Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hello world!

This morning i was blog-hopping and i saw some very interesting stuffs at other people's blogs.
So i've decided to join in the fun too! Heh.
There is this "30 day challenge thing" & this "30-letter challenge" thing.
I've put up the whole list at the left column here in my page.
It's about blogging about whatever topic in the whole 30-thingy.
So i thought i could do on that too since i'm quite free now with no school and it could probably enhance my blog's chimness, hahaha.
Well and i thought it's quite cool cos it's a platform for me to say out some stuffs i would probably never say if nobody asked.
So i shall start now! :)

Letter 1: Your best friend
Dear YJ,

Hehe, i don't know if you would see this (cos i purposely wrote your name here) but doesn't matter if you didn't lah. Other than ruby who was my best friend back then in sec school, the next one is you! :) Actually to be frank, i think the term "best friend" is very subjective, and if to think of an ideal best friend, i can say i don't have one. But then again, you're almost almost there already so the only person closest to my best friend is you :)

Thank you for being such a great friend in my life. I know i'm a heavy user of your printer last year for printing all the notes and i always flood your msn window with all my craps and stuffs. Thanks for lending me your ear during times when i needed one. Although i know you're someone who doesn't express out your feelings/emotions but it's okay cos i know you well enough to interpret how you feel! I really really desperately hope that we can be in the same class next semester, but even if it's otherwise, i will still choose to hang out with you whenever i'm free! Friends forever!


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