Friday, September 10, 2010

For a lifetime :)

Life has been boring lately, though i've been quite busy as well.
Doesn't really feel like it's exam period now cos of the many plans going on, haha.
But well, i'll spend my next two days finish studying cos apparently time is really running out!
September's gonna be a busy month for me and time is passing by fast cos it's already mid sept soon!

Anyway, i'm having second thoughts about wanting to go uni now.
I don't know is getting so crazy now and currently uni life seemed very stressful too(i think poly & jc are stressing enough alr).
So many factors are tugging between having experiences and having certs.
Oh well...decisions, decisions.
But whatever it is, getting good grades are still essential to me for now.
In fact, getting into one isn't easy at all for poly grads, and my gpa isn't that fabulous now anw.
Hurhur, just some random thoughts.

Oh on a side note, my cousin who's staying in the same room as me is moving out soon.
No idea why she decided to leave but i guess it's for the better...maybe cos of some personal reasons, i don't know.
Sometimes some things just happen and some changes just occur without you even realising until when it gets really obvious.
And what's worse is when you know but you don't know exactly what or why.
Tsktsk...communication gap bah, sigh.
Anyway, so in a months' time it's gonna be left with my other cousin with me and i'll be back with my own room! :)
I think i'm going to re-organize everything, kekeke.

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