Keep going.
Bus rides are very draining but i love them still.
Don't know why but maybe they allow me to think of things and get inspirations.
I like to sit by the window and look at the sceneries outside :D
Probably because i had been doing this from young so i'm kinda used to it.
But i hardly take buses now due to wanting to travel faster to save time.
Which is a very good thing cos i don't think so much now! Haha.
So the main point is just : changes.
We should embrace them cos they just happen.
I think i'm feeling a little more emotional today lah, haha.
So anyway, church as usual today.
Short day, just did some art & crafts with the kids.
Was feeling quite restless...probably cos i didn't have a good morning.
Yeah, mornings affect me cos they're usually what drives my day.
I don't like it when people just simply keep on bragging about things which totally makes no sense to me and makes me feel very offended and wronged.
I also dislike it when people irritate me to the extent where i need to retaliate back but don't feel any better either.
And the only person who can and always make me angry or frustrated is the president, my mother -.-
I think she's probably one of the many women who is so temperamental until when i came upon people in the social circle outside i could actually handle them easier -_-"
Not complaining about her though, just reflecting my thoughts.
I think the YOG is currently the very happening thing everyone is talking about now.
And i don't even know much about it.
Can't be bothered also la, i'm better off in my own world hahaha.
Oh, currently into chinese songs lately.
Had been quite some time since i exposed myself to chineseeee.
So, another week is here again. Time to study!
V scared to start on past year papers on accounts, lol.
Hope i can do the questions, cos the feeling of not knowing how to do and not getting the answers is very very demoralising.
Yeah so jiayou to myself~