home?
4pm reach home.
19. Do you go home alone?
nah, with mandy and ruby (:
20. You think schooling is easy?
never -.-
21. Do you like your uniform?
22. What makes your school beautiful?
the people who always make me smile :D
23. Are you happy in school?
ok-ok lah.
walk lor.
2. What time do you usually arrive in school?
7.15am. lol
3. What school do you go to?
4. Do you live near or far from your school?
quite near lah.
5. How much is your tuition fee?
dunno leh. $136 ?
6. How much is your monthly allowance?
$100+ nia.
7. Favorite subject/s:
chinese! lol. most slack one.
8. Favorite teacher:
mr lim changwei! :D
9. Favorite classmates?:
ruby loh. xD
10. Favorite sport in school?
er. none
11. Favorite hang-out after school?
12. Favorite event held in school?
teacher's day ? LOL
14.Where do you usually eat in school?
canteen lah where else.
15. You eat alone or with friends?
with friends.
16. What do you do during breaks?
17. Are you engaged in any sport in your school?
18. What time do you usually go home?
4pm reach home.
19. Do you go home alone?
nah, with mandy and ruby (:
20. You think schooling is easy?
never -.-
21. Do you like your uniform?
22. What makes your school beautiful?
the people who always make me smile :D
23. Are you happy in school?
ok-ok lah.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
today's friday thirteen. lol.
saw the presidential votes on walls today.
hahaa, dunno wana vote for who also.
die, now since celest is either the vice or the head,
i must be guai infront of her liao. zzz.
damn sian today lah.
had boring english lessons, den had physics practical.
chem test was funny lah, cos the test is do the workbook -.-
but also good lah, cos for once i really concentrate to do it. lol.
and i feel so paiseh in class today -___-
everytime when julia calls me i cannot hear one. 0_o
and cheryl also i think.
not that im deaf okay! lol soonling call me i can hear loh. lol.
okay well. anchal said im MATURE. hahahaha. true true :D
after school everyone got to stay back for extra lessons.
1.30 - 3.30pm. and it extended awhile also.
so its like, 3 hours of maths today plus two periods in curriculum time.
so went to mac and grab a bite den went home.
theres tons of hw to be done before monday. hais. alot lor.
and next week's gonna be damn busy. got alot of things going on. sian!
arghhh sickening.
how i wish ive got no sense of urgency.
you have the power to make me feel weak inside.
saw the presidential votes on walls today.
hahaa, dunno wana vote for who also.
die, now since celest is either the vice or the head,
i must be guai infront of her liao. zzz.
damn sian today lah.
had boring english lessons, den had physics practical.
chem test was funny lah, cos the test is do the workbook -.-
but also good lah, cos for once i really concentrate to do it. lol.
and i feel so paiseh in class today -___-
everytime when julia calls me i cannot hear one. 0_o
and cheryl also i think.
not that im deaf okay! lol soonling call me i can hear loh. lol.
okay well. anchal said im MATURE. hahahaha. true true :D
after school everyone got to stay back for extra lessons.
1.30 - 3.30pm. and it extended awhile also.
so its like, 3 hours of maths today plus two periods in curriculum time.
so went to mac and grab a bite den went home.
theres tons of hw to be done before monday. hais. alot lor.
and next week's gonna be damn busy. got alot of things going on. sian!
arghhh sickening.
how i wish ive got no sense of urgency.
you have the power to make me feel weak inside.
Friday, April 13, 2007
was writing note to ruby in class today during first period.
i told her to do a test on your personality.
cos i heard from the radio last night, and thought it might be interesting enough.
LOL its damn funny lah, so tat was some kinda entertainment we had lah. haha.
i must learn not to blog about teachers now.
and i think im doing quite well in that also =\
well. during PE played badminton. lol its been long since i was so active again. haa.
chinese lesson listened to some old songs.
and i think its quite nice actually. lyrics got alot of meaning.
and i realised im good at making ppl happy, as well as sad. LOL.
physics lesson's fun :D
although i didnt really bother to work out the answers, but its good lah.
my grp got a choco coin from mr lim. haha (:
the group names are so funny lah. jx named ours "shinalingaling" -.-
lol.. but i think trevor's group one most funny but most insulting lah.
i hope mr lim wun tell him, if not she'll probably hate us.
after school, there was some very interesting things tat i noticed,
yeap. and I DONT LOOK SAD at all ! lol.
okay la, maybe to you i looked sad. haha, but in any case, im not!
can say im emo, but im not sad. nooooo.
went home, den got moody, den went for tuition.
teacher somemore ask why my face so black. hurhur.
but after tuition i got my mood back, cos during tuition i knew how to do ALL the questions.
lol once in a lifetime thing man. only some qns i see wrong question,
den it freaked my teacher out. hahaha but quite glad la :D
but still, school's maths hw damn difficult loh -___-
okay whatever. i need sleep i need sleep and i need sleep!
*chem test tmr, journal entry,amaths hw, emaths, march hols hw maths.
i told her to do a test on your personality.
cos i heard from the radio last night, and thought it might be interesting enough.
LOL its damn funny lah, so tat was some kinda entertainment we had lah. haha.
i must learn not to blog about teachers now.
and i think im doing quite well in that also =\
well. during PE played badminton. lol its been long since i was so active again. haa.
chinese lesson listened to some old songs.
and i think its quite nice actually. lyrics got alot of meaning.
and i realised im good at making ppl happy, as well as sad. LOL.
physics lesson's fun :D
although i didnt really bother to work out the answers, but its good lah.
my grp got a choco coin from mr lim. haha (:
the group names are so funny lah. jx named ours "shinalingaling" -.-
lol.. but i think trevor's group one most funny but most insulting lah.
i hope mr lim wun tell him, if not she'll probably hate us.
after school, there was some very interesting things tat i noticed,
yeap. and I DONT LOOK SAD at all ! lol.
okay la, maybe to you i looked sad. haha, but in any case, im not!
can say im emo, but im not sad. nooooo.
went home, den got moody, den went for tuition.
teacher somemore ask why my face so black. hurhur.
but after tuition i got my mood back, cos during tuition i knew how to do ALL the questions.
lol once in a lifetime thing man. only some qns i see wrong question,
den it freaked my teacher out. hahaha but quite glad la :D
but still, school's maths hw damn difficult loh -___-
okay whatever. i need sleep i need sleep and i need sleep!
*chem test tmr, journal entry,amaths hw, emaths, march hols hw maths.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
just came back from school. zzz.
today morning stomach pain again.
wah sian, two days liao leh. dunno wad the hell is wrong.
but luckily went to school alr fine.
lessons are very dry and heavy today lah.
ms sae praised me sia! LOL. so unexpected.
she said im the only one who did the graph and the questions behind in the wb for hw.
hahahaha, so funny. i dunno why i did also, maybe tat day im not in gd mood bah.
den after school went out to eat at void deck.
den i saw roy around there. den i msg him and said that i saw him.
LOL he looked everywhere but didnt see anyone.
hahaha so funny right.
den had cca, today's very slack also.
only did some script writing while ruby was entertaining me at the same time.
lol if only our entertainment happens, then my life will rock man.
okay unrealistic. 0_o
and take care mandy! youve been so suay lately. lol.
alright then went home.
last night was talking to jerome about chem, cos he got test today mah.
den i told him some dumb theories, and i anyhow said an example.
and it really came out today in his paper! hahahahas.
how true can that be man. lol im so honoured :D
i can his lucky star liao. lol!
okay anyway, im going to have a super damn busy week later on and on.
alot of tests are coming up next week, and alot of hw have to be done by this week.
running against time seriously suck.
and how i wish wad ruby said and the cards will happen.
why didnt you did what you said to me in the past;
while you said that you'll do it just for her now.
its every little thing that makes me think of you.
today morning stomach pain again.
wah sian, two days liao leh. dunno wad the hell is wrong.
but luckily went to school alr fine.
lessons are very dry and heavy today lah.
ms sae praised me sia! LOL. so unexpected.
she said im the only one who did the graph and the questions behind in the wb for hw.
hahahaha, so funny. i dunno why i did also, maybe tat day im not in gd mood bah.
den after school went out to eat at void deck.
den i saw roy around there. den i msg him and said that i saw him.
LOL he looked everywhere but didnt see anyone.
hahaha so funny right.
den had cca, today's very slack also.
only did some script writing while ruby was entertaining me at the same time.
lol if only our entertainment happens, then my life will rock man.
okay unrealistic. 0_o
and take care mandy! youve been so suay lately. lol.
alright then went home.
last night was talking to jerome about chem, cos he got test today mah.
den i told him some dumb theories, and i anyhow said an example.
and it really came out today in his paper! hahahahas.
how true can that be man. lol im so honoured :D
i can his lucky star liao. lol!
okay anyway, im going to have a super damn busy week later on and on.
alot of tests are coming up next week, and alot of hw have to be done by this week.
running against time seriously suck.
and how i wish wad ruby said and the cards will happen.
why didnt you did what you said to me in the past;
while you said that you'll do it just for her now.
its every little thing that makes me think of you.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
i bought the iweekly mag just to let ruby see his "idol" =\
yeaah. some sort of surprising girl i am hurr.
okay well. after running 12 rounds in pe i was having a stomachache.
and a really bad one, until i got no energy to talk much also.
and during chem melvin kept irritating me -.-
threaten me somemore. like i care ? i told him wadever, and he was freaked out.
luckily he never do anything ar, if not im gonna be so dead anyhow.
andy bought a very cute dog for ferania.
haha so sweet loh, but he damn shy also lah.
chinese lesson mr hou was making fun of it, and also about the aeroplane tat clarence was playing with.
and i laughed most at the "mary had a little dog" song sang by him. lol!
amaths test was a disaster lah.
i dunno how the hell to do almost all the questions.
im gonna be so stressed out again.
and how on earth am i gonna get a 2 for maths.
stupid target set by teachers. its very tensed, but still, i must get it somehow, before my 0s.
after school went to mac, and had a little "game" with ruby.
although not very realistic, but still....yeah.
it should end tmr lah anyway.
midyear is coming and i havent been studying.
ohhh no. sianed.
the one and only one that creates a special feeling in my heart.
yeaah. some sort of surprising girl i am hurr.
okay well. after running 12 rounds in pe i was having a stomachache.
and a really bad one, until i got no energy to talk much also.
and during chem melvin kept irritating me -.-
threaten me somemore. like i care ? i told him wadever, and he was freaked out.
luckily he never do anything ar, if not im gonna be so dead anyhow.
andy bought a very cute dog for ferania.
haha so sweet loh, but he damn shy also lah.
chinese lesson mr hou was making fun of it, and also about the aeroplane tat clarence was playing with.
and i laughed most at the "mary had a little dog" song sang by him. lol!
amaths test was a disaster lah.
i dunno how the hell to do almost all the questions.
im gonna be so stressed out again.
and how on earth am i gonna get a 2 for maths.
stupid target set by teachers. its very tensed, but still, i must get it somehow, before my 0s.
after school went to mac, and had a little "game" with ruby.
although not very realistic, but still....yeah.
it should end tmr lah anyway.
midyear is coming and i havent been studying.
ohhh no. sianed.
the one and only one that creates a special feeling in my heart.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
almost late for school.
the sky seem so bright in the morning,
made me like chiong all the way to school,
end up me wearing the wrong socks.
i wore one side new and one side old -_-
after school went to kovan.
ate pizza hut, and saw jasmin and her boyfriend.
den later on was having a slight headache,
so i went home and slept.
yeap, nothing much today lah. mondays are always like that.
and my mom out of a sudden gave me 2bucks. 0_O
uhhh. she said is bcos i seemed guai today.
the sky seem so bright in the morning,
made me like chiong all the way to school,
end up me wearing the wrong socks.
i wore one side new and one side old -_-
after school went to kovan.
ate pizza hut, and saw jasmin and her boyfriend.
den later on was having a slight headache,
so i went home and slept.
yeap, nothing much today lah. mondays are always like that.
and my mom out of a sudden gave me 2bucks. 0_O
uhhh. she said is bcos i seemed guai today.
Monday, April 09, 2007
happy easter day! lol.
no church today.
mom gave me drink some kinda tonic stuffs. x_x
she says if its okay for me she'll buy that for me during midyear.
and that thing is to help have more energy. im lacking that anw -.-
uhh okay whatever. but seriously its not nice at all man.
i went to sleep after my lunch.
i wonder what effect has that thing got,
cos i drank that after my lunch, and instead i went to sleep 0_o
well, i was doing the maths revision thingy for the whole damn day.
got three qns dunno how to do. gonna ask ppl tmr.
hopefully i'll pass my amaths test on tues lah. xD
since eunice said zen v always hang,
maybe i'll save for zen neeon 2.
lol both are same price lah, see how lor.
either zen v or neeon2.
sigh. so many things to buy. i guess it'll take a long time.
if only money drops from above. =\
and i realised this year passed very fast.
no church today.
mom gave me drink some kinda tonic stuffs. x_x
she says if its okay for me she'll buy that for me during midyear.
and that thing is to help have more energy. im lacking that anw -.-
uhh okay whatever. but seriously its not nice at all man.
i went to sleep after my lunch.
i wonder what effect has that thing got,
cos i drank that after my lunch, and instead i went to sleep 0_o
well, i was doing the maths revision thingy for the whole damn day.
got three qns dunno how to do. gonna ask ppl tmr.
hopefully i'll pass my amaths test on tues lah. xD
since eunice said zen v always hang,
maybe i'll save for zen neeon 2.
lol both are same price lah, see how lor.
either zen v or neeon2.
sigh. so many things to buy. i guess it'll take a long time.
if only money drops from above. =\
and i realised this year passed very fast.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
no need to say sorry lah eunice.
lol although it really made me so shocked and all,
but i didnt cry mah. lol so its okay lah. relax (:
went out with my mom today.
we went to toa payoh cos she wanted to eat the thing.
then in the end they nvr open the stall. lol.
den we were quarreling over wad to eat.
cos i insisted on eating pizza you see.
so in the end she no choice but to follow me la.
ha. ate pastamania. den when the pizza came,
its burnt at the sides -.-
so my mom go complain. LOL.
den they say they will give us another one.
which made us waited for another 10 mins. =\
okay then we went to somerset.
cos my mom asked wana go orchard, somerset or dohby ghaut.
den i dunno where to go, and since somerset sounds nicer i chose there.
lol nothing much also lah, intended to go shopping but didnt buy anything.
den she went to church and i went home.
wanted to ask some people out, but in the end changed my mind.
so on the way i went to ps walk around den go home.
at the b2 mrt escalator i saw jerome!
i was going down, he was going up.
den i saw him, i looked at him. den he looked at me.
den we were like staring at each other while he goes up and i go down.
LOL so dumb lah. we're like smiling instead of saying hi.
haaa. i just saw him on thursday, and now i see him again.
what a small world. lol.
yeap. and rainy days are so.... make ppl feel so emo.
dont you think so ? ha.
i havent finish any of my homeworks! man im dead.
anyway i feel like buying creative zen v.
but the price is killing me.
lol although it really made me so shocked and all,
but i didnt cry mah. lol so its okay lah. relax (:
went out with my mom today.
we went to toa payoh cos she wanted to eat the thing.
then in the end they nvr open the stall. lol.
den we were quarreling over wad to eat.
cos i insisted on eating pizza you see.
so in the end she no choice but to follow me la.
ha. ate pastamania. den when the pizza came,
its burnt at the sides -.-
so my mom go complain. LOL.
den they say they will give us another one.
which made us waited for another 10 mins. =\
okay then we went to somerset.
cos my mom asked wana go orchard, somerset or dohby ghaut.
den i dunno where to go, and since somerset sounds nicer i chose there.
lol nothing much also lah, intended to go shopping but didnt buy anything.
den she went to church and i went home.
wanted to ask some people out, but in the end changed my mind.
so on the way i went to ps walk around den go home.
at the b2 mrt escalator i saw jerome!
i was going down, he was going up.
den i saw him, i looked at him. den he looked at me.
den we were like staring at each other while he goes up and i go down.
LOL so dumb lah. we're like smiling instead of saying hi.
haaa. i just saw him on thursday, and now i see him again.
what a small world. lol.
yeap. and rainy days are so.... make ppl feel so emo.
dont you think so ? ha.
i havent finish any of my homeworks! man im dead.
anyway i feel like buying creative zen v.
but the price is killing me.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
i kept having dreams every night -.-
and i actually forgot every single one of them.
well, but i rmb last night's one, just the last portion.
ha, its nice lah, its nice.
woke up damn early today also, just to go to church for good friday with mom.
after that my mom wanted to go outram park one,
den i say i dun wan go. lol.
so i went to meet ruby, vivian and jiani at serangoon to waste time.
they wanted to play bball and badminton.
after they borrowed their ball i went home.
den on the way mandy called and ask whether am i free,
cos her dad wana treat all of us go movie. wow?
yeah, so i went home and wrote a note for my mom in case she went home and found out im not home.
we went to ps, wanted to watch bean, but full liao. ugh.
so in the end we me and mandy act smart chose meet the robinsons.
den found out that its actually a cartoon movie. lol! so dumb lah.
but it not bad lah. haa. talked about time machine and turning back time and looking into the future.
i liked the songs, gonna find them out.
den we went to arcade, but very stupid lah, didnt get wad we wanted. lol.
den had swensens :D their dad is funny also. hahaha.
must really thank him alot for the treats. thanks uncle! :D
so paiseh laa >_< sorry junlong, couldnt go vivo. lol cos i think i dunno your other friends also. ha and its late also. next time lah huh. yeap, so and so. very tired lah. i wana go bookstore! lol. its been ages since i read any books. and i need to save up money buy stuffs. and im really gonna do it (:
and i actually forgot every single one of them.
well, but i rmb last night's one, just the last portion.
ha, its nice lah, its nice.
woke up damn early today also, just to go to church for good friday with mom.
after that my mom wanted to go outram park one,
den i say i dun wan go. lol.
so i went to meet ruby, vivian and jiani at serangoon to waste time.
they wanted to play bball and badminton.
after they borrowed their ball i went home.
den on the way mandy called and ask whether am i free,
cos her dad wana treat all of us go movie. wow?
yeah, so i went home and wrote a note for my mom in case she went home and found out im not home.
we went to ps, wanted to watch bean, but full liao. ugh.
so in the end we me and mandy act smart chose meet the robinsons.
den found out that its actually a cartoon movie. lol! so dumb lah.
but it not bad lah. haa. talked about time machine and turning back time and looking into the future.
i liked the songs, gonna find them out.
den we went to arcade, but very stupid lah, didnt get wad we wanted. lol.
den had swensens :D their dad is funny also. hahaha.
must really thank him alot for the treats. thanks uncle! :D
so paiseh laa >_< sorry junlong, couldnt go vivo. lol cos i think i dunno your other friends also. ha and its late also. next time lah huh. yeap, so and so. very tired lah. i wana go bookstore! lol. its been ages since i read any books. and i need to save up money buy stuffs. and im really gonna do it (:
Friday, April 06, 2007
okay, im really going to australia fieldtrip.
anything, i dont really care.
jiaxin so damn funny lah.
she threw the ____ to me in the middle of the class,
LOL like wth? den ltr niko threw one to ruby also.
stupid sia. we were laughing over it during maths lesson somemore.
i was very tired today lah, almost fell asleep in class.
after school i went home early cos got tuition.
slept for like only 45 mins.
cos my mom kept calling me up every now and then.
den we were discussing what to eat for dinner.
den in the end i rushing for time, i told her eat maggie mee. LOL.
having headache, cos the aircon too cold.
ya thats about it. tmr's good friday (:
going church, den maybe going out, still yet to plan for weekends.
im going broke soon. oh noooo.
mid year starts on 4th may. so damn fast. must start mugging now.
must do better than ct1. man, life sucks now. so empty.
i miss you.
i know im dumb to love you.
but sorry, i cant help it.
sometimes i really hate myself for being so stupid.
homework : english worksheet, chinese two passages, cme proj, maths revision.(for self studying for test)
anything, i dont really care.
jiaxin so damn funny lah.
she threw the ____ to me in the middle of the class,
LOL like wth? den ltr niko threw one to ruby also.
stupid sia. we were laughing over it during maths lesson somemore.
i was very tired today lah, almost fell asleep in class.
after school i went home early cos got tuition.
slept for like only 45 mins.
cos my mom kept calling me up every now and then.
den we were discussing what to eat for dinner.
den in the end i rushing for time, i told her eat maggie mee. LOL.
having headache, cos the aircon too cold.
ya thats about it. tmr's good friday (:
going church, den maybe going out, still yet to plan for weekends.
im going broke soon. oh noooo.
mid year starts on 4th may. so damn fast. must start mugging now.
must do better than ct1. man, life sucks now. so empty.
i miss you.
i know im dumb to love you.
but sorry, i cant help it.
sometimes i really hate myself for being so stupid.
homework : english worksheet, chinese two passages, cme proj, maths revision.(for self studying for test)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
lol today's julia's day. 4th april.
hahaha den mine will be 7th july :D
well anyway, today i very blur lah.
i took the wrong books from locker,
i forgot to take ruby's geog book and my physics wb -_-
after school went for infocomm. kinda sian la.
one sec one guy call leroy said i looked like happy tree friends -.-
den halfway through me and ruby went out to slack a while.
supposedly to be doing the stupid video thats yet to be filmed.
den for some reasons i dunno what i was feeling abit emo. LOL.
so ruby had this stupid thing that can make me smile somehow:

if only it happens. if only.
hahaha den mine will be 7th july :D
well anyway, today i very blur lah.
i took the wrong books from locker,
i forgot to take ruby's geog book and my physics wb -_-
after school went for infocomm. kinda sian la.
one sec one guy call leroy said i looked like happy tree friends -.-
den halfway through me and ruby went out to slack a while.
supposedly to be doing the stupid video thats yet to be filmed.
den for some reasons i dunno what i was feeling abit emo. LOL.
so ruby had this stupid thing that can make me smile somehow:

if only it happens. if only.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
joke of the day :
*jiaxin standing at my table away from the bin*
*throws paper into the dustbin*
*paper got into the bin*
"YEA!(to herself)"
nice joke of the day :
((ZONE-D)) [ JJ ][Baby] D4 ACCELERATE l l [D extra miles] l l God's 300 says:
"i plan smt fun for u la!"
"since u got nth to do.."
"go out with me n seah la"
"LOL you PLAN my day for ME ? HAHA im laughing"
hahaha how nice of him huh.
worse joke of the day :
at the bball court...
*weiqin running to celestine*
*stands infront of her*
*celestine drops ball immediately*
she must be so scared of her. lol.
worst joke of the day :
" eh clarence you going or not ? "
" no lah i see julia face dun wan go alr. know why? "
" later the pilot say passengers please fasten your seat belts."
" then julia will HUHHHHHHHHH ? "
HAHAHAHA. i cant believe im still laughing at this.
*jiaxin standing at my table away from the bin*
*throws paper into the dustbin*
*paper got into the bin*
"YEA!(to herself)"
nice joke of the day :
((ZONE-D)) [ JJ ][Baby] D4 ACCELERATE l l [D extra miles] l l God's 300 says:
"i plan smt fun for u la!"
"since u got nth to do.."
"go out with me n seah la"
"LOL you PLAN my day for ME ? HAHA im laughing"
hahaha how nice of him huh.
worse joke of the day :
at the bball court...
*weiqin running to celestine*
*stands infront of her*
*celestine drops ball immediately*
she must be so scared of her. lol.
worst joke of the day :
" eh clarence you going or not ? "
" no lah i see julia face dun wan go alr. know why? "
" later the pilot say passengers please fasten your seat belts."
" then julia will HUHHHHHHHHH ? "
HAHAHAHA. i cant believe im still laughing at this.
Happy Birthday cousin :D
i hope you've received my card already! lol.
well well. i think i should be going Australia.
yeaaa. unless some things changed my mind.
should be lah, should be. lol.
i forgot to bring home maths book.
den cannot do homework. damn it.
tmr shall go transfer answers into the book.
saw jerome on the way home.
he looked at me. i stare at him.
den i walk away. den he looked away.
lol dao dao! den saw melvin and roy.
melvin gave a sarcastic smile. den i walked the other way.
den saw trevor clarence they all.
i looked at them. they looked at me.
den i turned, and they turned.
LOL today is funny man.
den ruby and niko crapped on msn with me.
hello? leehom, westlife and tony rocks okay.
stupid bian tai. lol.
and dont anyhow write things on your pm. esp ____.
i love him ? maybe yes? maybe no? ha.
im too used to things that are always happening.
the things that dont change since like forever?
and if you didnt notice, i dont really care about it anymore.
although i still feel for ya, but seriously, its nothing to you at all.
i hope you've received my card already! lol.
well well. i think i should be going Australia.
yeaaa. unless some things changed my mind.
should be lah, should be. lol.
i forgot to bring home maths book.
den cannot do homework. damn it.
tmr shall go transfer answers into the book.
saw jerome on the way home.
he looked at me. i stare at him.
den i walk away. den he looked away.
lol dao dao! den saw melvin and roy.
melvin gave a sarcastic smile. den i walked the other way.
den saw trevor clarence they all.
i looked at them. they looked at me.
den i turned, and they turned.
LOL today is funny man.
den ruby and niko crapped on msn with me.
hello? leehom, westlife and tony rocks okay.
stupid bian tai. lol.
and dont anyhow write things on your pm. esp ____.
i love him ? maybe yes? maybe no? ha.
im too used to things that are always happening.
the things that dont change since like forever?
and if you didnt notice, i dont really care about it anymore.
although i still feel for ya, but seriously, its nothing to you at all.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
today passed damn fast lah.
bio damn funny, cos everyone was thinking of wad to eat after school instead of listening in class.
lol had a hard time thinking of where to go and all.
den in the end also lidat la. went to j8.
nothing much lah. ate and went back.
lol i saw westlife's single album!
wondering if i should buy. haas.
aww. and precious moments pillow is so sweeeeet.
i think i suddenly had alot of things to buy. lol shopping craze 0_o
cos its been long ever since i went out shopping or walk around.
especially orchard! man, i really miss going out.
i wanna go catch a movie too. anyone interested? lol blah.
and cos of tat stupid melvin's fone, he asked me to repay him by doing maths.
and i dunno how the hell to do la, for crying out loud 0.o
so since his fone is confiscated i cant call him, den his hse fone not in use -.-
so i think tmr hes gonna die, bcos of me again.
i think im so bad lah. but i really dunno how to do mah. lol.
and im so freaking confused over whether to go Australia fieldtrip or not.
my mom and dad want me to go, ruby dun wan me to go.
den if i go, ruby will be like forced by me.
den if i dun go, my whole family(including msia's family) will say me stupid lah.
cos they want me to go for this kinda rare opportunity. =\
i wana go, but then 7 days, like damn long, somemore i still going back msia also.
but if i dun go like abit wasted also. but if i really go i'll like cant really bear to leave.
sian lah. helppppppp!
i realised usually the start of the month nothing ever goes well.
bio damn funny, cos everyone was thinking of wad to eat after school instead of listening in class.
lol had a hard time thinking of where to go and all.
den in the end also lidat la. went to j8.
nothing much lah. ate and went back.
lol i saw westlife's single album!
wondering if i should buy. haas.
aww. and precious moments pillow is so sweeeeet.
i think i suddenly had alot of things to buy. lol shopping craze 0_o
cos its been long ever since i went out shopping or walk around.
especially orchard! man, i really miss going out.
i wanna go catch a movie too. anyone interested? lol blah.
and cos of tat stupid melvin's fone, he asked me to repay him by doing maths.
and i dunno how the hell to do la, for crying out loud 0.o
so since his fone is confiscated i cant call him, den his hse fone not in use -.-
so i think tmr hes gonna die, bcos of me again.
i think im so bad lah. but i really dunno how to do mah. lol.
and im so freaking confused over whether to go Australia fieldtrip or not.
my mom and dad want me to go, ruby dun wan me to go.
den if i go, ruby will be like forced by me.
den if i dun go, my whole family(including msia's family) will say me stupid lah.
cos they want me to go for this kinda rare opportunity. =\
i wana go, but then 7 days, like damn long, somemore i still going back msia also.
but if i dun go like abit wasted also. but if i really go i'll like cant really bear to leave.
sian lah. helppppppp!
i realised usually the start of the month nothing ever goes well.
Monday, April 02, 2007
happy April fool's day! (:
ruby's the first one to wish me.
cos she say its my day. LOL.
okay whatever.
happy birthday queenie! (:
in order not to pangseh huijun i went for cell today.
damn tired can. i havent had enough sleep.
so in the end i didnt go for service.
so i went to buy my cousin's birthday card.
damn it precious moments things damn expensive can.
and i stood there for like 30 mins just to pick a sweeet card.
LOL like wth. no one to ask also. im still indecisive anyway. sheesh.
so now im trying to get a stamp for oversea one.
yeaa and my mom's gonna help me. cool.
so went to sleep, then my mom kept waking me up ask me do hw.
i dragged the time for like 2 hours, den i finally woke up.
ha. okay whatever.
april's resolutions:
` shall not pon cca
` shall lose weight and make sure i dont exceed 160cm
` start studying cos mid year starts in early may
` avoid being stressed :)
` must know how to differentiate whos ms komati and ms david
` get my bedsheet changed! my current one sucks
` not to be late for church and cell
` save money for memory stick
` stop thinking so much about you
` try not to be emo!
happy April everyone!
i was fooled by clarence and wayne! SO DUMB lah. lol.
ruby's the first one to wish me.
cos she say its my day. LOL.
okay whatever.
happy birthday queenie! (:
in order not to pangseh huijun i went for cell today.
damn tired can. i havent had enough sleep.
so in the end i didnt go for service.
so i went to buy my cousin's birthday card.
damn it precious moments things damn expensive can.
and i stood there for like 30 mins just to pick a sweeet card.
LOL like wth. no one to ask also. im still indecisive anyway. sheesh.
so now im trying to get a stamp for oversea one.
yeaa and my mom's gonna help me. cool.
so went to sleep, then my mom kept waking me up ask me do hw.
i dragged the time for like 2 hours, den i finally woke up.
ha. okay whatever.
april's resolutions:
` shall not pon cca
` shall lose weight and make sure i dont exceed 160cm
` start studying cos mid year starts in early may
` avoid being stressed :)
` must know how to differentiate whos ms komati and ms david
` get my bedsheet changed! my current one sucks
` not to be late for church and cell
` save money for memory stick
` stop thinking so much about you
` try not to be emo!
happy April everyone!
i was fooled by clarence and wayne! SO DUMB lah. lol.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
im finally back from camp! (:
camp was serious rather than fun -.-
yeah, so for the whole two days all we did was just to plan.
you know, plan and plan and plan =\
he taught us the skills on how a leader should plan and all.
we had this little stuffs on planning and all.
my grp got julia, eunice, si wen, siti, yanyee, andy,chengran and suzanne.
all very nice to work with :D hahaa.
had quite a nice time lah, together with our facilitator jinfa.
i talked quite alot during the camp, dunno why. ha.
we need to stay up late to plan for our plan last night.
we stayed up to 1.30am in the morning ? den 6am woke up.
so was dead tired today loh, when i came home at around 7pm.
alot of things happened lah, also got happy moments together. lol.
yeaa, so had a very nice two days with friends la :D
sorry melvin and chengmeng.
we didnt mean it. i'll apologise to you in school on mon.
ms ming wont change her mind one. who ask you act smart lah -.-
however, i dont know chengmeng though. lol.
so... sorry melvin! i feel bad too.
after days youre still not okay.
i wish i could do something. but yet i know i cant do anything.
but i hope you'll know at least theres someone who cares for you.
thats me.
camp was serious rather than fun -.-
yeah, so for the whole two days all we did was just to plan.
you know, plan and plan and plan =\
he taught us the skills on how a leader should plan and all.
we had this little stuffs on planning and all.
my grp got julia, eunice, si wen, siti, yanyee, andy,chengran and suzanne.
all very nice to work with :D hahaa.
had quite a nice time lah, together with our facilitator jinfa.
i talked quite alot during the camp, dunno why. ha.
we need to stay up late to plan for our plan last night.
we stayed up to 1.30am in the morning ? den 6am woke up.
so was dead tired today loh, when i came home at around 7pm.
alot of things happened lah, also got happy moments together. lol.
yeaa, so had a very nice two days with friends la :D
sorry melvin and chengmeng.
we didnt mean it. i'll apologise to you in school on mon.
ms ming wont change her mind one. who ask you act smart lah -.-
however, i dont know chengmeng though. lol.
so... sorry melvin! i feel bad too.
after days youre still not okay.
i wish i could do something. but yet i know i cant do anything.
but i hope you'll know at least theres someone who cares for you.
thats me.

its a test to tell you what your personality is when youre working as a group with people.
yeah. its so cool. theres D, I, S, and C .
im the S one. a PURE S (:
it says im a stable person, and i'll struggle when changes takes place.
which is very true. if sudden changes happen i might not take it or sth.
and then they nvr say further more liao -.-
but still, its cool. wahahaa.
this kinda things are sooooo interesting can.
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