Tuesday, April 17, 2007

im SO inspired by what JULIA posted on her blog.
its very motivating, and it really can screw your mind.
wow im so so overwhelmed. nice one.
i shall promote her sayings, at the same time spreading her words.

"stop regretting over nothing,
cause every action has a reaction.
so what if the reaction is bad?
you can only blame yourself.
stop reapproaching yourself,
what's done is done,
no point thinking back.
if you keep looking back,
you'll never get to the front.
stop being guilty for your acts,
so what if you made a mistake?
you are still a human,
and humans do make mistakes
so just accept it and move on.
the world won't change for you,
and it's time you change for the world.
lastly, you don't and won't get my sympathy,
so just be optimistic and lead a happy life. "

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